
Различные книги в жанре История

Moeurs usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrege de leur histoire. T. 1

Antoine Louis Castellan

Примечание: Нравы, обычаи и одежда османов. Полный вариант заголовка: «Moeurs usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrege de leur histoire : Tome 1 : six vol. in-18, ornes de 72 planches / par A.L. Castellan, auteur des Lettres sur la Моree et sur Constantinople ; avec des eclaircissemens tires d'ouvrages orientaux, et communiques par M. Langles».

History of Persia. Vol. 2

John Malcolm

Полный вариант заголовка: «History of Persia : Vol. 2 : from the most early period to the present time : containing an account of the religion, government, usages, and character of the inhabitants of that kingdom / by Major-General Sir John Malcolm».

Friedrich Creuzers Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker besonders der Griechen

Friedrich Creuzer

Полный вариант заголовка: «Friedrich Creuzers Symbolik und Mythologie der alten Volker besonders der Griechen / im Auszuge von George Heinrich Moser ; mit einer Ubersicht der Geschichte des Heidenthums im Nordlichen Europa von Franz Joseph Mone».

Nuovo projetto d'una reforma d'Italia. T. 3


Полный вариант заголовка: «Nuovo projetto d'una reforma d'Italia : Tomo 3 : ossia dei mezzi di liberar l'Italia dalla tirannia de' pregiudizi e della superstizione : col riformarne i piu cattivi costumi e le piu perniciose leggi : arricchita di riflessioni e di note, di pezzi di storia e di poesia, che rendono l'opera molto piu interessante».

Thoughts on the effects of the British government on the State of India

William Tennant

Полный вариант заголовка: «Thoughts on the effects of the British government on the State of India : accompanied with hints concerning the means of conveying civil and religious instructions to the natives of that country / by the Rev. William Tennant».

Travels to the seat of war in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829. Vol. 2

James Edward Alexander

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels to the seat of war in the East, through Russia and the Crimea, in 1829 : Vol. 2 : with sketches of the Imperial Fleet and Army, personal adventures, and characteristic anecdotes : in 2 volumes / by captain James Edward Alexander».

The history of the popes. Vol. 5

Archibald Bower

Примечание: История папства. Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of the Popes : Vol. 5 : from the foundation of the See of Rome to the present time / by Archibald Bower».

Notices sur l'etat actuel de la Perse

Myr-Davoud-Zadour de Melik Schahnazar

Полный вариант заголовка: «Notices sur l'etat actuel de la Perse : en persan, en armenien et en francais / par Myr-Davoud-Zadour de Melik Schahnazar, envoye de Perse en France ; et MM. Langles et Chahan de Cirbied».

Journal historique du voyage de l'ambassadeur de Perse en France


Полный вариант заголовка: «Journal historique du voyage de l'ambassadeur de Perse en France : fevrier 1715».

An exposition of some of the transactions, that have taken place at St. Helena

Полный вариант заголовка: «An exposition of some of the transactions, that have taken place at St. Helena, since the appointment of Sir Hudson Lowe as governor of that island : in answer to an anonymous pamphlet, entitled, „Facts illustrative of the treatment of Napoleon Bonaparte“, etc. : corroborated by various official documents, correspondence, etc. / by Barry E. O'Meara».