На подлете – корабль Судного дня , человечество, похоже, обречено на вымирание. Повсюду в мире новость о приближающемся конце света породила хаос, мародерство и крах системы законности. На фоне крушения основ цивилизации Джек и Миа включаются в гонку с самим временем в попытке найти ответ на главный вопрос: почему инопланетная раса периодически стирает жизнь с «лица» Земли? Может быть, ключ, способный остановить этот цикл вымираний, скрывается в хромосоме Зальцбурга? Чтобы разрешить загадку, им предстоит погрузиться в опасный мир внеземной цивилизации и встретиться лицом к лицу с существами, породившими нас.
Представители знатных родов Священной империи Взаимозависимых государств и Торговых гильдий наконец-то начинают осознавать доказанный учеными факт, что течения Потока, связывающего воедино миры Вселенной, иссякают и связи между обжитыми планетами скоро будут оборваны. Но вместо того чтобы думать о спасении населения всех миров, имперская знать озабочена лишь двумя проблемами: как ей спастись самой, эмигрировав на планету Край, единственно приспособленную для жизни, и как отстранить от власти законную правительницу империи, призывающую к совместным действиям ради выхода из гибельной ситуации. И в борьбе за спасение человечества императрица Грейланд Вторая решается на последний шаг… «Разорванное пространство» завершает новую масштабную космооперу от одного из ярчайших на сегодняшний день мастеров мировой фантастики. Впервые на русском!
<P>Contemporary visions of the future have been shaped by hopes and fears about the effects of human technology and global capitalism on the natural world. In an era of climate change, mass extinction, and oil shortage, such visions have become increasingly catastrophic, even apocalyptic. Exploring the close relationship between science fiction, ecology, and environmentalism, the essays in Green Planets consider how science fiction writers have been working through this crisis. Beginning with H. G. Wells and passing through major twentieth-century writers like Ursula K. Le Guin, Stanislaw Lem, and Thomas Disch to contemporary authors like Margaret Atwood, China Mi&#233;ville, and Paolo Bacigalupi—as well as recent blockbuster films like Avatar and District 9—the essays in Green Planets consider the important place for science fiction in a culture that now seems to have a very uncertain future. The book includes an extended interview with Kim Stanley Robinson and an annotated list for further exploration of «ecological SF» and related works of fiction, nonfiction, films, television, comics, children's cartoons, anime, video games, music, and more. </P><P>Contributors include Christina Alt, Brent Bellamy, Sabine H&#246;hler, Adeline Johns-Putra, Melody Jue, Rob Latham, Andrew Milner, Timothy Morton, Eric C. Otto, Michael Page, Christopher Palmer, Gib Prettyman, Elzette Steenkamp, Imre Szeman.</P>
<P>Science fiction emerged in Russia considerably earlier than its English version and instantly became the hallmark of Russian modernity. We Modern People investigates why science fiction appeared here, on the margins of Europe, before the genre had even been named, and what it meant for people who lived under conditions that Leon Trotsky famously described as «combined and uneven development.» Russian science fiction was embraced not only in literary circles and popular culture, but also by scientists, engineers, philosophers, and political visionaries. Anindita Banerjee explores the handful of well-known early practitioners, such as Briusov, Bogdanov, and Zamyatin, within a much larger continuum of new archival material comprised of journalism, scientific papers, popular science texts, advertisements, and independent manifestos on social transformation. In documenting the unusual relationship between Russian science fiction and Russian modernity, this book offers a new critical perspective on the relationship between science, technology, the fictional imagination, and the consciousness of being modern.</P>
<P>To the short list that includes Jules Verne and H.G. Wells as founding fathers of science fiction, the name of the Belgian writer J.-H. Rosny A&#238;n&#233; must be added. He was the first writer to conceive, and attempt to narrate, the workings of aliens and alternate life forms. His fascination with evolutionary scenarios, and long historical vistas, from first man to last man, are important precursors to the myriad cosmic epics of modern science fiction. Until now, his work has been virtually unknown and unavailable in the English-speaking world, but it is crucial for our understanding of the genre. Three wonderfully imaginative novellas are included in this volume. «The Xipehuz» is a prehistoric tale in which the human species battles strange geometric alien life forms. «Another World» is the story of a mysterious being who does not live in the same acoustic and temporal world as humans. «The Death of the Earth» is a scientifically uncompromising Last Man story. The book includes an insightful critical introduction that places Rosny's work within the context of evolutionary biology.</P>
<P>For centuries, the planet Mars has captivated astronomers and inspired writers of all genres. Whether imagined as the symbol of the bloody god of war, the cradle of an alien species, or a possible new home for human civilization, our closest planetary neighbor has played a central role in how we think about ourselves in the universe. From Galileo to Kim Stanley Robinson, Robert Crossley traces the history of our fascination with the red planet as it has evolved in literature both fictional and scientific. Crossley focuses specifically on the interplay between scientific discovery and literary invention, exploring how writers throughout the ages have tried to assimilate or resist new planetary knowledge. Covering texts from the 1600s to the present, from the obscure to the classic, Crossley shows how writing about Mars has reflected the desires and social controversies of each era. This astute and elegant study is perfect for science fiction fans and readers of popular science.</P>
<P>Join the Abominable Snowman as, determined to transcend his cannibalistic past, he studies Tibetan Buddhism under the Dalai Lama. Pace the walls of Ilium with fair Helen as she tries to convince both sides to abandon their absurd Trojan War. Visit the nursery of Zenobia Garber, born to a Pennsylvania farm couple who accept her for the uncanny little biosphere she is. Scramble aboard the raft built by the passengers and crew of the sinking Titanic—and don't be surprised when the vessel transmutes into a world even more astonishing than the original Ship of Dreams. Reality by Other Means offers readers the most celebrated results from James Morrow's thirty-five-year career designing fictive thought experiments. Anchored by seven previously uncollected stories, this omnibus ranges from social satire to theological hijinks, steampunk escapades to philosophical antics.</P>
<P>As a geometric term, parabola suggests a narrative trajectory or story arc. In science fiction, parabolas take us from the known to the unknown. More concrete than themes, more complex than motifs, parabolas are combinations of meaningful setting, character, and action that lend themselves to endless redefinition and jazzlike improvisation. The fourteen original essays in this collection explore how the field of science fiction has developed as a complex of repetitions, influences, arguments, and broad conversations. This particular feature of the genre has been the source of much critical commentary, most notably through growing interest in the «sf megatext,» a continually expanding archive of shared images, situations, plots, characters, settings, and themes found in science fiction across media. Contributors include Jane Donawerth, Terry Dowling, L. Timmel Duchamp, Rachel Haywood Ferreira, Pawel Frelik, David M. Higgins, Amy J. Ransom, John Rieder, Nicholas Ruddick, Graham Sleight, Gary K. Wolfe, and Lisa Yaszek.</P>
В далеком будущем, когда границы исчезли, а человечество наконец стало одной большой семьей, был организован дерзкий проект – Ковчег Селены, лунная база, хранящая всю историю человечества, все накопленные знания и весь генофонд голубой планеты. Кто же мог знать, что однажды ее используют по прямому назначению. Группа астронавтов, заступившая на смену, стала свидетелем гибели земной цивилизации, прямо на их глазах астероид уничтожил всё, что они любили и знали. И теперь эти последние 50 человек должны решить: где их дом, на Луне или на погибшей планете? И что сильнее: страх неизвестности или долг перед человечеством?