Морские приключения

Различные книги в жанре Морские приключения

Popular Places On The Planet

Speedy Publishing

Children love to explore and are very inquisitive when it comes to their environment. As they learn about where they live, they also think beyond and wish to know more about what is out there, the different places that exist on our planet. The Popular Places On The Planet Picture Book is a great way to begin to expand their mind and show them through pictures what is going on around. As children are still learning to read, giving them a picture book is a great option to help them still learn but at their own pace. Consider purchasing such a book for your child.

Countries Of The World (Quick Facts And Figures)

Speedy Publishing

When our children turn on the home's television sets, they will often flip through the channels to see the news or some nature channel. After seeing the video clips of film taken in other parts of the world, they may begin to wonder why they never get to see such things at home. There is a good chance they will begin to understand that the World is a giant place, much greater than the vicinity they are used to seeing every day. A Countries Of The World (Quick Facts and Figures) picture book is a great way to get them started on understanding the landmarks contained within the Earth.

The Gods of Second Chances

Dan Berne

Family means everything to widowed Alaskan fisherman Ray Bancroft, raising his granddaughter with help from a multitude of gods and goddesses—not to mention rituals ad-libbed at sea by his half-Tlingit best friend. But statues and otter bone ceremonies aren’t enough when Ray's estranged daughter returns from prison, her search for a safe harbor threatening everything he holds sacred.

До чего доводят азартные игры

Жанна Курмангалеева

Юный аристократ Фидель Меткалф совершил классическую ошибку – свернул с пути, вследствие чего оказался на китобойном судне. Благо, на борту у него нашелся благожелатель – второй помощник, "Леди", единственный человек, в чьих силах ему помочь.

Second Summer of War

Cheryl Cooper

A dramatic, heart-warming a tale of life on the sea. Set in 1813, Second Summer of War is a sequel to Come Looking for Me . With the British traitor Captain Thomas Trevelyan incarcerated on a prison hulk in Portsmouth Harbour, Princess Emeline «Emily» Louisa sails back to England and is summarily dispatched to Hartwood Hall, home of the disagreeable Duke and Duchess of Belmont. There she endures weeks awaiting Trevelyan’s trial, unable to leave the estate or find useful occupation. Relations with her guardians, chilly at best, soon escalate into a battle of wills when they attempt to marry her off in order to secure favour with her uncle, the Prince Regent. Meanwhile, England’s naval war with the United States continues to rage on the Atlantic. When Fly Austen and his friend, Dr. Leander Braden, are given Admiralty Orders to testify at the trial, they return home with the hope of seeing Emily one last time. Their journey is anything but uneventful as they encounter devastating storms, menacing ships, and a spectre that proclaims their impending doom.

Billy Budd

Herman Melville

In 1797, young Billy Budd is impressed into naval service. It is a perilous time for a British Royal Navy still reeling from mutinies and marauding French ships. When Billy is forcibly transferred to HMS Bellipotent, he evokes the wrath of John Claggart, the ship's Master-at-arms. Claggart falsely accuses Billy of conspiracy to mutiny, a charge that will have a profound effect on the fates of both seamen.

Отравленные морем

Алена Волгина

Продолжение романа "Чайка с острова Мираколо", в котором героям снова придётся встретиться с морскими чудовищами, интригами и человеческим коварством. Это же Венетта – здесь предают, как дышат. Но если друг не оправдал доверия, то, может, старый враг придёт на помощь?

Дорога в Зазеркалье

Маргарита Зирен

Сказка о весёлой компании зверей, которые отправляются под мудрым руководством доброго волшебника на поиски хозяина главного героя. Неисповедимые пути ведут их к самой великой цели на Земле. Спасением жизни занялись они, когда могли бы стать и жертвой.

Стояночная вахта

Сергей В. Иванов

Юмористическая повесть о знакомстве штурмана торгового флота с новым пароходом и его экипажем, рассказанное им самим.

Diotimas Bericht oder Der namenlose weise Alte von Ephesos

Frank Jakob

Was hat ein Chip im Gehirn eines modernen Menschen mit dem Bericht einer jungen Griechin zu tun, die vor 2500 Jahren eine Schiffsreise auf dem Mittelmeer unternimmt, verlorengegangene Papyrusrollen sucht und dabei mit einigen ihrer berühmten Zeitgenossen Bekanntschaft macht? Die Antwort lautet: Eigentlich nichts – und doch sind wir plötzlich mittendrin in einer Welt, von der wir nicht wissen, ob sie real ist oder nur virtuell …