Редакция журнала Кухонька Михалыча
Журнал кулинарных советов для всей семьи.Каждый номер посвящен определенной кулинарной теме или продукту. На страницах журнала вы найдете новые и давно забытые рецепты, научитесь печь пироги, готовить вкусные супы и салаты, мясо и рыбу, найдете полезные блюда для детей.
Редакция журнала Сваты. Заготовки
Более 100 рецептов заготовок от Сватов в каждом номере: соленья и маринады, салаты и ассорти, соусы и приправы, заготовки к сезону, сладкие заготовки, напитки, винный погребок, мясные деликатесы, здоровые рецепты, целебные заготовки, дачные хлопоты, правила хранения, а также кроссворды и сканворды для досуга. Лучшими рецептами поделятся с вами сваты Любовь Сергеевна и Михаил Михайлович.
В этой книге мы рассказываем, как готовить вкусные пироги и пирожки с мясной начинкой, пироги с овощами и сыром, а также сладкие пироги. Каждый рецепт сопровождается пошаговыми фотографиями. Даже начинающий кулинар легко сможет готовить по книге Александра и Ирины.Александр Эль и Ирина Доброхотова более тридцати лет готовят известные во всем мире блюда. Наш принцип – готовить кушанья только из натуральных продуктов, которые несут людям здоровье и долголетие!Фотографии – Ирина ДоброхотоваРедактор – Екатерина ЛебединскаяДизайн – Дмитрий Лебединский
Самый быстрый способ восстановить силы и добавить себе ускорения – это смузи. Кроме очевидной пользы, тут есть еще и безграничный простор для творчества – смешать разные вкусы и текстуры, разные цвета и оттенки, вкусовую насыщенность и яркость, получить в итоге настоящий заряд оптимизма в бокале. Книга Юлии не просто красивая история, это настоящая палочка-выручалочка, которая не только поможет смешать, но и вдохновит на то, чтобы повернуть свою жизнь в русло здоровья, красивой жизни, гармонии и хорошего настроения.
Новая книга известного блогера и кулинара Инны Метельской-Шереметьевой – настоящий подарок для вас, если вы – рачительная хозяйка, любящая угощать свою семью и друзей всю зиму теми дарами, которыми щедро делится с нами лето! Яркие, вкусные, полные витаминов (да-да, автор настаивает, что в правильно приготовленных консервах содержится масса полезного для нашего здоровья!), простые в приготовлении, эти заготовки наверняка покорят ваше сердце, а некоторые рецепты определенно войдут в копилку любимых семейных, и когда-нибудь по ним будут готовить ваши дочки и внучки.
Food writer and cook Pippa Kendrick revolutionises allergy-friendly food with an inspired collection of delicious recipes for everyone to make, share and enjoy – and just happen to be free from wheat, gluten, yeast, egg, dairy and soya.The Intolerant Gourmet is a cookbook that will appeal to everyone; from those that want delicious food but suffer food allergy or intolerance to those who simply want great home cooking that can be served to all their friends and family no matter what they can or can’t eat.Each year, more and more people are diagnosed with food intolerance or find that avoiding certain products makes them feel better, happier, and more energetic; but for too long they’ve been forced to have separate meals or go without. Pippa puts an end to this with a cookbook that celebrates great food to be savoured by one and all, and won’t leave anyone feeling unsatisfied.In this beautifully illustrated book – packed with stunning photographs – you’ll find 120 doable recipes. All are entirely free from wheat, yeast, egg and dairy and almost all entirely free from gluten; but, most importantly, all are delicious.Pippa offers simple soups, snacks and salads, satisfying main courses including inspired versions of what you might find on a restaurant menu, tasty vegetarian meals and plenty of indulgent desserts and cakes. She also includes tried-and-tested basic recipes for breads, pastry and biscuits.Pippa’s fresh, inclusive approach to ‘free from’ cooking and her engaging personality shine through to make the recipe book that food intolerants have been crying out for: a beautiful modern-day cookery bible to cherish and share, and to turn to again and again.Recipes include:Smoked Chicken, Sweet Potato and Lentil SaladFalafel with Parsley and Tomato SaladLamb Korma with Lemon and Cashew RiceTomato Pesto-filled Pork TenderloinLamb Tagine with Dates and PeppersSpaghetti with Roasted Aubergine, Thyme and Chilli SauceMasala Roast Chicken and SquashVegetable LasagneBakewell TartTreacle Tart with CustardJam TartsWhite Soda BreadShortcrust Pastry
An offering from critically acclaimed Irish celebrity chef, Kevin Dundon. ‘Recipes That Work’ is a robust, confident collection of delicious, classic recipes that does exactly what it says on the tin.A firm believer that great tasting, seasonal food shouldn't be reserved for the restaurant, Kevin specialises in taking his vast knowledge and years of experience as head chef, and creating delicious, simple recipes that you can replicate in the home.‘Recipes That Work’ is a collection of tried-and-tested, fail safe recipes that any home cook of any experience will be able to master. These are recipes that you can dig out time and time again whatever the occasion. Whether you are hosting a dinner party for friends, preparing tea for the kids or making a quick, nutritious supper for two, Kevin will have the perfect solution.This book will give confidence to the most timid of cooks but will also help more experienced home chefs build their repertoire. Focusing on delicious, simple, seasonal food ‘Recipes That Work’ is guaranteed to bring some restaurant magic to your everyday meals. With Kevin's expertise guiding you all the way, it's the essential kitchen companion.Recipes Include:Pan seared scallops with creamy leeksHamhock & Parsley TerrineClassic French onion soupRoasted rib of beef with horseradish creamSmoked trout, poached eggs & hollandaiseGlazed pork bellyGinger-spiced vegetable pieCoffee & walnut layer cakeTriple chocolate brownieChapter Breakdown:Starters & SaladsSoupsMain CoursesDessertsLarder & Kitchen essentials
Following the success of ‘Real Food’ and ‘Appetite’, this is the tenth book from Nigel Slater, the award-winning food writer and author of the bestselling autobiography, ‘Toast’.‘The food in “The Kitchen Diaries” is simply what I eat at home. The stuff I make for myself, for friends and family, for visitors and for parties, for Sunday lunch and for snacks. These are meals I make when I stop work, or when I am having mates over or when I want to surprise, seduce or show off. This is what I cook when I’m feeling energetic, lazy, hungry or late. It is what I eat when I’m not phoning out for pizza or going for a curry. This is the food that makes up my life, both the Monday to Friday stuff and that for weekends and special occasions.’‘Much of it is what you might call fast food, because I still believe that life is too short to spend all day at the stove, but some of it is unapologetically long, slow cooking. But without exception every single recipe in this book is a doddle to cook. A walk in the park. A piece of p***.’‘Fast food, slow food, big eats, little eats, quick pasta suppers, family roasts and even Christmas lunch. It is simply my stuff, what I cook and eat, every day. Nigel’s food – for you.’
Building upon the ever-more-popular principles of The New English Kitchen and The Savvy Shopper, The New English Table celebrates good British food and shows how to make the most of ingredients and leftovers.Hot chestnut and honey soup, whipped potatoes with Lancashire cheese, melted ale and cheddar to eat with bread, baked haddock soup, saffron buns and watercress and radish sauce for pasta: just a few of the 200 completely delectable and original recipes in this inspiring new book.The New English Table explores affordable and easy good food. Rose Prince unlocks a larder of new and unfamiliar English ingredients from cobnuts to red Duke of York potatoes to watercress and also shows how eating local can mean good eating at the same time as being good for the environment. She explains how and where to shop and introduces a rhythm of cooking, identifying which foods are right for everyday meals, and which are perfect for the occasional feast. She shows how to make the most of costly ingredients – traditional breeds, organic produce and handmade foods – and how to recycling leftovers for yet more delicious meals. Leftovers from a roast beef joint, for instance, become an aromatic salad with toasted green pumpkin seeds and herbs, or, simmered with fungi and red wine, a rich braise to eat with mash or buttered ribbons of pasta.The New English Table is proof that good eating does not have to cost the earth.
Baking, broken hearts and beach weddings…it’s all happening in the gorgeous little seaside town of Berecombe this year!Millie Vanilla’s Cupcake Café is struggling as a multi-national chain of cafés moves in on its territory. Despite baking up a storm in a bid to save it, Millie’s distracted by falling head over heels for the gorgeous, mysterious Jed.As the seasons change in Berecombe, the loveable, quirky locals rally round Millie, and in return find their own happy ever afters. Millie’s delighted for her friends, but when she discovers Jed’s been keeping secrets, she faces a new dilemma – is it finally time to hang up her apron and start an exciting life somewhere new? Or is everything she’s ever wanted right under her nose, just waiting for her to reach out and take it?