Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques is a well-illustrated how-to manual covering common bandaging methods used to support and manage both soft tissue and orthopedic conditions in small animal patients. This highly practical book offers step-by-step procedures with accompanying photographs to aid in the secure and effective application of bandages, casts, and splints, with coverage encompassing indications, aftercare, advantages, and potential complications for each technique. Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques is an indispensable guide for busy veterinary technicians and nurses, as well as veterinarians and veterinary students.
Exposing a developing embryo or fetus to alcohol can produce life long brain damage with neurological, cognitive and behavioural consequences. The implications of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder for the affected individual and the family are devastating. The social and economic burden to society is enormous with formidable expenditures in health care, mental health care, education, social services and possibly correctional services. Prevention has been a goal since the condition was medically described and defined forty years ago, but has remained elusive but feasible. This book reviews the evidence for effective strategies. It lays out what needs to be done. The book should be of great value to policy makers, clinicians, researchers and others advocating for action against this condition that is reducing the potential of our society and sapping its resources.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of metabolic syndrome, the underlying mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for drug development. The authors examine the context of underlying molecular pathways and integrated physiology, then expanding the discussion to diseases associated with metabolic syndrome. The development of drug therapies for these diseases and complications is extensively covered. The book offers a comprehensive and in-depth view of energy metabolism, metabolic tissues and pathways, molecular mechanism-based drug discovery and clinical implications.
Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology: The Role of Essential Fatty Acids provides current research exploring the links among insulin, insulin receptors, polyunsaturated fatty acids, brain growth and disease. Specific interactions of essential fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in brain development and several disease groups are described. The role of inflammation in disease and how fatty acids regulate low-systemic inflammation are examined and explained. Metabolic and neurologic dynamics are presented to provide a linkage between the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 and protection against diseases and conditions such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, autoimmune diseases and hypertension.
Written by an internationally well-known editor team, Endometriosis: Science and Practice is a state-of-the-art guide to this surprisingly common disease. While no cause for endometriosis has been determined, information of recent developments are outlined in this text, offering insight to improve management of symptoms medically or surgically. The first of its kind, this major textbook integrates scientific and clinical understanding of this painful disease helping to provide better patient care.
Renegotiating Health Care Since the first edition of Renegotiating Health Care was published in 1995, new treatments, technologies, business models, reimbursement methods, and regulations have tangibly transformed the substance of health care negotiation. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Renegotiating Health Care offers a practical guide to negotiation and conflict resolution in the health care field. It explores why unresolved conflict can hamper any organization's ability to make timely, cost-effective decisions and implement new strategies. The book focuses on the complex interactions between those who deliver, receive, administer, and oversee health care. It defines negotiation techniques and conflict resolution approaches that can improve efficiency, quality of care, and patient safety. Renegotiating Health Care outlines strategies and methods to resolve the myriad thorny issues encompassing the health care enterprise. It should be required reading for students and professionals in health services management, clinicians, leaders, policy makers, and conflict resolution experts working in the health care field. Praise for Renegotiating Health Care «An outstanding book! I learned their principles of meta-leadership while at the CDC and continue to use them at ABC News. This book is a must for anyone in leadership: practical, intuitive, and priceless.» —Richard E. Besser, MD, chief health and medical editor, ABC News «This book is a must-read to assist today's health professional navigate the ever-changing health care delivery system. Leadership will be the key to success.» —Pat Ford-Roegner, RN, MSW, FAAN, senior health consultant and former CEO, American Academy of Nursing
In psychiatry, as in all of medicine, clinicians are frequently involved in training students and residents yet few have themselves been trained in pedagogy. Improving the quality of psychiatric education should both improve the quality of psychiatric care and make the profession more attractive to medical students. Written by a team of international experts with many years of experience, this comprehensive text takes a globally relevant perspective on providing practical instruction and advice on all aspects of teaching psychiatry. It covers learning from undergraduate and postgraduate level to primary medical and community settings, enabling readers to find solutions to the problems they are facing and become aware of potential issues which they can anticipate and be prepared to address. The book discusses curriculum development using examples from around the world, in order to provide trainees with the basic attitudes, knowledge and skills they require to practise psychiatry. Features: Instruction on developing a curriculum for Residency training, teaching interviewing skills, teaching psychotherapy and using new technology Innovative ways of engaging medical students in psychiatry and developing their interest in the specialty, including experience with new types of elective and research options and development of roles for students in patient care Focuses throughout on how to teach rather than what to teach Includes descriptions of workplace-based assessments Discussions of both theoretical and practical perspectives and examples of particular innovations in the field using case studies Presented in a thoroughly readable and accessible manner, this book is a primary resource for all clinicians involved in teaching psychiatry to medical students and trainees.
The pace of therapeutic advances in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is rapid, and new clinically-relevant information appears with such frequency that it can be extremely challenging for clinicians to keep up. Still, knowledge and interpretation of major clinical trials is crucial for the range of clinicians who manage cardiovascular patients, especially since important trial evidence often needs to be implemented soon after it is published. Confidently apply gold standard treatment for 10 of the most critical areas of cardiology Written by an international team of experts, Cardiovascular Clinical Trials: Putting the Evidence into Practice: Provides a succinct overview of recent major clinical trials – the gold standard for all medical treatment – across all the major cardiovascular subspecialties, to ensure you’re up-to-date on the most critical findings Guides cardiology trainees and clinicians on how cardiovascular clinical trials are designed and conducted, including statistical methodology, so you can conduct and/or appraise future trials yourself Addresses methodology as well as clinical effectiveness Offers evidence-based assessments on the most effective treatments and authoritative clinical information on management of the conditions so you can confidently apply what you learn Physicians, surgeons, specialist nurses – any clinician seeking an accessible resource for designing and conducting cardiovascular trials and then translating their results into practice will appreciate this book’s clear guidance and succinct and practical approach.
Like the ground-breaking first edition, Pediatric Psycho-oncology, Second edition puts the child at the centre of medical and psychological care. It broadens the focus beyond treatment and cure to consider the quality of life of the child and their family. Written by an international group of pediatric oncologists and psychologists/psycho-oncologists brought together by an expert editorial team, it focuses on the real-life practical aspects of children undergoing treatment for cancer. This edition has been restructured and opens with a major section on Active treatment, which includes chapters addressing quality of life, pain, psychosocial aspects of treatment and interventions, art therapy and different fantasy-based techniques, palliative care, communication and education, as well as a new chapter on psychopharmacology. Shorter sections then discuss survivorship and care of the dying child, including a new chapter on bereavement. The final section comprises new chapters on ethical considerations and on addressing the emotional needs of children whose parents have cancer, as well as a case study on international collaboration. An appendix provides a comprehensive overview of tools for evaluation and assessment in pediatric psychooncology. This book is a highly practical resource that will be invaluable for all health care professionals looking after children and adolescents with cancer.
Drug discovery is all about finding small molecules that interact in a desired way with larger molecules, namely proteins and other macromolecules in the human body. If the three-dimensional structures of both the small and large molecule are known, their interaction can be tested by computer simulation with a reasonable degree of accuracy. Alternatively, if active ligands are already available, molecular similarity searches can be used to find new molecules. This virtual screening can even be applied to compounds that have yet to be synthesized, as opposed to «real» screening that requires cost- and labor-intensive laboratory testing with previously synthesized drug compounds. Unique in its focus on the end user, this is a real «how to» book that does not presuppose prior experience in virtual screening or a background in computational chemistry. It is both a desktop reference and practical guide to virtual screening applications in drug discovery, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date overview. Clearly divided into four major sections, the first provides a detailed description of the methods required for and applied in virtual screening, while the second discusses the most important challenges in order to improve the impact and success of this technique. The third and fourth, practical parts contain practical guidelines and several case studies covering the most important scenarios for new drug discovery, accompanied by general guidelines for the entire workflow of virtual screening studies. Throughout the text, medicinal chemists from academia, as well as from large and small pharmaceutical companies report on their experience and pass on priceless practical advice on how to make best use of these powerful methods.