What if… Queen Elizabeth II had no legal right to the British throne?<br><br>What if… The Queen's entire line, all the way back to George III's fifteen children, was… illegitimate?<br><br>SUCCESSION is based on a little known historical fact.<br><br>SEPTEMBER 6, 1997<br><br>Across the world, two-and-a-half billion people sit glued to the broadcast of Princess Diana's funeral. In Bayonne, New Jersey, surgical resident Dr. Emma Parks watches the somber proceedings over her morning coffee, then hurries to get ready for work. Today's shift, she expects, will be no different from any other… fixing broken bodies, one emergency at a time. But Emma couldn't be more wrong. Today, she'll discover a lover's betrayal. Today she'll save a man's life using a procedure she was never trained for. Today she'll receive a mysterious call from a man riding in a London taxi. And, before the day is out, she'll be suspended from her job.<br><br>But that's just today…<br><br>Tomorrow, a very determined killer will try to end her life.<br><br>Emma Parks always figured her life was pretty ordinary. She's about to discover how extraordinary it really is.<br><br>'Succession' was reviewed in the May/June 2014 issue of Cayman Airways in-flight magazine (p. 16):<br><br>http://caymanairwaysskies.customtravelmags.com/publication/?m=7080&l=1
Is there life after death? Richard and Karen are sure of it because they died once and, although the doctors brought them back, part of them is still trapped on the other side. But this Afterlife their alter-egos are experiencing isn't what they were led to believe. It seems there is no peace after death, no Heaven, not any more. There is just a decaying land of medieval customs and barbarity, a living nightmare.<br><br>Join two fresh reborns as they enter a world of depravity where the only rule that really matters is survival. Learn the true price of friendship and loyalty. Know what it is like when you are forced to kill; then share the despair of wanting to stop, but realising it has become an addiction.<br><br>Embark on the classic quest for the ultimate prize. The price for failure – no life, no death, nothing! Not anywhere ever again!
The Shadow Scrolls is a new novel series by PD Lorenz. Book One, The Vale of Blood, follows the coming of age adventures of young Jonathan of Scharp and the girl, quite literally, of his dreams. Swept away from the relative safe haven that is Irenay and the land of his birthright, Jonathan finds himself wrapped up into the mysterious City of Gish and the plight of its people.<br><br>Upon arrival, he becomes enfolded into an insurgent assassin's sect called, The Shade. However, just beyond his meteoric rise through the ranks of power lies a snake in waiting… A serpent called betrayal whose venomous strike condemns our hero to a horrifying existence, leaving one question to linger on the edge of eternity… <br><br>Can hope and the light of redemption rise out of the ashes of a life poorly chosen…?
Over a hundred years have passed since the invaders came to steal the drug, since Mia's homeland was occupied. Once they understood the drug's secrets, the Nor army was unstoppable, superhuman. Mia's people were overwhelmed and defeated – slaves in their own lands.<br><br>In the time that has passed, Mia and the Underground have stolen the drug, along with the knowledge of how to use it to create an army of their own. Now, the time has come for the resistance army of shapeshifters, Masters and Trademasters to stand against the Nor Empire and take back their homeland… before their chance is gone forever.
A flash flood in the Arizona desert brings Nastas, a lone Navajo brave, into the national spotlight. His heroic efforts to save a young girl trapped in the melee leave him wounded, and Spirits lead him to an oasis cultivated by Keane, a white-man-turned-shaman whose place in the Navajo tribe is becoming increasingly important. Meanwhile, Keane's brother, Archer, encounters a series of mysterious figures and events in Ireland, where he is spending a semester at Trinity College. Both brothers are unaware that they are inextricably linked as the reincarnated Little War Gods of Navajo legend, and that dark forces in a rogue Christian sect (led by the fundamentalist seductress, Sibella) and the Navajo Spirit world are determined to harness the Gods for their own ends. Each player is eventually led to Black Rock – the sacred point of contact between the old world and the new – where both sides are confronted with a third, terrifying force. In a step beyond the typical "good versus evil" construct, Little Red War Gods explores the more potent conflict between "good versus good"; when both sides of a holy war are fighting in the name of their own gods, who will resort to evil ends in order to champion what's "right"?
Автор установил общность изображения летающих пришельцев и Богов, которые могут отражать планеты. Он выявил соответствие между изображениями летающих пришельцев и Богов на наскальных рисунках, кодексах, календарях, артефактах. Эти изображения имеют вид «шарфов», расположенных по центру до ног, и на спине, на которых полосками, точками указывают эпоху, катастрофы. Автор использовал отдельные материалы из своих ранее опубликованных книг по календарю майя и Тиуанако, и по кодексам Майя.
"Why had the Gods decided that she was the one to hold so much power and why had they not given her a book of instructions?"<br><br>Under the tutelage of a wise old wizard and a dashing knight, country girl Vanor assumes an apprenticeship in all things mighty and magical. Vanor's quest to be a force of good leads her into other worlds peopled by extraordinary creatures and characters.<br><br>But exactly who are friends and who are foes? Challenges abound and Vanor must face her darkest hour before she can fully realise her magical powers.
Александр Менделеевич Гребенников
"Пришествие" не является продолжением первых двух книг, входящих в цикл, несмотря на то, что на ее страницах читатель вновь встретится с некоторыми знакомыми персонажами. Действие переносит нас на две с лишним тысячи лет назад в Древний Рим и другие страны Средиземноморья. Это одна из версий того, что могло происходить две с лишним тысячи лет назад.
This is the story of a man who saves the life of a Galactic Emperor only to have the Galactic Media put him on a pedestal he knows he does not deserve.<br><br>This is only an annoyance compared to the trouble he gets into when the Emperor's two beautiful daughters begin to take a sexual interest in him.<br><br>The Emperor is grateful to the man for saving his life, but not grateful enough to let him fool around with his daughters.