Diese Ausgabe enthält die Gesangsmelodie, Lyrics und Akkorde zum Song 'Halt dich an deiner Liebe fest', von der Band Ton Steine Scherben. // This edition contains the vocal melody, lyrics and chords of the Song 'Halt dich an deiner Liebe fest', by the Band Ton Steine Scherben.
Пособие входит в программно-методический комплекс «Радуга». С помощью предлагаемых материалов педагоги смогут организовать работу по реализации образовательной области «Художественно-эстетическое развитие» в соответствии с ФГОС дошкольного образования, а именно по музыкальному развитию детей во всех возрастных группах детского сада. В книге реализован инновационный подход к элементарному музицированию, основанный на принципе соединения нескольких видов деятельности (логоритмики, игр со звуком, игры на музыкальных инструментах, театрализованной игры, художественного творчества). Пособие адресовано педагогам дошкольных образовательных организаций.
На протяжении многих веков гитара считается неиссякаемым источником вдохновения. Дэвид Шиллер предлагает убедиться в этом, мастерски собирая воедино двести моделей струнных орудий, от Red Special Брайана Мэя до Chrystasalis Тима Уайта. Автор поистине влюблен в инструмент: с восторженным увлечением и вниманием к деталям он рассказывает как о моделях инструментов, так и о культовых музыкантах, которые играли на них. Читать такую книгу – целое визуальное удовольствие из-за мастерски подобранных иллюстраций и манеры письма автора. В книге собраны все наиболее знаменитые и важные модели гитар от начала XX века до наших дней, а их история написана удивительно живым и интересным языком. Гитара – самый очаровательный инструмент, в чем вы непременно убедитесь, стоит вам прочесть первую же страницу.
Record on a tablet or in your home studio Capture live sounds or record virtual instruments Edit, mix, and master your final tracks Record like a pro—wherever you want You no longer need an expensive professional studio to record pitch-perfect music. Today, the tools to create high-fidelity, multi-track audio are found on computers, tablets, and even smartphones. This friendly, no-jargon guide from a master musician, composer, and recording engineer shows you how to use technology to lay down, edit, mix, and master your ideas. Along the way you'll get insider tips that help you create your sound and transform your good recordings into great ones. Inside… Acquire the right hardware Find the ideal recording space Get to know different mics Record live or virtual sounds Get rhythmic with tracks and loops Enhance and edit tracks Polish songs to perfection Distribute your finished product
Start from scratch on the five-string banjo Learn how to make your right and left hands work together Explore bluegrass and old-time banjo styles Join the banjo revolution! Thanks to its prevalence in folk and bluegrass, the banjo is almost the very essence of Americana. And now a new generation of musicians from the country, pop, and jazz worlds have made the sound of the banjo new again. This book is for anyone who wants to pay their respects to tradition as well as those who want to create the next chart-topper … or both! Packed with the essentials you need to know—from top techniques to choosing the right instrument—you'll learn, and be able to show off, just why the banjo is never out of style! Inside… Tackle the basics with chords and simple picking patterns Explore historic, traditional, and modern styles Get connected with the banjo world Go beyond the book with online lessons
Select the right guitar and accessories Learn the riffs and scales that define the blues Play solid blues rhythm or step out for a solo Recreate the sounds of the blues masters Want to play the blues? Can't read music? No problem! This fun, accessible guide shows you how to play blues scales, chords, progressions, riffs, and solos. Learn about the structure of a blues song, including intros, turnarounds, and endings. Master the art of articulation, dynamics, and phrasing. From Delta blues and modern blues to blues rock, you'll see how to use today's guitars, amplifiers, and effects to play a wide variety of styles, with hands-on guidance on changing strings for when you really boogie down. Inside Explore acoustic and electric styles Perform common blues scales Learn song structures and improvise leads Follow the history of the blues Choose the best equipment to accentuate your sound Get to know legendary blues artists and albums
Build strength and consistency as you play Practice with warm-ups, scales, arpeggios, and chords Play full-length pieces and songs Sharpen your guitar-playing skills This practice-oriented playbook is packed with hands-on technique builders, from warm-up exercises with scales to arpeggios, chords, and more. Brush up on guitar notation, wake up your fingers, and develop strength, speed, and dexterity. With more than 300 exercises in various keys, drills to perfect your playing, tips to maximize your practice time, and performance pieces to test your expanding skills, you'll be strumming the strings like a pro in no time. Inside… A review of the fundamentals How to release tension and improve breathing Technique building exercises Scales, scale sequences, arpeggios, arpeggio sequences, and chords Ways to improve your musicianship
Since the first edition was published in 2009, Patrik Wikström's <i>The Music Industry</i> has become a go-to text for students and scholars. This thoroughly updated third edition provides an international overview of the music industry and its future prospects in the world of global entertainment.<br /><br />The music industry has experienced two turbulent decades of immense change brought about in part by the digital revolution. How has the industry been transformed by these economic and technological upheavals, and how is it likely to change in the future? What is the role of music in this digital age? Wikström illuminates the workings of the industry, deftly capturing the dynamics at work in the production of musical culture between the transnational media conglomerates, the independent music companies and the public. New to this third edition are expanded sections on the changing structure of the music industry, the impact of digitization on music listening practices, and the evolution of music streaming platforms.<br /><br />Engaging and comprehensive, <i>The Music Industry</i> is a must-read for students and scholars of media and communication studies, cultural studies, popular music, sociology and economics.