In an alternate history in which the Plantagenets still rule in England, France, and the New World, and where the science of magic has displaced the magic of science, Lord Darcy is the official representative of King John IV to investigate murders and other bizarre crimes, and Master Sean O Lochlainn his forensic magician sidekick. An Azteque prince is sacrificed at the top of an abandoned Azteque pyramid in New England, his heart torn from his chest in a fashion discarded hundreds of years earlier. Unless Darcy and Sean can uncover the how and why of the crime, the fragile peace between the Angevin settlers of New England and the Azteque Empire may soon be broken. Another first-class authorized continuation of the magical detective series begun by the late Randall Garrett.
Future Tense Fiction is a collection of electrifying original stories from a veritable who’s-who of authors working in speculative literature and science fiction today. Featuring Carmen Maria Machado, Emily St. John Mandel, Charlie Jane Anders, Nnedi Okorafor, Paolo Bacigalupi, Madeline Ashby, Mark Oshiro, Meg Elison, Maureen F. McHugh, Deji Bryce Olukotun, Hannu Rajaniemi, Annalee Newitz, Lee Konstantinou, and Mark Stasenko― Future Tense Fiction points the way forward to the fiction of tomorrow. A disease surveillance robot whose social programming gets put to the test. A future in which everyone receives universal basic income―but it’s still not enough. A futuristic sport, in which all the athletes have been chemically and physically enhanced. An A.I. company that manufactures a neural bridge allowing ordinary people to share their memories. Brimming with excitement and exploring new ideas, the stories collected by the editors of Slate’s Future Tense are philosophically ambitious and haunting in their creativity. At times terrifying and heart-wrenching, hilarious and optimistic, this is a collection that ushers in a new age for our world and for the short story. A partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University, Future Tense explores how emerging technologies will change the way we live, in reality and fiction. Future Tense Fiction is a collection of original fiction commissioned by the partnership.
Hours of great reading await, with tales of war and military adventure by some of the greatest writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. Ranging from classics of the Civil War to the World Wars to the future of war – and many other battlefields – here more than 640 pages of military fiction! Included are the complete novel «The Red Badge of Courage,» pulp stories by Arthur J. Burks, Johnston McCulley, Norman A. Daniels; science fiction by randall Garrett, Harry Harrison, Lester Del Rey; classics by Ambrose Bierce, Jules Verne, and Rudyard Kipling; and much, much more. (And don't forget to search for «Wildside Press Megapack» to find all the other great titles in this series.)
Included in this volume:
THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE, by Stephen Crane CAPTAINS VENOMOUS, by Arthur J. Burks A SAHIBS’ WAR, by Rudyard Kipling WHIRLWIND SQUADRON, by Robert W. Nealey THEY DIED IN VAIN, by George Bruce THE BLOCKADE RUNNERS, by Jules Verne IN THE CLUTCH OF THE TURK, by Benge Atlee THE CRIME OF THE BRIGADIER, by Arthur Conan Doyle AN OCCURRENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE, by Ambrose Bierce WHISPERING DEATH, by Laurence Donovan A ONE-MAN NAVY, by Eugene Cunningham WHEN A YANK GETS FIGHTING MAD, by Lieut. Jay D. Blaufox A MYSTERY OF HEROISM, by Stephen Crane THE PRIVATE HISTORY OF A CAMPAIGN THAT FAILED, by Mark Twain WITHOUT THE BLUE, by Johnston McCulley PRIVATE WAR, by Norman A. Daniels THE CLOUD WIZARD, by David Goodis KILLER ACE, by David Goodis THE FLY, by Katherine Mansfield THE COLONEL’S IDEAS, by Guy de Maupassant THREE MIRACULOUS SOLDIERS, by Stephen Crane NAVY DAY, by Harry Harrison VICTORY, by Lester del Rey THE DEFENDERS, by Philip K. Dick THE DESTROYERS, by Randall Garrett
And don't forget to search on «megapack» to see other great volumes in this series, covering everything from science fiction to westerns to ghost stories…and everything in between!
A time traveler voyates half a million years into the future in an attempt to find two previous explorers who have failed to return. What he finds is a world as completely different from ours, as ours is different from when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. He encounters several new intelligent peoples whom he names: «The Amphibians,» «The Killers,» and «The Dwellers.»<P>
THE AMPHIBIANS tied for 7th on the Arkham Survey of «Basic Science Fiction Titles» in 1949. It ranked 28th on the 1952 Astounding All-Time Poll for books. Although clearly influence by H.G. Wells' THE TIME MACHINE, it remains an intriguing and highly imaginative work.<P>
Originally published in 1925. This edition takes its text from the revised 1951 edition.
Две антиутопии в стиле классической si-fi, где есть и космос, и флаеры, и внеземные технологии, и любовь, ради которой можно всё пройти или всё разрушить.
Человечество выжило после covid-19, но на смену ему пришел новый вирус. Что произойдет с людьми за три года, пока смертельно опасная зараза властвует над людьми? Что случится за один день, если будущее покрыто пеленой мрака?
Юлия Петрова – журналист, блогер, общественный деятель, автор повестей и рассказов на разных языках. Как признается она сама, писала всегда, сколько себя помнит. От статей в популярных изданиях до серьезных литературных произведений в разных жанрах. Сборник «Взгляд сквозь время» автор представляет читателям под псевдонимом Петерс. В книгу вошли фантастические рассказы, которые можно назвать пробами пера. Юлия изображает будущее человечества с немалой долей иронии, указывая на типичные недостатки человеческой натуры. При этом оперирует простым языком, добавляющим колорита всему происходящему. В сборнике читатель найдет три произведения – «Ставка «наудачу»», «Аукцион», «Игра». Открывает книгу рассказ о том, как человечество, объединившись перед лицом общего инопланетного врага, одерживает победу, но быстро забывает о всеобщей дружбе и вечных ценностях. Мгновенно погрузившись в новый виток междоусобицы, люди не догадываются, с какой угрозой им еще предстоит столкнуться. Читая эти рассказы, невольно задумываешься: а ведь и правда, на что мы тратим бесценные ресурсы – свои собственные и планеты в целом? Неужели те ложные идеалы, к которым мы слепо стремимся всю жизнь, и есть высшая цель? А может, еще есть время пересмотреть приоритеты и избрать другой путь? Пока кто-нибудь не сделал беспроигрышную ставку на планету Земля.
Ian Lane is fifty-seven years old and he thinks his country is about to be invaded by force of arms and have its lifestyle and culture changed forever. So he leaves his executive corporate position and decides to rely on his suddenly budding career as a novelist to support himself, his wife and ten-year-old daughter. They set out on a long dreamed of caravan trip around Australia while the country's northern neighbours become more and more determined that Australia should join the powerful Northern Alliance voluntarily – or risk being compelled to do so by force of arms. Australia's allies adopt a wait-and-see attitude while the country bubbles with internal and external conflict and turmoil. When the invasion begins Ian and his wife and daughter are camped at an isolated lagoon deep in the northern outback – prisoners in their own land watching the invaders swarm down the centre of the continent. A Vietnam Veteran – Ian longs to play a part in defending his land. But what can he do when he is stranded in the middle of nowhere?<br><br>By chance or destiny he finds a fissure through a wall of desert rock that takes him 252 years into the future. There he finds an ally and access to technology that will help him in his quest to serve his country, and he gains a glimpse at the future that gives him hope for the present. He also finds a new but impossible romantic relationship that inspires and confuses at the same time.
In 2026 the Devastation destroyed almost everything; buildings toppled, forests fell, animals died, humanity was nearly wiped out. Only children survived, aged twelve years and under. Those that were not crushed by the falling buildings wandered through dust filled streets finding the others. Bonding together they formed their own clans and watched the world regrow from death to a morphed and mutated form.<br><br>For six years they have lived their new life, fought to survive the new terrors that science had created and inadvertently set free. Now aged eighteen the elders have created laws and rules, guidelines for all within their clans to follow, but one clan will change everything.<br><br>Alongside the good grows evil and evil has to spread, it has to hold power and control, has to destroy the good. A selected few from each of the clans must join together, as they are pulled by the evil that draws them to the unknown hell where it resides. As the clans fight amongst themselves and their differences, two leaders strive to rise above when they realise only together can they fight to continue their survival.
Classic science fiction from the creator of the Dumarest saga, this early tale by E.C. Tubb has not been seen since its first appearance in 1952.