Личностный рост

Различные книги в жанре Личностный рост


Russell McNair

Believe that your life can be better and you are already over half way there.<br><br>Believe is an inspirational and motivational book designed to help the reader to change their attitude and focus in order to be, do or have more.<br><br>We are capable, right now, to change our lives for the better. Believe draws the reader&#39;s focus to achieving that outcome starting immediately. Improving ourselves sends positive ripples of energy outwards, helping to motivate and improve the lives of our loved ones, friends and, ultimately, the world.

Law School In Plain English

N.A. Capozzi

The premise of the book is simple: to teach law students how to be law students. <br><br>So much time is lost in law school with students trying to learn how to be a law student. So many students spend too much time learning how to take notes, prepare for class, case brief, outline, prepare for finals and so much more. No one will teach them these things yet mastery of these things is pivotal to the student&#39;s success in law school. This causes the student stress, leads to being unproductive, and it can create an unbalanced lifestyle. <br><br>Law School in Plain English is the solution to these problems. With its uncompromising plainness and easy to read style, the book covers all aspects of what it means to be a law student, how to succeed, and how to improve quality of life while in law school.

How to Date and Attract the Woman You Love: Meet Your Perfect Girl and Make Her Want You

Richard Harry

So you want to be the special guy that almost every girl will find irresistible. You&#39;re fed up with the fact that you&#39;re having such a hard time trying to impress a girl only for you to end up rejected at the end of the day. <br><br>Your main questions usually circles around what you have against what other guys have. Why is it so easy for other males to attract the opposite sex, but almost impossible when you do it? Even when you&#39;re trying your best, you realize that you&#39;re getting nowhere. <br><br>Well, that&#39;s what this book is going to do for you. It&#39;s going to give you a makeover that begins in your mind. By the end of the book, you&#39;re going to be different and you&#39;re going to feel different from how you were before. Best of all, you&#39;re going to like it and you wouldn&#39;t want to change back.

The Story of Stuart and Frank: How You Can Achieve the Results You Really Want

Paul Browning

The Story of Stuart and Frank is a book written by the author, Paul Browning, with the intent of delivering to the reader instructions on how to get the results that they really want in their life. Factors such as the increasing cost of living, jobs under threat or cash flow pressures in business means we all concentrate on a lot of negativity in our lives. Consequently, such negativity can wear us down and affect our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and ultimately our results and achievements. You may have noticed this negativity filtering down to affect you at a personal level. You may have experienced this in the form of feedback from employers, teachers, even mothers and fathers whom despite having your best interests at heart can occasionally fail to encourage. Let s not forget, they too are under pressure. The Story of Stuart and Frank, outlines the lives of two fictional individuals who have the same opportunities as they embark on their lives. It depicts two very contrasting outcomes for them both despite their similar circumstances. Stuart does very well while Frank achieves modest results at best. Browning uses these two individuals to outline to us how our thoughts become feelings, the way feelings influence our actions, and our actions dictate the quality of our results. The book outlines the factors that can influence our thoughts and provides suggestions for success. The book contains two parts. Part One details the lives of Stuart and Frank and analyses how their lives change through the lifecycle of growing up to old age and, ultimately, death whilst concentrating on the internal and external factors that influence their thoughts and actions. Part Two outlines how the reader can get the results they really want in any aspect of their own life. It analyses how we all think, how we use our five physical senses to perceive the world we live in and finally what we can do to influence the way we think. Consequently, the reader can enjoy a happier and better quality of life from the results they achieve.

Free At Last

Ron Rockey

People everywhere have questions about why life has dealt them a devastating blow, or why their thoughts and feelings lead them to behaviors which sabotage their joy and distance them from the very relationships they long for.<br><br>In this book, Ron and Nancy Rockey, who teach from personal experience and their advanced education, use the stories of themselves and others to teach the answers that most have been searching for: <br><br>Sam, a convicted killer, <br><br>Ron, an ex-con who lived as a loner from his infancy, <br><br>Rick, an alcoholic, <br><br>Mike who thought that his beginnings were perfect, <br><br>and several others, illustrate through their stories, how we develop thinking patterns and behaviors that hurt us and others.<br><br>So just what is it about our beginnings and about even generations before us, that sets us on a path to illness, poor relationships, criminal behavior and perhaps even early death?<br><br>You&#39;ll find the answers in this book. AND . . . you&#39;ll discover HOPE!

Change Your Thinking Pattern and Attitude: Your Personal Guide to Positive Behavior Change

Brian JD Azarenka

It has been repeatedly stated that life is difficult and that people change over time throughout the course of their life. Unfortunately, that change is usually not one that is beneficial to the person. Rather, it is a negative change that slowly erodes a person&#39;s mental state. Soon enough, they become sick and tired of themselves and desire a positive change. Of course, the best way to change a person&#39;s outlook on life is to change their attitude. <br><br>Normally, change requires time and perseverance. Without the motivation and desire to change, you cannot hope to change. That is why this book will act as your guide, helping you change your outlook and attitude in life. Soon, you&#39;ll be able to leave those negative aspects of yours behind and move on to a more positive future. Of course, in order for you to be able to see the results of your efforts, you must first believe that you can obtain the results that you desire. <br><br>This book will simply be a guide for you to understand what you can do to change yourself. However, at the end of the book, the decision will rest on you because the first step towards change is your decision.

Self Mastery

Eduardo A. Morato Jr.

Self Mastery is the most elusive of all human quests. A lifetime is never sufficient for most people. Learning to be the best that you can ever become demands the full faculties of the brain, the heart and the spirit. This search for the ultimate self begins with learning to think, using both rational, analytical and critical mind and the associative, creative, systemic and integrative mind. It then conjures that other way of knowing without knowing why you know. This is learning to intuit. Separate, but equally powerful, is the emotional mind, the one that feels and empathizes. Learning to feel brings the self to its sensitive, sensual and stimulating dimension. Next, learning to do puts into action everything that one thinks, intuits and feels. This is followed by the need to transmit and receive messages, both trivial and important, in learning to communicate. Raising the level of the self to assume greater responsibility and accept personal accountability for other is learning to lead. Finally, there is full self actualization and total human development in learning to be. At this height of personal excellence, the five pillars of being and becoming conspire to transform the self towards transcendence. These elevating pillars are wonderment, a wider world view, wisdom, walking the way of the spirit and the will to live.

Change Your Thought Patterns: Mind Control Secrets

Silva JD Jean

Power and Control. Everyone wants it. Everyone has it. Why so few people use it.<br><br>The silent art of power and control is to see the potential force in everything and arrange it so that, if released, it works in your favor.<br><br>We all have thoughts, but we don&#39;t all achieve our dreams. That&#39;s because thoughts may be negative or positive in nature.<br><br>All successful people, however, have one thing in common &mdash; determination! To be a success, you must first determine to be so. Though not always a conscious decision, the seed that leads to action is to first determine.<br><br>Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought that you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual you so admire.

Влюбленные и наоборот. Заметки практикующего психолога о том, как создать, сохранить и разрушить пару

Евгения Владимировна Андреева

Люди объединяются в пары в надежде на хорошее. Одни мечтают о безопасности и семейном уюте. Другие ищут духовную близость или хотят кого-то приятного для объятий. Третьи хотят обрести партнёра для путешествий, чтобы говорить: «Смотри, какая красота!» и слышать: «Да!..». И абсолютно все надеются на то, что не будут чувствовать себя в отношениях одинокими. Эта книга о том, что боль и непонимание можно и важно превращать в любовь. К себе и другому. О том, зачем мы злимся, обижаемся, грустим и завидуем любимым. И что нам со всем этим делать. О том, как создавать близость, доверять и не быть одинокими. Это точно возможно, но не по волшебству. А с помощью маленьких вещей и важных слов. Ведь сказочные истории обычно скрывают от нас, что бывает в промежутке между тем, как двое поженились и умерли в один день. А я расскажу.

How to Influence Anyone Effectively: The Art of Persuasion

Susan JD Parker

Having the ability to influence another can and will be a very useful skill to have in society. Whether you&#39;re in a professional business trying to persuade your customers into buying your products or services, or just simply want to persuade your friends to go along with what you want, influence works the same way. <br><br>Although some people are a natural at it, those without the skill can always learn. All it takes is time, effort, and motivation. Pretty soon, you&#39;ll be able to master the technique of influence will require more than the ability to persuade your audience. It&#39;ll become much easier for you to connect with your audience and you&#39;ll notice a significant difference in your communication skills. <br><br>Your skills and experience in life will be merged together along with your social skills. By the time you finish reading, you&#39;ll be ready to go out into the world to test your newly gained knowledge.