Есть много вещей, которые влияют на половое влечение женщины. Некоторые из этих факторов очевидны, другие не так понятны. Иногда очень сложно понять, что удерживает вашу даму от шалостей, поэтому вот краткое изложение самых распространенных убийц либидо, от контрацепции до…
Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery In this newly revised edition of Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery, a distinguished team of emergency surgeons deliver a one-of-a-kind question-and-answer book on the growing specialty of surgical critical care and acute surgery, ideal for those caring for the critically ill and injured surgical patient. This book reviews surgical critical care, emergency surgery, burns and trauma, and includes full color, high-quality surgical photographs to aid understanding. Readers will also benefit from access to a website that offers additional topics and tests, as well as an archive of all test questions and answers from previous editions. The authors’ focus throughout is on the unique problems and complexity of illnesses of the critically ill and injured surgical patient, and the specialist daily care that such patients require. Perfect for the acute care surgeon, surgical intensivist and those in training, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery will also earn a place in the libraries of those working in or with an interest in critical care.
PREDICTING HEART FAILURE Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods focuses on the mechanics and symptoms of heart failure and various approaches, including conventional and modern techniques to diagnose it. This book also provides a comprehensive but concise guide to all modern cardiological practice, emphasizing practical clinical management in many different contexts. Predicting Heart Failure supplies readers with trustworthy insights into all aspects of heart failure, including essential background information on clinical practice guidelines, in-depth, peer-reviewed articles, and broad coverage of this fast-moving field. Readers will also find: Discussion of the main characteristics of cardiovascular biosensors, along with their open issues for development and application Summary of the difficulties of wireless sensor communication and power transfer, and the utility of artificial intelligence in cardiology Coverage of data mining classification techniques, applied machine learning and advanced methods for estimating HF severity and diagnosing and predicting heart failure Discussion of the risks and issues associated with the remote monitoring system Assessment of the potential applications and future of implantable and wearable devices in heart failure prediction and detection Artificial intelligence in mobile monitoring technologies to provide clinicians with improved treatment options, ultimately easing access to healthcare by all patient populations. Providing the latest research data for the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods is an excellent resource for nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, medical students, and general practitioners to gain a better understanding of bedside cardiology.
Um sowohl eine qualitativ hochwertige Versorgung anbieten zu können als auch aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht dauerhaft die eigene Existenz zu sichern, hat die Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung als Grundlage des Controllings eine herausragende Relevanz für die Krankenhäuser. Denn nur wer Kosten sowie Leistungen und Erlöse genau plant und dokumentiert, wird etwas über die Wirkungen seines Handelns herausfinden und steuernd einwirken können. Diesen Anforderungen wird in der systematischen Einführung der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung in Krankenhäusern in einer nunmehr vollständig überarbeiteten 6. Auflage Rechnung getragen.
UNDERSTANDING CORONA A pandemic is keeping the world on tenterhooks, with unprecedented implications for human coexistence, science, economics and politics. Every day, knowledge about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, its mutants, and measures to combat the infection grows. Thousands of reports, technical papers, discussions, study results, assessments, and comments reach the public. The information covers basic areas of knowledge – from aerosols and vaccines to winter sports. The target audience is people who want to get information quickly, politicians, authorities, universities, schools, companies, SMEs and businesses. Important sources and links on the pandemic, authorities, ministries and occupational health guidelines are directly available in the book. A VIRUS PARALYZES US The pandemic involving SARS-CoV-2 and known mutations of this virus poses an unprecedented medical and economic challenge to the world's population. Measures to inhibit the spread of the virus are essential until there is sufficient immunization of the world's population. In addition to monitoring the spread of the virus and its gene sequences, consideration of the physicochemical properties of the virus (virus persistence in aerosols, temperature dependence, dependence on humidity and UV radiation) appears relevant to reduce the spread of the virus. WEATHER DEPENDENCE Observations as well as literature reviews suggest a dependence of infection rates on weather conditions is likely. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS to exit LOCKDOWN. Proposed solutions for returning to a normal daily routine are provided. We try to explain the pandemic and make it understandable and give people a perspective on a daily life with the virus. There is also advice for politicians to encourage thoughtful reactions.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Einfluss der klimatischen Bedingungen. Das Wetter spielt eine große Rolle. Temperatur und relative Luftfeuchtigkeit Haben einen großen Einfluss auf die Infektionsausbreitung. Es besteht eine Höhenabhängigkeit bei der Intensität der Virus-Verbreitung. Auch die UV-Strahlung hat eine große Wirkung auf die Infektionen mit SARS-CoV-2. Die Jahreszeiten spielen eine große Rolle, es gibt in einer großen Studie festgestellte Unterschiede der Nord – und Südhalbkugel der Erde. Der Äquator bildet eine Grenze. Mehrere Studien belegen diese Faktoren.
In diesem Buch beschreibe ich die erlebten Geschichten als Rettungssanitäter. Im Rettungsdienst und Krankentransport ist nicht immer alles so, wie es scheint. Wir Retter sind gelegentlich das Blaulichttaxi und manchmal will man uns auch verprügeln. Die Redewendung «Du kotzt mich an» bekommt plötzlich eine wortwörtliche Bedeutung und im Eifer des Gefechts wird auch schon mal ein Patient verwechselt. Ein anderer schlägt sich im Krankenwagen die Zähne aus und bricht sich dabei beide Arme. Oder der Rettungswagen kracht früh am Morgen auf die Bahngleise und knallt gegen das Wartehäuschen. Eine Einweisung in die Psychiatrie eskaliert, dabei bekommt der Sanitäter eine Handtasche an den Kopf geknallt.