Set in the Niger Delta this novel tells the tale of a women's struggle for equality in a traditional patriachal society. Set against the once-in-a-generation festival at which the one chosen by the gods performs the dance of «the mother mask», Ojaide weaves a tale of suspense while displaying the traditions and religious beliefs that define the Niger Delta.
A major discovery, with echoes of Clarice Lispector, Llansol's groundbreaking linked novellas present her unique literary vision of writing as lived life, conjuring historical figures and their ideas into her world. «I live what I have written (and what I have yet to write), as posthumous work. Its longevity will outlive mine. It will have to exist by itself.»
Чарльз Диккенс – наверное, лучший английский романист Викторианской эпохи. Но удавались ему и рассказы. В них он запечатлевал портреты своих современников – аристократов и простого люда. И для тех, и для других находился свой занятный сюжет.