Are you new to research and daunted by the idea of constructing your own research proposal? Then this is the book you need! This book and accompanying web resource will answer all your questions about healthcare research by introducing you to the concepts, theories and practicalities surrounding it. The aim of both the book and the web resource is to help you to write a good healthcare research proposal – which is the starting point for any would-be student researcher. The book takes a look at the theory of research, the core of the topic, but also provides practical help and advice along the way. It takes the reader through the stages of the research process from developing the question to communicating the findings, demystifying the process on the way. The web resource works alongside the book, supplementing and expanding on the chapters, giving you the ability to prepare your very own research proposal. Explains key concepts in a clear, easy to understand way Includes activities and scenarios for you to work through which will also increase your understanding of research and research proposals Easily navigable web resource ( Both book and website are arranged in the same order in which you would develop and write a research proposal Website includes downloadable research proposal template to complete step-by-step as you work through the book and web resource
The first authoritative and comprehensive survey of the origins and current state of transhumanist thinking The rapid pace of emerging technologies is playing an increasingly important role in overcoming fundamental human limitations. Featuring core writings by seminal thinkers in the speculative possibilities of the posthuman condition, essays address key philosophical arguments for and against human enhancement, explore the inevitability of life extension, and consider possible solutions to the growing issues of social and ethical implications and concerns. Edited by the internationally acclaimed founders of the philosophy and social movement of transhumanism, The Transhumanist Reader is an indispensable guide to our current state of knowledge of the quest to expand the frontiers of human nature.
Here are 101* of the best ideas to make the most effective use of your time on the ward. Over 250 contributors, including students, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and therapists from 18 countries, help make you the finest doctor you can be! Pocket-sized for 'dipping into' during a spare moment or a couple of hours on the ward, this short guide is ideal for medical students on rotation or junior doctors who wish to boost learning and motivation. *There are actually 100 ideas. Now it's your turn to develop tip 101! Submit your ideas to
A practical guide to analysing partially observed data. Collecting, analysing and drawing inferences from data is central to research in the medical and social sciences. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to collect all the intended data. The literature on inference from the resulting incomplete data is now huge, and continues to grow both as methods are developed for large and complex data structures, and as increasing computer power and suitable software enable researchers to apply these methods. This book focuses on a particular statistical method for analysing and drawing inferences from incomplete data, called Multiple Imputation (MI). MI is attractive because it is both practical and widely applicable. The authors aim is to clarify the issues raised by missing data, describing the rationale for MI, the relationship between the various imputation models and associated algorithms and its application to increasingly complex data structures. Multiple Imputation and its Application: Discusses the issues raised by the analysis of partially observed data, and the assumptions on which analyses rest. Presents a practical guide to the issues to consider when analysing incomplete data from both observational studies and randomized trials. Provides a detailed discussion of the practical use of MI with real-world examples drawn from medical and social statistics. Explores handling non-linear relationships and interactions with multiple imputation, survival analysis, multilevel multiple imputation, sensitivity analysis via multiple imputation, using non-response weights with multiple imputation and doubly robust multiple imputation. Multiple Imputation and its Application is aimed at quantitative researchers and students in the medical and social sciences with the aim of clarifying the issues raised by the analysis of incomplete data data, outlining the rationale for MI and describing how to consider and address the issues that arise in its application.
Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health has been designed to help the student and newly qualified health care professional to familiarise themselves with the key theoretical frameworks underpinning the field of children and young people's mental health. It explores the mental health challenges that children and young people face, and how we as adults can work alongside them to help them face and overcome such challenges. This book provides comprehensive information on the theory and practice of particular mental health difficulties which children and young people may have to face, including self-harm, depression, suicide, child abuse, eating disorders, substance misuse, and early onset psychosis. Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health is essential reading for pre-registration students in nursing and healthcare on child and mental health branches, and for newly qualified nursing, health and social care practitioners who work with children and young people. Brings together specialist practitioners and academics in the field Incorporates the latest guidelines and policies Practical and accessible in style with learning outcomes, activities, examples and recommended reading in each chapter
The latest addition to the Evidence-Based Book series, Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine provides non-geriatrician clinicians an overview of key topics central to the care of the older patient. This guide focuses on the management of common problems in the elderly taking into account their life situations as well as treatment of specific conditions. Leading geriatricians with expertise in evidence-based medicine utilize the best available evidence and present this information in a concise, easy-to-use, question-based format. Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine is a unique guide to the optimum management of older patients.
This book helps readers integrate in silico, in vitro, and in vivo ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination and toxicity) and PK (pharmacokinetics) data with routine testing applications so that pharmaceutical scientists can diagnose ADMET problems and present appropriate recommendations to move drug discovery programs forward. The book introduces the current clinical practice for drug discovery and development along with the impact on early risk assessment; consolidates the tools and models to intelligently integrate existing in silico, in vitro and in vivo ADMET data; and demonstrates successful cases and lessons learned from real drug discovery and development. In short, it is a book aimed to provide a practical road map for drug discovery and development scientists to generate efficacious and safe drugs for unmet medical needs.
A comprehensive look at the latest research findings and clinical applications of oncogenic viruses Written by a panel of academic experts, Viral Oncology is the first self-contained and comprehensive book to present both scientific and clinical information on viruses linked to some of the most important human cancers. Readers can turn to this book for the most in-depth and up-to-date coverage of: HPV-associated cancers; molecular events associated with HPV-induced human cancer; the role of the HPV E6 oncoprotein in malignant progression; virus association with brain tumors; involvement of the polyomavirus JCV in colorectal cancer; possibleassociation of BKV with prostate cancer; oncogenic transformation bypolyomavirus large T antigen; SV40 and human cancer; SV40 and mesothelioma; molecular immunology of hepatitis B–associated viral cancer; hepatitis B vaccine and hepatocellular carcinoma; pathogenesis of acute and chronic hepatitis Cvirus infection; molecular mechanisms of hepatitis C virus-induced cellulartransformation; clinical aspects of HTLV-1 associated cancer; oncogenic potential of the HTLV-1 tax protein; HIV-associated malignancy; HIV-related lymphoma; biology and epidemiology of HHV-8; the role of KSHV in pathogenesis of Kaposi'ssarcoma; molecular pathobiology of EBV infection; and EBV as a pathogen. Several chapters are devoted to the basic science of oncogenic viruses for thestudy of their pathogenesis, drug development, and employment of viral vectorsfor vaccine and gene therapy. The book also includes complementary clinically based chapters describing natural courses and treatments. Additionally, bonusclinical materials are embedded within chapters and an easy-to-use indexcompletes the book. Viral Oncology is an essential resource for clinical and research oncologists in medical facilities and biological research laboratories; clinicians and scientists working in related biomedical areas; medical students working toward a first or higher degree in the life sciences and other biomedical fields; and pharmaceutical scientists and developers.
The long separation of health and International Relations, as distinct academic fields and policy arenas, has now dramatically changed. Health, concerned with the body, mind and spirit, has traditionally focused on disease and infirmity, whilst International Relations has been dominated by concerns of war, peace and security. Since the 1990s, however, the two fields have increasingly overlapped. How can we explain this shift and what are the implications for the future development of both fields? Colin McInnes and Kelley Lee examine four key intersections between health and International Relations today – foreign policy and health diplomacy, health and the global political economy, global health governance and global health security. The explosion of interest in these subjects has, in large part, been due to «real world» concerns – disease outbreaks, antibiotic resistance, counterfeit drugs and other risks to human health amid the spread of globalisation. Yet the authors contend that it is also important to understand how global health has been socially constructed, shaped in theory and practice by particular interests and normative frameworks. This groundbreaking book encourages readers to step back from problem-solving to ask how global health is being problematized in the first place, why certain agendas and issue areas are prioritised, and what determines the potential solutions put forth to address them? The palpable struggle to better understand the health risks facing a globalized world, and to strengthen collective action to deal with them effectively, begins – they argue – with a more reflexive and critical approach to this rapidly emerging subject.
Work-based learning facilitation, mentoring and coaching are all integral to the healthcare professions. Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care promotes effective professional learning in the workplace and helps healthcare professionals to develop, enhance, reflect on and change their practice and perceptions of mentoring, facilitating, and supervision. Aimed at the health and social care practitioner who is involved in facilitating learning, teaching and assessing learners in practice, this essential, comprehensive text explores several key themes, including: – The nature of facilitating (coaching, supervision, mentoring) within professional contexts – Learning in communities of practice – Becoming an effective facilitator/mentor – Understand and supporting work-based learning – Managing the unusual, such as failing learners or those with special needs – Giving and documenting feedback – Managing workloads in busy environments – Professional development issues Special features: A clear, accessible guide for new and experienced practice educators/facilitators alike A comprehensive, applied text for practitioners of all levels of experience in facilitation and supervision Written by authors with extensive experience in the field Uniquely focuses on the professional development of the mentor/facilitator themselves Provides case studies throughout showing illustrating common issues and how to engage in formal theories of professional practice Multiprofessional focus – aimed at all health and social care practitioners