
Различные книги в жанре Математика

Автоморфизм-инвариантные и эндоморфизм-продолжаемые модули

А. А. Туганбаев

Данная монография посвящена изучению автоморфизм-инвариантных модулей, т.е. характеристические подмодули инъективных модулей, а также модулей, в которых все автоморфизмы (эндоморфизмы) подмодулей продолжаются до эндоморфизмов всего модуля. Рассматриваются приложения таких модулей к различным важным классам колец. Книга может быть полезна всем алгебраистам, интересующимся кольцами и модулями. Она может служить учебным пособием для студентов и аспирантов, изучающих современную алгебру. Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда. (Проект 16-11-10013).

Linear and Convex Optimization

Michael H. Veatch

Discover the practical impacts of current methods of optimization with this approachable, one-stop resource Linear and Convex Optimization: A Mathematical Approach delivers a concise and unified treatment of optimization with a focus on developing insights in problem structure, modeling, and algorithms. Convex optimization problems are covered in detail because of their many applications and the fast algorithms that have been developed to solve them.  Experienced researcher and undergraduate teacher Mike Veatch presents the main algorithms used in linear, integer, and convex optimization in a mathematical style with an emphasis on what makes a class of problems practically solvable and developing insight into algorithms geometrically. Principles of algorithm design and the speed of algorithms are discussed in detail, requiring no background in algorithms. The book offers a breadth of recent applications to demonstrate the many areas in which optimization is successfully and frequently used, while the process of formulating optimization problems is addressed throughout.  Linear and Convex Optimization contains a wide variety of features, including: Coverage of current methods in optimization in a style and level that remains appealing and accessible for mathematically trained undergraduates Enhanced insights into a few algorithms, instead of presenting many algorithms in cursory fashion An emphasis on the formulation of large, data-driven optimization problems Inclusion of linear, integer, and convex optimization, covering many practically solvable problems using algorithms that share many of the same concepts Presentation of a broad range of applications to fields like online marketing, disaster response, humanitarian development, public sector planning, health delivery, manufacturing, and supply chain management Ideal for upper level undergraduate mathematics majors with an interest in practical applications of mathematics, this book will also appeal to business, economics, computer science, and operations research majors with at least two years of mathematics training.

Кольца и модули

А. А. Туганбаев

Данная монография посвящена изложению теории ассоциативных колец с единицей и модулей над ними в случае не обязательно коммутативных колец. Материал представлен в виде теорем, определений, примеров и задач. Книга может быть полезна всем алгебраистам, интересующимся кольцами и модулями. Она может служить учебным пособием для студентов и аспирантов, изучающих современную алгебру. Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект 16-11-10013).

Тесты и задачи по математике для 5 класса. Часть 2

Станислава Солнечная

Столкнулась с тем, что для своих занятий нет подходящих методичек с большим количеством задач, на которых возможно отработать приемы и варианты решения. Поэтому наполнила книгу созданными задачами и примерами. Поможет в организации дополнительных занятий и т. д.

Multi-parametric Optimization and Control

Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos

R ecent developments in multi-parametric optimization and control   Multi-Parametric Optimization and Control  provides comprehensive coverage of recent methodological developments for optimal model-based control through parametric optimization. It also shares real-world research applications to support deeper understanding of the material.  Researchers and practitioners can use the book as reference. It is also suitable as a primary or a supplementary textbook. Each chapter looks at the theories related to a topic along with a relevant case study. Topic complexity increases gradually as readers progress through the chapters. The first part of the book presents an overview of the state-of-the-art multi-parametric optimization theory and algorithms in multi-parametric programming. The second examines the connection between multi-parametric programming and model-predictive control—from the linear quadratic regulator over hybrid systems to periodic systems and robust control.  The third part of the book addresses multi-parametric optimization in process systems engineering. A step-by-step procedure is introduced for embedding the programming within the system engineering, which leads the reader into the topic of the PAROC framework and software platform. PAROC is an integrated framework and platform for the optimization and advanced model-based control of process systems.  Uses case studies to illustrate real-world applications for a better understanding of the concepts presented Covers the fundamentals of optimization and model predictive control Provides information on key topics, such as the basic sensitivity theorem, linear programming, quadratic programming, mixed-integer linear programming, optimal control of continuous systems, and multi-parametric optimal control An appendix summarizes the history of multi-parametric optimization algorithms. It also covers the use of the parametric optimization toolbox (POP), which is comprehensive software for efficiently solving multi-parametric programming problems.

The Big R-Book

Philippe J. S. De Brouwer

Introduces professionals and scientists to statistics and machine learning using the programming language R Written by and for practitioners, this book provides an overall introduction to R, focusing on tools and methods commonly used in data science, and placing emphasis on practice and business use. It covers a wide range of topics in a single volume, including big data, databases, statistical machine learning, data wrangling, data visualization, and the reporting of results. The topics covered are all important for someone with a science/math background that is looking to quickly learn several practical technologies to enter or transition to the growing field of data science.  The Big R-Book for Professionals: From Data Science to Learning Machines and Reporting with R includes nine parts, starting with an introduction to the subject and followed by an overview of R and elements of statistics. The third part revolves around data, while the fourth focuses on data wrangling. Part 5 teaches readers about exploring data. In Part 6 we learn to build models, Part 7 introduces the reader to the reality in companies, Part 8 covers reports and interactive applications and finally Part 9 introduces the reader to big data and performance computing. It also includes some helpful appendices. Provides a practical guide for non-experts with a focus on business users Contains a unique combination of topics including an introduction to R, machine learning, mathematical models, data wrangling, and reporting Uses a practical tone and integrates multiple topics in a coherent framework Demystifies the hype around machine learning and AI by enabling readers to understand the provided models and program them in R Shows readers how to visualize results in static and interactive reports Supplementary materials includes PDF slides based on the book’s content, as well as all the extracted R-code and is available to everyone on a Wiley Book Companion Site The Big R-Book is an excellent guide for science technology, engineering, or mathematics students who wish to make a successful transition from the academic world to the professional. It will also appeal to all young data scientists, quantitative analysts, and analytics professionals, as well as those who make mathematical models.

Continuous Functions

Jacques Simon

Evidence-Based Statistics

Peter M. B. Cahusac

Evidence-Based Statistics: An Introduction to the Evidential Approach – from Likelihood Principle to Statistical Practice  provides readers with a comprehensive and thorough guide to the evidential approach in statistics. The approach uses likelihood ratios, rather than the probabilities used by other statistical inference approaches. The evidential approach is conceptually easier to grasp, and the calculations more straightforward to perform. This book explains how to express data in terms of the strength of statistical evidence for competing hypotheses.  The evidential approach is currently underused, despite its mathematical precision and statistical validity.  Evidence-Based Statistics  is an accessible and practical text filled with examples, illustrations and exercises. Additionally, the companion website complements and expands on the information contained in the book.  While the evidential approach is unlikely to replace probability-based methods of statistical inference, it provides a useful addition to any statistician’s “bag of tricks.” In this book:  It explains how to calculate statistical evidence for commonly used analyses, in a step-by-step fashion Analyses include: t tests, ANOVA (one-way, factorial, between- and within-participants, mixed), categorical analyses (binomial, Poisson, McNemar, rate ratio, odds ratio, data that’s ‘too good to be true’, multi-way tables), correlation, regression and nonparametric analyses (one sample, related samples, independent samples, multiple independent samples, permutation and bootstraps) Equations are given for all analyses, and R statistical code provided for many of the analyses Sample size calculations for evidential probabilities of misleading and weak evidence are explained Useful techniques, like Matthews’s critical prior interval, Goodman’s Bayes factor, and Armitage’s stopping rule are described Recommended for undergraduate and graduate students in any field that relies heavily on statistical analysis, as well as active researchers and professionals in those fields,  Evidence-Based Statistics: An Introduction to the Evidential Approach – from Likelihood Principle to Statistical Practice  belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who wants to amplify and empower their approach to statistical analysis.