
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Энциклопедия женского здоровья. Контрацепция без последствий

Оксана Богдашевская

Времена, когда лучшим средством контрацепции было половое воздержание или такие ухищрения, как чей-нибудь помет и отвары секретных трав, давно прошли (но это не точно). В начале XX века женщины надели брюки, сбросили с себя «семейное иго» и даже сели за штурвал: кто – самолета, кто – трактора, а кто – крупных корпораций. О непрерывной череде беременностей и родов с тех пор не могло быть и речи (но иногда что-то шло не так). К счастью, сегодня мы живем в мире доступной, безопасной и в основном эффективной контрацепции. Наше информационное поле переполнено сведениями о том, как избежать нежелательной беременности. Проблема в том, что данных так много и они такие разные, что в них легко запутаться. Эта книга – попытка собрать под одной обложкой информацию об особенностях разных методов контрацепции и развеять те мифы, которые ее по-прежнему окружают.

Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry

Georgios E. Romanos

Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry  delivers a state-of-the-art reference for laser technology in the context of a dental practice. The book encompasses oral surgery, periodontology, and implant dentistry, covering the latest research, knowledge, and clinical practices. The author demonstrates the clinical relevance by including many real-world clinical cases that illustrate the application of the discussed techniques.  The book includes high-quality, color photographs throughout to support the text and add visual information to the covered topics, which include wound healing, oral surgery, periodontology, implant dentistry, and laser fundamentals and safety considerations.  Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry  provides readers with a step-by-step guide for using lasers in dental practice and discusses likely new directions and possible future treatments in the rapidly advancing field of laser dentistry. Readers will also benefit from a wide variety of subjects, including:  A thorough introduction to the fundamentals of lasers, including the beam, the laser cavity, active mediums, lenses, resonators, and delivery systems An exploration of lasers and wound healing, including soft tissue and bone healing, as well as laser-assisted excisions and osteotomies An analysis of lasers in periodontology, including laser-assisted bacteria reduction in the periodontal tissues and the removal of subgingival dental calculus A discussion of lasers in implant dentistry and treatment for peri-implantitis Perfect for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, and implant dentists, as well as general dentists,  Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry  will also earn a place in the libraries of dental students and residents seeking to improve their understanding of laser-based oral and dental procedures with a carefully organized reference guide.

Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion

Alison Chapman

The thoroughly revised third edition of a Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as an Oral Health Educator. It will help readers confidently educate patients about diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity, and support their prevention, treatment, and management. Designed with an accessible layout to enhance learning, this course companion is divided into six sections covering: the structure and functions of the oral cavity; diseases and conditions; disease prevention; effective communication; treating specific patient groups, and oral health promotion and society. Invaluable to all members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in educating and promoting oral health, this key text: Offers a guide for dental nurses taking a post-registration Certificate in Oral Health Education Is fully updated to reflect changes in the industry, science, and course syllabus Incorporates information on the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases Contains new information on topics including dementia, denture advice, and burning mouth syndrome Includes an expanded section on promotion

Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters

Группа авторов

A comprehensive primer and reference, this book provides pharmacists and health practitioners the relevant science and policy concepts behind biologics, biosimilars, and biobetters from a practical and clinical perspective.<br /><br /> <ul> <li>Explains what pharmacists need to discuss the equivalence, efficacy, safety, and risks of biosimilars with physicians, health practitioners, and patients about</li> <li>Guides regulators on pragmatic approaches to dealing with these drugs in the context of rapidly evolving scientific and clinical evidence</li> <li>Balances scientific information on complex drugs with practical information, such as a checklist for pharmacists</li> </ul>


Richard Coico

Immunology: A Short Course provides an overview of the physiology of the immune system and the pathophysiology of a broad range of immune-mediated diseases, offering accessible and comprehensive guidance to the basic concepts and clinical approaches in the discipline. Now in its eighth edition, this bestselling textbook has been fully updated to reflect our expanded knowledge of how the immune system develops and functions, and the ways in which these physiological phenomena can fail or be compromised. New chapters examine cells and organs of the immune system, organization and expression of lymphocyte antigen receptor genes, experimental systems and methods, and B- and T-cell development activation. Helping students gain an integrated understanding of immunology, this textbook: Offers substantial new and revised material, expanded clinical coverage, enhanced pedagogical features, and updated figures, tables, and references Features recent research advances and therapeutic successes in the field of immunology Includes a companion website containing multiple choice questions, electronic flashcards, downloadable figures, PowerPoint slides, and sample cases Can be supplemented with the Clinical Cases in Immunology companion book The eighth edition of Immunology: A Short Course is an ideal resource for life and health science students, dental and nursing students seeking a short course text, and basic scientists and clinical researchers looking to refresh their knowledge in the subject.

Fundamentals of Person-Centred Healthcare Practice

Группа авторов

Fundamentals of Person-Centred  Healthcare Practice  presents evidence-based perspectives on a broad range of approaches to person-centred practice in healthcare. Featuring contributions from internationally recognised experts in the field, this valuable textbook helps students and staff across healthcare disciplines understand the essential concepts of person-centred practice in various health-related contexts. Using the Person-centred Practice Framework—an innovative theoretical model based on more than two decades of research and practice—students develop a strong understanding of the different components of person-centredness, their connections and interactions, and how they can be implemented to promote positive healthcare experiences for care providers, service-users, and families.  Recognising the dynamic and complex nature of person-centredness, the text emphasises the importance of a common language and a shared understanding of person-centred practice in all areas of healthcare, from hospital and social care systems, to mental health, learning disability, and rehabilitation services. This practical and insightful introduction to the subject:  Provides engaging, student-friendly coverage of the central principles and practice of person-centredness within a multi-professional and interdisciplinary context Features cases and examples of person-centred practice in curricula worldwide Includes activities designed to support person-centred practitioner development Discusses the future of person-centred facilitation, learning and practice Offers real-world guidance on providing a holistic approach to developing person-centred relationships that facilitate meaningful connections with others  Fundamentals of Person-Centred  Healthcare Practice  is an indispensable resource for nursing and allied health professionals, and an important reference work for educators, facilitators, supervisors and healthcare practitioners.