
Различные книги в жанре Математика

The History of Chemistry

Thomas Thomson

"The History of Chemistry" spans a period from very old times to the modern era. Since several millennia BC, civilizations were using technologies that would eventually form the basis of the various branches of chemistry. Chemistry was preceded by its protoscience, alchemy, which is an intuitive but non-scientific approach to understanding the constituents of matter and their interactions. It was unsuccessful in explaining the nature of matter and its transformations, but, by performing experiments and recording the results, alchemists set the stage for modern chemistry. While both alchemy and chemistry are concerned with matter and its transformations, the crucial difference was given by the scientific method that chemists employed in their work. Chemistry is considered to have become an established science with the work of Antoine Lavoisier, who developed a law of conservation of mass that demanded careful measurement and quantitative observations of chemical phenomena. The object of this work is to present a comprehensive overview of the progress of chemistry, from its first rude and modest beginnings till it has reached its modern state of importance as one of the leading sciences. Volume 1: Of Alchymy Of the Chemical Knowledge Possessed by the Ancients Chemistry of the Arabians Of the Progress of Chemistry under Paracelsus and His Disciples Of Van Helmont and the Iatro-Chemists Of Agricola and Metallurgy Of Glauber, Lemery, and Some Other Chemists of the End of the Seventeenth Century Of the Attempts to Establish a Theory in Chemistry Of the Foundation and Progress of Scientific Chemistry in Great Britain Volume 2: Of the Foundation and Progress of Scientific Chemistry in Great Britain Of the Progress of Philosophical Chemistry in Sweden Progress of Scientific Chemistry in France Progress of Analytical Chemistry Of Electro-Chemistry Of the Atomic Theory Of the Present State of Chemistry

Collected Writings of Nikola Tesla

Thomas Commerford Martin

The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla is a book compiled by Thomas Commerford Martin detailing the work of Nikola Tesla through 1893. The book is a comprehensive compilation of Tesla's pioneering activities, research, and works. The book contains 43 chapters, most of them on different areas of Tesla's research and inventions by Tesla. The ideas and inventions are conveyed in their own way, determining by their own place by intrinsic merit. But with the fact that Tesla blazed a path that electrical development would later follow for years to come, the compiler of the book endeavored to bring together all of Tesla's work up to that point in Tesla's life. Aside from indicating the range of his thought and originality of his mind, the book has historical value because it describes the scope of Tesla's early inventions. Tesla is recognized as one of the foremost electrical researchers and inventors and, at the time of publication, the book was the «bible» of every electrical engineer practicing the profession.

Terrestrial & Celestial Globes

Edward Luther Stevenson

This book represents one of the very first detailed and comprehensive historical treatises on globes terrestrial and celestial in English language since the numerous works published before its appearance tended to give only a very general consideration to the uses of globes, including a reference to their important structural features, and to the problems geographical and astronomical in the solution of which they may be counted of service. The aim of this study was to treat the subject historically, beginning with the earliest references to the belief in a spherical earth and a spherical firmament encircling it, and it was inspired by the author's hope that the preliminary study may lead to a number of independent and thorough investigations of important individual examples, to the end of clearly setting forth their great documentary value. Volume 1: Terrestrial Globes in Antiquity Celestial Globes in Antiquity Globes Constructed by the Arabs Terrestrial and Celestial Globes in the Christian Middle Ages Globes Constructed in the Early Years of the Great Geographical Discoveries Globes of the Early Sixteenth Century Globes of the Second Quarter of the Sixteenth Century Globes and Globe Makers of the Third Quarter of the Sixteenth Century Globes and Globe Makers of the Last Quarter of the Sixteenth Century Volume 2: Globes and Globe Makers of the Early Seventeenth Century. The Dutch Scientific Masters and Their Preeminent Leadership Globes of the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century Globes and Globe Makers of the First Half of the Eighteenth Century – from Delisle to Ferguson Globes and Globe Makers of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century The Technic of Globe Construction – Materials and Methods

The Essential Works of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla

Musaicum Books presents to you this meticulously edited collection of writings by Nikola Tesa: My Inventions – Autobiography of Nikola Tesla Lectures: A New System of Alternate Current Motors and Transformers Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena On Electricity My Submarine Destroyer High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes Scientific Articles: Swinburne's «Hedgehog» Transformer Phenomena of Alternating Currents of Very High Frequency Alternate Current Electrostatic Induction Apparatus An Electrolytic Clock Electric Discharge in Vacuum Tubes Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo The «Drehstrom» Patent The Ewing High-Frequency Alternator and Parson's Steam Engine On the Dissipation of the Electrical Energy of the Hertz Resonator The Physiological and Other Effects of High Frequency Currents Nikola Tesla – About His Experiments in Electrical Healing The Age of Electricity The Problem of Increasing Human Energy Talking with Planets Can Bridge the Gap to Mars Little Aeroplane Progress How to Signal to Mars The Transmission of Electric Energy Without Wires The Wonder World to Be Created by Electricity Nikola Tesla Sees a Wireless Vision Correction by Mr. Tesla The True Wireless On Roentgen Rays Tesla's Latest Results – He Now Produces Radiographs at a Distance of More Than Forty Feet On Reflected Roentgen Rays On Roentgen Radiations Roentgen Ray Investigations An Interesting Feature of X-Ray Radiations Roentgen Rays or Streams On the Roentgen Streams On Hurtful Actions of Lenard and Roentgen Tubes On the Source of Roentgen Rays and the Practical Construction and Safe Operation of Lenard Tubes Tesla's Wireless Light… Letters to Magazine Editors The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla by Thomas Commerford Martin

The Complete Essays by Herbert Spencer (Vol. 1-3)

Spencer Herbert

This 3-volume book features a comprehensive collection of most significant scientific, political and speculative essays by Herbert Spencer. The first volume is made up of essays in which the idea of evolution, general or special is dominant. In the second volume essays dealing with philosophical questions, with abstract and concrete science, and with aesthetics, are brought together; but though all of them are tacitly evolutionary, their evolutionism is an incidental rather than a necessary trait. The ethical, political, and social essays composing the third volume, though mostly written from the evolution point of view, have for their more immediate purposes the enunciation of doctrines which are directly practical in their bearings. Volume 1: The Development Hypothesis Progress: Its Law and Cause Transcendental Physiology The Nebular Hypothesis Illogical Geology Bain on the Emotions and the Will The Social Organism The Origin of Animal Worship Morals and Moral Sentiments The Comparative Psychology of Man Mr. Martineau on Evolution The Factors of Organic Evolution Volume 2: The Genesis of Science The Classification of the Sciences Reasons for Dissenting From the Philosophy of M. Comte On Laws in General, and the Order of Their Discovery The Valuation of Evidence What is Electricity? Mill versus Hamilton – The Test of Truth Replies to Criticisms Prof. Green's Explanations The Philosophy of Style Use and Beauty The Sources of Architectural Types Gracefulness Personal Beauty The Origin and Function of Music The Physiology of Laughter Volume 3: Manners and Fashion Railway Morals and Railway Policy The Morals of Trade Prison-ethics The Ethics of Kant Absolute Political Ethics Over-legislation Representative Government – What is It Good for? State-tamperings With Money and Banks Parliamentary Reform: the Dangers and the Safeguards "The Collective Wisdom" Political Fetichism Specialized Administration From Freedom to Bondage The Americans

Linear Algebra

Michael L. O'Leary

LINEAR ALGEBRA EXPLORE A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTORY TEXT IN LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH COMPELLING SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, INCLUDING A COMPANION WEBSITE AND SOLUTIONS MANUALS Linear Algebra delivers a fulsome exploration of the central concepts in linear algebra, including multidimensional spaces, linear transformations, matrices, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, basis, inner products, and eigenvectors. While the text provides challenging problems that engage readers in the mathematical theory of linear algebra, it is written in an accessible and simple-to-grasp fashion appropriate for junior undergraduate students.An emphasis on logic, set theory, and functions exists throughout the book, and these topics are introduced early to provide students with a foundation from which to attack the rest of the material in the text. Linear Algebra includes accompanying material in the form of a companion website that features solutions manuals for students and instructors. Finally, the concluding chapter in the book includes discussions of advanced topics like generalized eigenvectors, Schur’s Lemma, Jordan canonical form, and quadratic forms. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to logic and set theory, as well as descriptions of functions and linear transformationsAn exploration of Euclidean spaces and linear transformations between Euclidean spaces, including vectors, vector algebra, orthogonality, the standard matrix, Gauss-Jordan elimination, inverses, and determinantsDiscussions of abstract vector spaces, including subspaces, linear independence, dimension, and change of basisA treatment on defining geometries on vector spaces, including the Gram-Schmidt processPerfect for undergraduate students taking their first course in the subject matter, Linear Algebra will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers in computer science or statistics seeking an accessible and practical foundation in linear algebra.

Aplicaciones informáticas de hojas de cálculo. ADGN0108

Julio Vílchez Beltrán

Utilizar hojas de cálculo con habilidad utilizando las funciones habituales en todas aquellas actividades que requieran tabulación y tratamiento aritmético-lógico y/o estadístico de datos e información, así como su presentación en gráficos.

Aplicaciones informáticas de hojas de cálculo. ADGD0208

Julio Vílchez Beltrán

– Utilizar hojas de cálculo con habilidad utilizando las funciones habituales en todas aquellas actividades que requieran tabulación y tratamiento aritmético-lógico y/o estadístico de datos e información, así como su presentación en gráficos. – Identificar las prestaciones, procedimientos y asistentes de la hoja de cálculo describiendo sus características. – Describir las características de protección y seguridad en hojas de cálculo.

Aplicaciones informáticas de hojas de cálculo. ADGD0108

Julio Vílchez Beltrán

Adquirir las competencias necesarias para gestionar efectivamente hojas de cálculo, pudiendo sacar el máximo beneficio en el puesto de trabajo diario.

Aplicaciones informáticas de hojas de cálculo. ADGD0308

Julio Vílchez Beltrán

– Utilizar hojas de cálculo con habilidad utilizando las funciones habituales en todas aquellas actividades que requieran tabulación y tratamiento aritmético-lógico y/o estadístico de datos e información, así como su presentación en gráficos.