Морские приключения

Различные книги в жанре Морские приключения

Наварин (Собрание сочинений)

Владимир Шигин

Шигина посвящен событиям российской истории 20-х годов XIX. Используя редкие архивные материалы и мемуары, автор во всех подробностях описывает плавание эскадры балтийского флота в Средиземное море в 1827 году, соединение с английской и французской эскадрами и победное сражение с турецким флотом в Наваринской бухте. Среди героев книги адмиралы Л. Гейден и М. Лазарев, а также лейтенанты и мичманы П. Нахимов, В. Корнилов. В. Истомин и другие, с впоследствии знаменитые российские флотоводцы. Как всегда, Владимир Шигин интересно и со знанием дела описывает быт русских моряков того времени, их службу на кораблях и отдых на берегу. Вторая часть книги посвящена событиям забытой сегодня русско-турецкой войны 1828–1829 годов. Подробно описаны боевые действия русской армии и на Кавказе, в частности, штурм крепости Эривань (современного Еревана) и освобождения ее от турок. Мало кто знает, что в 1829 году победоносная русская армия, как никогда ранее, была близка к захвату Стамбула. Наши войска стояли всего в нескольких верстах от турецкой столицы… Прочитав книгу, Вы узнаете, почему фельдмаршал Дибич не решился войти в Стамбул, который лежал у его ног, почему российский адмирал Рикорд отказался стать первым президентом Греции. Почему император Николай Первый присвоил чин контр-адмирала русского флота предводительнице греческих корсаров Ласкарине Бубулине и еще много чего нового и интересного для себя. Исторический роман «Наварин» написан хорошим литературным языком, поэтому читается легко и увлекательно.

Life #6

Diana Wagman

Critically acclaimed author Diana Wagman brings us the suspenseful and emotionally exhilarating story of a woman facing death today, as well as thirty years ago. Fiona's marriage is crumbling, and she has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Caught up in a wave of memories as she faces her own mortality, Fiona recalls the previous times in her life when she nearly died, including a fateful boat trip with her former boyfriend, Luc. Fleeing her struggling marriage, Fiona rendezvous with Luc. In the process, she relives the harrowing boat trip from three decades earlier, which permanently altered her life. Now that Fiona desperately needs Luc to save her, will he be the man she remembers? Or will she discover heartbreak again?An adventurous and stirring tale inspired by Diana Wagman's own experience at sea, Life #6 explores the hope and folly of youth, how we react when we're pushed to the brink, the regrets of love lost, and the many ways we die and are renewed throughout our lives.

Мыс Трафальгар

Артуро Перес-Реверте

Трафальгарское сражение – крупнейшее морское сражение Наполеоновских войн между англичанами и испано-французской коалицией. Оно состоялось 21 октября 1805 года у мыса Трафальгар. Битва длилась 12 часов, англичанами командовал знаменитый адмирал Нельсон. Англичане захватили и уничтожили 18 из 33 кораблей противника. Союзники потеряли также около 7000 бойцов, в то время как англичане всего полторы тысячи. Такие факты выдают нам учебники. Но Артуро Перес-Реверте в своем романе рисует более подробную и убедительную картину того, что на самом деле произошло в тот осенний день. Итак, мокрая палуба «Энсертена» покачивается под ногами от легкой зыби, что тревожит морскую гладь в тридцати милях к зюйд-осту от Кадиса. Капитан-лейтенант Луи Келеннек вот-вот попадет на страницы учебников истории, однако сам пока еще не знает об этом. А не то первые слова, произнесенные им на рассвете 29 вандемьера XIV года, были бы иными…

Gulliver's Travels (Wisehouse Classics Edition - with original color illustrations by Arthur Rackham)

Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (with the original color illustrations by Arthur Rackham). In Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships, commonly known as GULLIVER'S TRAVELS (1726, amended 1735), is a prose satire by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the «travellers' tales» literary subgenre. It is Swift's best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature. The book became popular as soon as it was published. John Gay wrote in a 1726 letter to Swift that «It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery.» Since then, it has never been out of print. (more on www.wisehouse-classics.com)

Treasure Island (Wisehouse Classics Edition - With Original Illustrations by Louis Rhead)

Robert Louis Stevenson

TREASURE ISLAND is an adventure novel by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of «buccaneers and buried gold». It was originally serialized in the children's magazine Young Folks between 1881 through 1882 under the title Treasure Island, or the mutiny of the Hispaniola, credited to the pseudonym «Captain George North». It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. Treasure Island is traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, and is noted for its atmosphere, characters, and action. It is also noted as a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality-as seen in Long John Silver-unusual for children's literature. It is one of the most frequently dramatized of all novels. Its influence is enormous on popular perceptions of pirates, including such elements as treasure maps marked with an "X", schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen bearing parrots on their shoulders.


Miles M Hudson

The year is 2089, and technologists have developed a system for remotely tapping into the optic and auditory nerves of all humans. Everything that people see and hear is detected and published publicly online; nothing can be secret. It is the ultimate surveillance society. After the devastating Times of Malthus though, that’s what the people wanted – we chose to be watched at all times. Jack Smith, one of the surveillance monitors, blows up the old GCHQ building in Cheltenham, destroying the surveillance computers. He goes on the run across post-apocalyptic Gloucestershire, with old friend Vicky Truva. The two are chased by a ragtag posse, including Vicky’s brothers, intent on bringing the apparent revolutionaries to justice. However, the fugitives have the advantage that the information and surveillance network is down. Can Jack and Vicky evade capture, and survive hunger and thirst on the River Severn, for long enough that the people will realise how much better their lives are without the surveillance? Or will they be caught and convicted as the worst terrorists in fifty years?

Adventure Book For Teens: Cool Things To Do For Teens

Speedy Publishing LLC

Some call the teen years the «best years of their life.» Throughout all the changes and ups and downs, this pivotal time between childhood and adulthood should be enjoyed to the fullest. With this innovative adventure book rich with «cool» things to do for teens, teenagers can make memories during these monumental years that will last a lifetime. Order your copy today.

Adventure Book For Kids 9-12: Super Cool Things To Do

Speedy Publishing LLC

School can be a time of great excitement but also a time of great change and anxiety. With this adventure book of cool things to do geared specifically toward junior high school students, pre-teens can take a break from ruminating on exams to enjoy adventure and fun right at their fingertips! Order a copy today and experience the fun!

Adventure Book For Kids: Learning Adventures

Speedy Publishing LLC

Learning has never been so much fun! With this innovative book, children can build their knowledge and enhance their cognition with a variety of adventures geared toward learning. Children with a variety of learning styles can benefit from this book, and the concepts help with their daily life as well as their educational career. Order your copy today.

Adventure Book For Boys: Cool Things To Do

Speedy Publishing LLC

Precocious boys love to be active and are always looking for a new adventure! Your child needn't look further than this innovative book, full of cool things to do that will teach them skills in getting the most of out of their activities and play. An adventure can be had at the click of a button by ordering today.