Исторические детективы

Различные книги в жанре Исторические детективы

A Fair Cop

Michael Bunting

The true story of a young police officer’s imprisonment for a crime he did not commit.It was Michael Bunting's life ambition to follow in his father's footsteps and become a police officer. But six years after his family watch him pass out and begin his life's dream, he is serving a sentence for a crime he didn't commit. This is his story.Beaten almost senseless as he tried to arrest a violent criminal, the 23-year-old PC was left with head injuries and blurred vision that took him months to recover from. Back at work he was astounded to learn that his attacker had filed a complaint against him and that the Police Discipline and Complaints Department were following up the allegation.Two years later he was found guilty of common assault against his assailant and received a prison sentence that left him living his devastated life amongst the criminals he had previously sought to keep off the streets. Hard-hitting and at times heart-breaking the book is a graphic account of life behind bars for a policeman in one of England's hardest prisons.An extract from A Fair Cop:"The prisoner arrived once more with the trolley and placed the plate of food on to my hatch. 'Bunting,' he shouted pleasantly. I wasn't fooled. 'Thanks,' I said, as I walked across the cell to collect it. As I put my hand out to reach for the plate he snatched it away. He held it up to the hatch and peered through at me. 'PC Bunting, isn't it?' he asked, and then took a deep breath to muster as much saliva from the back of his throat as he could. With one swift movement he spat a big glob in to the middle of the food. The white phlegm floated around in brown gravy. 'Hey lads, I'm feeding the pig,' he said. With this, two other prisoners came to my cell hatch. They looked at me, sniggering. They then spat in my food too. The first prisoner put the plate on the hatch and gestured for me to come closer. 'You're in our territory now, you f***ing filth, and we're gonna f***ing carve you up.'

Зал фей

Натали Доусон

Отправившись из Лондона в Бат, вы непременно остановитесь в Кромберри, старом городе на реке. Здесь доживает в приюте свои годы нянька погибшей при странных обстоятельствах миссис Дримлейн, расставляет сети в водах Крома браконьер Подрик Плам и судья Хоуксли расследует дело о страшных убийствах юных девушек. Здесь каждый рискует оказаться под подозрением, ведь у убийцы могут быть десятки масок, сотни обликов, которые он меняет так же легко, как горничная – увядшие букеты в вазах…


Jonathan Rose

Lesley Molseed was eleven when she was killed in 1975. For sixteen years Stefan Kiszko served a prison sentence having been wrongly convicted of her murder by police anxious to find a culprit.English justice catastrophically failed little Lesley Molseed and her family even though, at the trial of the man wrongly suspected of killing her, the finest barristers of the day were in court. One would go on to become Home Secretary, the other Lord Chief Justice at a time when Stefan Kiszko was serving a sixteen-year sentence and suffering unimaginable torment in prison as his mother and aunt and a small team of loyal supporters sought to overturn the miscarriage of justice. Their eventual success was followed by tragedy as first Stefan, then his mother died premature deaths, exhausted by their fight to have him proclaimed innocent. Further tragedy affected the families of other children, criminally abused by Lesley’s unpunished killer. Justice repeatedly failed the Innocents – and this is the story of that failure.

We Are Not Such Things: A Murder in a South African Township and the Search for Truth and Reconciliation

Литагент HarperCollins USD

A ‘MAKING A MURDERER’ set in South Africa – a gripping true-crime story of murder and the justice system in the shadow of apartheidIn 1993, in the final, fiery days of apartheid, a 26-year-old white American activist called Amy Biehl was murdered by a group of young black men in a township near Cape Town. Four men were tried and convicted of the murder and sentenced to eighteen years in prison. A few years later they had been freed. Two of the men were subsequently employed by Amy’s parents to work at a charity set up in her memory. The men grew close to the Biehls. They called them ‘Grandmother’ and ‘Grandfather’.Justine van der Leun, an American writer living in South Africa, set out to tell this twenty-year story, but as she delved into the case, the prevailing narrative started to unravel. Why didn’t the eyewitness reports agree on who killed Amy Biehl? Were the men convicted of the crime actually responsible? And could it be that another violent crime committed on the same day, in the very same area, was connected to the murder of Amy Biehl?We Are Not Such Things is the result of Justine van der Leun’s four years investigating this strange, knotted tale of injustice, hatred, forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a gripping journey through the bizarre twists and turns of this case and its aftermath – and a lucid, eye-opening account of life today in a society still fractured and haunted by apartheid.

Почему? Книга первая – Капоэйра

Рустам Кямиль Мирзоев

Роман с элементами детектива, мелодрамы и психологии, происходящий на фоне исторических событий в Бразилии в 1969 году. Актуальна и для постсоветского общества.Содержит нецензурную брань.

Тайна Сухаревой башни

Роман Антропов

«Кто не знает о существовании в Москве Белокаменной знаменитой Сухаревой башни? Башня эта – историческая, имя ее хорошо известно всей необъятной России, поэтому нет надобности рассказывать историю ее происхождения. Москва любит свою серую старушку Сухаревку. Есть что-то бесконечно трогательное в привязанности к памятникам седой старины. К камню, железу относятся точно к одушевленным предметам. Да и в самом деле, разве в этих памятниках старины не сокрыта душа народа?..»

Давайте все убьем Констанцию

Рэй Брэдбери

Знаменитая киноактриса Констанция Раттиган получает пренеприятную посылку: записную книжку с телефонами давно умерших. Есть чему пугаться, ведь имена немногих оставшихся в живых помечены жирным крестом, в том числе и фамилия самой Констанции. Чтобы спасти ее и раскрыть загадку последовавшей за этим цепочки смертей, потрясших Голливуд воспоминаний и Голливуд современности, героям нового романа Брэдбери (уже знакомым читателю по произведению «Смерть – дело одинокое») придется Констанцию убить. Причем всем вместе.

Пропавший артельщик

А. Е. Зарин

Действие рассказа происходит в начале века. Перед читателем проходит череда подозреваемых, многие из которых были врагами убитого. События в рассказе развиваются так, что одно преступление, как по цепочке, тянет за собой другое. Но нетерпеливого читателя в конце рассказа ждет необычная развязка. Главное действующее лицо рассказа – это талантливый и бесхитростный сыщик Патмосов Алексей Романович, который мастерски расследует невероятно запутанные дела. Прототипом этому персонажу, видимо, послужил светило петербургского сыска – знаменитый Путилин