Percival Kirby was a musician and ethnomusicologist and for many years head of the music department at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Between 1923 and 1933 he undertook more than nine expeditions as well as many shorter excursions around South Africa. He was hosted by local chiefs and taught to play the instruments he encountered. He managed to purchase many of them, and this collection, now known as the Kirby Collection, is housed at the South African College of Music, University of Cape Town. First published as Musical Instruments of the Native Races of South Africa in 1934, the book was the culmination of research trips undertaken by Percival Kirby. It became the standard reference on indigenous South African musical instruments. The bulk of the material is concerned with detailed information on the making and playing of each instrument, and is accompanied by a large number of musical examples. This third edition contains an introduction by Mike Nixon, Head of the Ethnomusicology and African Music at the South African College of Music, and new reproductions of the valuable historic photographs, but leaves Kirby?s original text unchanged.
In this book Natasha Distiller explores historic and contemporary uses of Shakespeare in South African society which illustrate the complexities of colonial and post-colonial realities as they relate to iconic Englishness. Beginning with Solomon Plaatje, the author looks at the development of an elite group educated in English and able to use Shakespeare to formulate South African works and South African identities. Refusing simple or easy answers, Distiller then explores the South African Shakespearian tradition postapartheid. Touching on the work of, amongst others, Can Themba, Bloke Modisane, Antony Sher, Stephen Francis, Rico Schacherl and Kopano Matlwa, and including the popular media as well as school textbooks, Shakespeare and the Coconuts engages with aspects of South Africa?s complicated, painful, fascinating political and cultural worlds, and their intersections. Written in an accessible style to explain current cultural theory, Shakespeare and the Coconuts will be of interest to students, academics and the general interested reader.
<P>Dismissed by critics and academics, condemned by parents and politicians, and fervently embraced by legions of fans, heavy metal music continues to attract and embody cultural conflicts that are central to society. In Running with the Devil, Robert Walser explores how and why heavy metal works, both musically and socially, and at the same time uses metal to investigate contemporary formations of identity, community, gender, and power. This edition includes a new foreword by Harris M. Berger contextualizing the work and a new afterword by the author.</P>
Переворот, произошедший в общественном сознании после Первой мировой войны, открывает новую культурную эру и одновременно завершает европейскую «прекрасную эпоху». Это время отмечено затуханием веры в прогресс, переориентацией внимания с познаваемости вещей на их существование и кризисом историзма как главного объяснительного принципа XIX века. Все перечисленные тенденции вместе с бурным развитием науки и новых визуальных медиумов – фотографии, кино, иллюстрированных газет и рекламы – и порождают условия для возникновения концепта «визуальной культуры». Перенос внимания с временно́й непрерывности конкретных «историй» на «пространственное», прерывное соотношение различных визуальных практик и их артефактов привел, с одной стороны, к ослаблению идеи автономии искусства, а с другой, к расцвету междисциплинарных методов его изучения. Центральной проблемой при такой смене акцента стала проблема визуальной топологии. Вместе с ней на авансцену выходят исследования разного рода «мест», «локусов», «дистанций», «перспектив», пространственных (оптических) иллюзий в произведениях искусства и других визуальных артефактах, а также интерес к местам пребывания и разнообразию видов материального воплощения визуальных образов. Новые исследовательские тренды, которые дают о себе знать уже в середине – конце 1920-х годов, порождают и новую ретро-перспективу – иными словами, формируют другое ви́дение собственной генеалогии. Это приводит к созданию оригинальной концепции рождения модерна ( modernité ) как исходной точки возникновения современной, т. е. характерной для послевоенной Европы, визуальной культуры. В настоящее издание вошли тексты Вальтера Беньямина, Зигфрида Кракауэра, Роберто Калассо, Розалинд Краусс и Джона Бёрджера, которые помогают раскрыть контекст формирования визуальной культуры XIX–XX веков.
Misunderstood: one thing foreigners never want to be! But Africans and Westerners, interpreting the world through different cultural lenses, misunderstand each other with alarming regularity. This is sometimes funny, sometimes scandalous, but always damages credibility. This book is designed to promote cultural competence among Westerners working in Africa and among Africans living in the West. Cultural competence—knowing what one needs to know to act in a manner acceptable in a society—is the first step to credibility and the surest antidote to being misunderstood. DiGennaro creatively introduces dialog between two fictitious characters: Juma as the African voice, and Wesley as the Western voice. They articulate their culture’s perspectives on seven themes, themes which were identified by Westerners in Africa and by their African co-workers, as the most chronic points of cross-cultural stress: organization, finances, friendship, spirituality, communication and conflict, leadership, and work. Easy to read and broad in approach, this book is ideal for North Americans and Europeans who desire to expand their appreciation and comprehension of Africans’ social reality. Debbi DiGennaro (M.A. in Social Work, The Ohio State University) moved to East Africa in 2008. She leaned heavily on her training in social sciences to facilitate her understanding of work and relationship patterns in Africa. Based in Nairobi with her family, DiGennaro currently leads the regional team of a faith-based NGO.
Fidel Castro jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin during the Great Terror. He murdered more Cubans in his first three years in power than Hitler murdered Germans during his first six. Alone among world leaders, Castro came to within inches of igniting a global nuclear holocaust.But you would never guess any of that from reading the mainstream American media. Instead we hear fawning accounts of Castro liberating Cuba from the clutches of U.S. robber-barons and bestowing world-class healthcare and education on his downtrodden citizens. “Propaganda is vital—the heart of our struggle,” Castro wrote in 1955. Today, the concept is as valid to the Cuban regime as ever.History records few propaganda campaigns as phenomenally successful or enduring as Castro and Che’s. The Longest Romance exposes the full scope of this deception; it documents the complicity of major U.S. media players in spreading Castro’s propaganda and in coloring the world’s view of his totalitarian regime. Castro’s cachet as a celebrity icon of anti-Americanism has always overshadowed his record as a warmonger, racist, sexist, Stalinist, and godfather of modern terrorism. The Longest Romance uncovers this shameful history and names its major accomplices.