Presents an important and unique introduction to random walk theory Random walk is a stochastic process that has proven to be a useful model in understanding discrete-state discrete-time processes across a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines. Elements of Random Walk and Diffusion Processes provides an interdisciplinary approach by including numerous practical examples and exercises with real-world applications in operations research, economics, engineering, and physics. Featuring an introduction to powerful and general techniques that are used in the application of physical and dynamic processes, the book presents the connections between diffusion equations and random motion. Standard methods and applications of Brownian motion are addressed in addition to Levy motion, which has become popular in random searches in a variety of fields. The book also covers fractional calculus and introduces percolation theory and its relationship to diffusion processes. With a strong emphasis on the relationship between random walk theory and diffusion processes, Elements of Random Walk and Diffusion Processes features: Basic concepts in probability, an overview of stochastic and fractional processes, and elements of graph theory Numerous practical applications of random walk across various disciplines, including how to model stock prices and gambling, describe the statistical properties of genetic drift, and simplify the random movement of molecules in liquids and gases Examples of the real-world applicability of random walk such as node movement and node failure in wireless networking, the size of the Web in computer science, and polymers in physics Plentiful examples and exercises throughout that illustrate the solution of many practical problems Elements of Random Walk and Diffusion Processes is an ideal reference for researchers and professionals involved in operations research, economics, engineering, mathematics, and physics. The book is also an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate level courses in probability and stochastic processes, stochastic models, random motion and Brownian theory, random walk theory, and diffusion process techniques.
Praise for the First Edition “If there is anything you want to know, or remind yourself, about probabilities, then look no further than this comprehensive, yet wittily written and enjoyable, compendium of how to apply probability calculations in real-world situations.” – Keith Devlin, Stanford University, National Public Radio’s “Math Guy” and author of The Math Gene and The Unfinished Game From probable improbabilities to regular irregularities, Probabilities: The Little Numbers That Rule Our Lives, Second Edition investigates the often surprising effects of risk and chance in our lives. Featuring a timely update, the Second Edition continues to be the go-to guidebook for an entertaining presentation on the mathematics of chance and uncertainty. The new edition develops the fundamental mathematics of probability in a unique, clear, and informal way so readers with various levels of experience with probability can understand the little numbers found in everyday life. Illustrating the concepts of probability through relevant and engaging real-world applications, the Second Edition features numerous examples on weather forecasts, DNA evidence, games and gambling, and medical testing. The revised edition also includes: The application of probability in finance, such as option pricing The introduction of branching processes and the extinction of family names An extended discussion on opinion polls and Nate Silver’s election predictions Probabilities: The Little Numbers That Rule Our Lives, Second Edition is an ideal reference for anyone who would like to obtain a better understanding of the mathematics of chance, as well as a useful supplementary textbook for students in any course dealing with probability.
Reflects the developments and new directions in the field since the publication of the first successful edition and contains a complete set of problems and solutions This revised and expanded edition reflects the developments and new directions in the field since the publication of the first edition. In particular, sections on nonstationary panel data analysis and a discussion on the distinction between deterministic and stochastic trends have been added. Three new chapters on long-memory discrete-time and continuous-time processes have also been created, whereas some chapters have been merged and some sections deleted. The first eleven chapters of the first edition have been compressed into ten chapters, with a chapter on nonstationary panel added and located under Part I: Analysis of Non-fractional Time Series. Chapters 12 to 14 have been newly written under Part II: Analysis of Fractional Time Series. Chapter 12 discusses the basic theory of long-memory processes by introducing ARFIMA models and the fractional Brownian motion (fBm). Chapter 13 is concerned with the computation of distributions of quadratic functionals of the fBm and its ratio. Next, Chapter 14 introduces the fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, on which the statistical inference is discussed. Finally, Chapter 15 gives a complete set of solutions to problems posed at the end of most sections. This new edition features: • Sections to discuss nonstationary panel data analysis, the problem of differentiating between deterministic and stochastic trends, and nonstationary processes of local deviations from a unit root • Consideration of the maximum likelihood estimator of the drift parameter, as well as asymptotics as the sampling span increases • Discussions on not only nonstationary but also noninvertible time series from a theoretical viewpoint • New topics such as the computation of limiting local powers of panel unit root tests, the derivation of the fractional unit root distribution, and unit root tests under the fBm error Time Series Analysis: Nonstationary and Noninvertible Distribution Theory, Second Edition, is a reference for graduate students in econometrics or time series analysis. Katsuto Tanaka, PhD, is a professor in the Faculty of Economics at Gakushuin University and was previously a professor at Hitotsubashi University. He is a recipient of the Tjalling C. Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize (1996), the Japan Statistical Society Prize (1998), and the Econometric Theory Award (1999). Aside from the first edition of Time Series Analysis (Wiley, 1996), Dr. Tanaka had published five econometrics and statistics books in Japanese.
Geo-mathematical modelling: models from complexity science Sir Alan Wilson, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London Mathematical and computer models for a complexity science tool kit Geographical systems are characterised by locations, activities at locations, interactions between them and the infrastructures that carry these activities and flows. They can be described at a great variety of scales, from individuals and organisations to countries. Our understanding, often partial, of these entities, and in many cases this understanding is represented in theories and associated mathematical models. In this book, the main examples are models that represent elements of the global system covering such topics as trade, migration, security and development aid together with examples at finer scales. This provides an effective toolkit that can not only be applied to global systems, but more widely in the modelling of complex systems. All complex systems involve nonlinearities involving path dependence and the possibility of phase changes and this makes the mathematical aspects particularly interesting. It is through these mechanisms that new structures can be seen to ‘emerge’, and hence the current notion of ‘emergent behaviour’. The range of models demonstrated include account-based models and biproportional fitting, structural dynamics, space-time statistical analysis, real-time response models, Lotka-Volterra models representing ‘war’, agent-based models, epidemiology and reaction-diffusion approaches, game theory, network models and finally, integrated models. Geo-mathematical modelling: Presents mathematical models with spatial dimensions. Provides representations of path dependence and phase changes. Illustrates complexity science using models of trade, migration, security and development aid. Demonstrates how generic models from the complexity science tool kit can each be applied in a variety of situations This book is for practitioners and researchers in applied mathematics, geography, economics, and interdisciplinary fields such as regional science and complexity science. It can also be used as the basis of a modelling course for postgraduate students.
A comprehensive and accessible introduction to modern quantitative risk management. The business world is rife with risk and uncertainty, and risk management is a vitally important topic for managers. The best way to achieve a clear understanding of risk is to use quantitative tools and probability models. Written for students, this book has a quantitative emphasis but is accessible to those without a strong mathematical background. Business Risk Management: Models and Analysis Discusses novel modern approaches to risk management Introduces advanced topics in an accessible manner Includes motivating worked examples and exercises (including selected solutions) Is written with the student in mind, and does not assume advanced mathematics Is suitable for self-study by the manager who wishes to better understand this important field. Aimed at postgraduate students, this book is also suitable for senior undergraduates, MBA students, and all those who have a general interest in business risk.
This book aims to promote regression methods for analyzing lifetime (or time-to-event) data that are based on a representation of the underlying process, and are therefore likely to offer greater scientific insight compared to purely empirical methods. In contrast to the rich statistical literature, the regression methods actually employed in lifetime data analysis are limited, particularly in the biomedical field where D. R. Cox’s famous semi-parametric proportional hazards model predominates. Practitioners should become familiar with more flexible models. The first hitting time regression models (or threshold regression) presented here represent observed events as the outcome of an underlying stochastic process. One example is death occurring when the patient’s health status falls to zero, but the idea has wide applicability – in biology, engineering, banking and finance, and elsewhere. The central topic is the model based on an underlying Wiener process, leading to lifetimes following the inverse Gaussian distribution. Introducing time-varying covariates and many other extensions are considered. Various applications are presented in detail.
Die Optimierung ist einer der bedeutendsten Zweige der Mathematik mit weitreichenden Anwendungen in der Statistik, Physik, Meteorologie bis hin zur Wirtschaft und Unternehmensforschung. Ziel der Optimierung ist eine Minimierung oder Maximierung der im jeweiligen System relevanten Parameter unter einschrankenden Nebenbedingungen. Praxisbezogen fuhrt Claus Richter in die Algorithmen der Optimierung ein. Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene werden gleicherma?en auf den heutigen Stand der Dinge gebracht. In klaren Schritten umrei?t der Autor die Grundlagen dieses Gebietes, beginnend mit Definitionen und Optimalitatsbedingungen, um sich dann direkt an den C++-Programmierer zu wenden. Der notige mathematische Apparat, die verwendete Programmiersprache C++ und ihre Klassen werden vorgestellt. Damit stellt der Autor ein einheitliches Niveau her und wird so einer breiten Leserschaft gerecht. Im Folgenden werden 20 Verfahren der linearen, quadratischen und nichtlinearen Optimierung behandelt und dem Anwender nahergebracht. Jeder Algorithmus wird im Aufbau erlautert und an einem konkreten Beispiel demonstriert. Funf weitere Kapitel widmen sich anwendungsbezogenen Sachverhalten, u.a. der Parameteridentifikation, optimalen Steuerung und Strukturoptimierung. Durch die Bereitstellung der diskutierten Algorithmen und Beispiele als C++-Klassen gewahrleistet das Buch einen optimalen Einstieg in die Optimierung. Mit C++-Programmen zum Download unter
A fascinating and instructive guide to Markov chains for experienced users and newcomers alike This unique guide to Markov chains approaches the subject along the four convergent lines of mathematics, implementation, simulation, and experimentation. It introduces readers to the art of stochastic modeling, shows how to design computer implementations, and provides extensive worked examples with case studies. Markov Chains: From Theory to Implementation and Experimentation begins with a general introduction to the history of probability theory in which the author uses quantifiable examples to illustrate how probability theory arrived at the concept of discrete-time and the Markov model from experiments involving independent variables. An introduction to simple stochastic matrices and transition probabilities is followed by a simulation of a two-state Markov chain. The notion of steady state is explored in connection with the long-run distribution behavior of the Markov chain. Predictions based on Markov chains with more than two states are examined, followed by a discussion of the notion of absorbing Markov chains. Also covered in detail are topics relating to the average time spent in a state, various chain configurations, and n-state Markov chain simulations used for verifying experiments involving various diagram configurations. • Fascinating historical notes shed light on the key ideas that led to the development of the Markov model and its variants • Various configurations of Markov Chains and their limitations are explored at length • Numerous examples—from basic to complex—are presented in a comparative manner using a variety of color graphics • All algorithms presented can be analyzed in either Visual Basic, Java Script, or PHP • Designed to be useful to professional statisticians as well as readers without extensive knowledge of probability theory Covering both the theory underlying the Markov model and an array of Markov chain implementations, within a common conceptual framework, Markov Chains: From Theory to Implementation and Experimentation is a stimulating introduction to and a valuable reference for those wishing to deepen their understanding of this extremely valuable statistical tool. Paul A. Gagniuc, PhD, is Associate Professor at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. He obtained his MS and his PhD in genetics at the University of Bucharest. Dr. Gagniuc’s work has been published in numerous high profile scientific journals, ranging from the Public Library of Science to BioMed Central and Nature journals. He is the recipient of several awards for exceptional scientific results and a highly active figure in the review process for different scientific areas.
Data Mining Algorithms is a practical, technically-oriented guide to data mining algorithms that covers the most important algorithms for building classification, regression, and clustering models, as well as techniques used for attribute selection and transformation, model quality evaluation, and creating model ensembles. The author presents many of the important topics and methodologies widely used in data mining, whilst demonstrating the internal operation and usage of data mining algorithms using examples in R.
A Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) consists of a set of variables, a domain of values for each variable and a set of constraints. The objective is to assign a value for each variable such that all constraints are satisfied. CSPs continue to receive increased attention because of both their high complexity and their omnipresence in academic, industrial and even real-life problems. This is why they are the subject of intense research in both artificial intelligence and operations research. This book introduces the classic CSP and details several extensions/improvements of both formalisms and techniques in order to tackle a large variety of problems. Consistency, flexible, dynamic, distributed and learning aspects are discussed and illustrated using simple examples such as the n-queen problem. Contents 1. Foundations of CSP. 2. Consistency Reinforcement Techniques. 3. CSP Solving Algorithms. 4. Search Heuristics. 5. Learning Techniques. 6. Maximal Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 7. Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization Problems. 8. Distibuted Constraint Satisfaction Problems. About the Authors Khaled Ghedira is the general managing director of the Tunis Science City in Tunisia, Professor at the University of Tunis, as well as the founding president of the Tunisian Association of Artificial Intelligence and the founding director of the SOIE research laboratory. His research areas include MAS, CSP, transport and production logistics, metaheuristics and security in M/E-government. He has led several national and international research projects, supervised 30 PhD theses and more than 50 Master’s theses, co-authored about 300 journal, conference and book research papers, written two text books on metaheuristics and production logistics and co-authored three others.