Современный мир становится все сложнее, а информации в нем – все больше. В повседневной работе это приводит к тому, что каждый сотрудник должен держать под контролем множество задач. Но человеческая память несовершенна, поэтому даже профессионалы высочайшего класса, перегруженные работой, допускают ошибки, которые оборачиваются катастрофическими проблемами. Автор предлагает решить проблему забывчивости с помощью доступного и очень действенного способа – составления чек-листов, т. е. контрольных списков необходимых действий, с которым должна в процессе работы сверяться вся команда. Область применения чек-листов практически не ограничена: с их помощью американские клиники улучшили статистику выздоровлений пациентов в больницах, строительные компании смогли повысить качество вводимых в эксплуатацию объектов, а летчики – снизить количество аварий. Чек-листы также становятся неотъемлемой частью бизнес-процессов компаний по всему миру. Автор объясняет, как правильно составлять и использовать чек-листы в разных областях деятельности, чтобы быстро и эффективно справляться со сложными задачами.
Александр Фефелов – в прошлом безработный гастарбайтер – сейчас многодетный отец, успешный музыкант, путешествует с семьёй по различным странам нашей планеты. Александр утверждает: «Когда вы станете внедрять в жизнь те принципы, которые я описал в этой книге, ваша жизнь круто изменится к лучшую сторону. Проверено на личном опыте!»
"En nuestro día a día, la intuición interviene muy a menudo: tanto si se trata de tomar una decisión importante como de efectuar una elección en temas profesionales, durante encuentros con los amigos… La intuición permite percibir la vida con una mirada distinta y acceder a otra dimensión de la mente. Porque, tal y como indica el autor, «al entreabrir la puerta de la intuición, nuestra cita es simplemente con nosotros mismos…» Esta obra le permitirá entender el proceso intuitivo. Además, el libro presenta técnicas y ejercicios para solicitar, facilitar y desarrollar la intuición (preparación física, escucha interior, anticipación, visualización) y consejos para explotarla. Bernard Baudouin, escritor y periodista, trabaja desde hace muchos años en temas relacionados con la mente."
Try new sexual positions The bestselling guide to a rewarding sex life and a deeper relationship Looking for the straight facts on sex? In this friendly, authoritative guide, renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth gives you the latest on everything from oral sex and popular positions to new methods of birth control. She also debunks sex myths and covers new therapies to manage low libido, overcome sexual dysfunction, and enhance pleasure. Praise for Dr. Ruth and Sex For Dummies «Her energy level is higher than that of a charged particle.» –People Magazine «Dr. Ruth writes the way she talks – enthusiastically, nonjudgmentally, and informatively. . . .» –Booklist «Her name and the distinctive thrill of her voice have become inextricably linked with the subject of sex.» –New York Times Discover how to Enjoy the first time Enhance foreplay and afterplay with your partner Avoid STDs and have safer sex Discuss sex with your kids Navigate cybersex
Now, you can find the happiness you want and live “the good life” you deserve by applying the helpful information in Happiness For Dummies, the ultimate guide to achieving bliss! You’ll discover proven techniques for living a meaningful, healthy, and productive life no matter what your life circumstances happen to be. Positive concepts and techniques will help you change key behaviors, foster good habits, and be in sync with your surroundings. This helpful guide will give you the chance to assess your happiness and understand what it means to be happy at each stage of self-actualization. You’ll learn why having positive emotions can improve your health and well-being. And, you will find out what happiness isn’t and how to avoid confusing happiness with culturally valued outcomes like wealth, power, and success. Pursue what you want, seize the day, find benefits in life’s challenges, and live a coherent lifestyle. Find out how to: Assess your current capacity for happiness Live the life that you want Overcome common obstacles to happiness Identify your strengths and virtues Improve your emotional and spiritual life Create meaningful social ties and learn to be alone Find the silver lining Complete with lists of ten ways to raise a happy child, ten common roadblocks to happiness, and ten personal habits to foster happiness, Happiness For Dummies is your one-stop, easy-to-follow guide to being happy and living your best life.
В чем же заключаются секреты волшебной философии жизни в стиле Хюгге? Как найти путь к собственному счастью и счастью близких людей? Норвежская писательница, шеф-повар и специалист по скандинавской кулинарии Сигне Йохансен раскрывает эту тему. Эта книга – свежее, информативное, беззаботное и полностью иллюстрированное практическое руководство к Хюгге. В издании сочетаются рецепты, полезные советы для уютной жизни у себя дома и рассматриваются основные принципы скандинавской философии, которые помогают обрести ту самую заветную жизненную гармонию.
* Master the 3 keys of memory * Boost memory power with self-tests * Remember everything better, from names and faces to articles and speeches Master key concepts. Prepare for exams. Learn at your own pace. How does memory work? What kind of drugs can impair memory? How does the brain change with age? What are the tricks to improving everyday memory? With Memory: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more. Carol Turkington provides memory-boosting activities related to study skills, foreign languages, names and faces, numbers, speeches, and age-related memory loss. The techniques presented will enable anyone to boost memory power and, by using Turkington's essential memory keys, cultivate tools for remembering that will last a lifetime. The step-by-step, clearly structured format of Memory makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Memory allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to improve his or her memory.
The acclaimed authors of The Book of Luck are back with some brilliant ideas for bringing more happiness into your life. The Book of Happiness is more than just a practical guide to improving your happiness levels. It's a complete makeover, aimed at putting a spring in your step, and a permanent lift to your spirits. We all know happiness is a state of mind, but few of us know how to improve our share of it. Many people think that happiness just comes out of nowhere. Not so. The reality is you can create your own happiness by choosing what you do, what you say, where you go, what you remember, who and what you surround yourself with, what you think and what you listen to. The Book of Happiness kicks off with a Happiness Questionnaire to give you an instant snapshot of your current state of mind. Once you have scored yourself, you will learn the areas you need to focus on. There is a workbook to complete at each key stage, as well as stirring anecdotes, tips and happy thoughts to keep you going. Just remember: it only takes 21 days to get rid of an unwanted habit and to acquire a new one. Isn't it about time you got the happiness habit?
Healing Your Emotional Self «Emotionally abusive parents are indeed toxic parents, and they cause significant damage to their children's self-esteem, self-image, and body image. In this remarkable book, Beverly Engel shares her powerful Mirror Therapy program for helping adult survivors to overcome their shame and self-criticism, become more compassionate and accepting of themselves, and create a more posititve self-image. I strongly recommend it for anyone who was abused or neglected as a child.» –Susan Forward, Ph.D., author of Toxic Parents «In this book, Beverly Engel documents the wide range of psychological abuses that so many children experience in growing up. Her case examples and personal accounts are poignant and powerful reminders that as adults, many of us are still limited by the defenses we formed when trying to protect ourselves in the face of the painful circumstances we found ourselves in as children. Engle's insightful questionnaires and exercises provide concrete help in the healing process, and her writing style is lively and engaging. This book is destined to positively affect many lives.» –Joyce Catlett, M.A., coauthor of Fear of Intimacy The Emotionally Abusive Relationship «Beverly Engel clearly and with caring offers step-by-step strategies to stop emotional abuse . . . helping both victims and abusers to identify the patterns of this painful and traumatic type of abuse.» –Marti Tamm Loring, Ph.D., author of Emotional Abuse Loving Him without Losing You «A powerful and practical guide to relationships that every woman should read.» –Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D., author of Are You the One for Me?
A brand new collection of powerful psychometric and intelligence tests Psychometric testing has become a standard tool of the trade among recruiters in today's hypercompetitive job marketplace. Now, from the wiseguys behind the bestselling IQ Workout series, here are forty new tests designed to gauge and sharpen your mental powers, assess your personality traits, identify your aptitudes, and reveal your strengths and weaknesses. Each test offers a minimum of twenty to twenty-five questions. Using a point system that enables you to calibrate your personality traits, the personality tests examine thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in various situations. The IQ tests assess verbal comprehension, numeracy, logic, and spatial reasoning, and feature a scoring system and in-depth answers that provide instant feedback on performance. A fun and informative way to assess personality and intelligence, More Psychometric Testing also is an indispensable resource for job seekers and career builders. Philip Carter (Mirfield, West Yorkshire, UK) and Ken Russell (Havant, West Sussex, UK) are the UK MENSA Puzzle Editors. Together they have coauthored over 100 books on all aspects of testing, puzzles, and crosswords.