
Различные книги в жанре Интернет

Decision-Making and the Information System

Maryse Salles

The purpose of this book is to question the relationships involved in decision making and the systems designed to support it: decision support systems (DSS). The focus is on how these systems are engineered; to stop and think about the questions to be asked throughout the engineering process and, in particular, about the impact designers’ choices have on these systems.

Performance Evaluation by Simulation and Analysis with Applications to Computer Networks

Ken Chen

This book is devoted to the most used methodologies for performance evaluation: simulation using specialized software and mathematical modeling. An important part is dedicated to the simulation, particularly in its theoretical framework and the precautions to be taken in the implementation of the experimental procedure. These principles are illustrated by concrete examples achieved through operational simulation languages (OMNeT ++, OPNET). Presented under the complementary approach, the mathematical method is essential for the simulation. Both methodologies based largely on the theory of probability and statistics in general and particularly Markov processes, a reminder of the basic results is also available.

E-mail and Behavioral Changes. Uses and Misuses of Electronic Communications

Fernando Lagrana

This book is a study of the causes of spam, the behaviors associated to the generation of and the exposure to spam, as well as the protection strategies. The new behaviors associated to electronic communications are identified and commented. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the number of e-mail and textual messages in your inbox, be it on your laptop, your Smartphone or your PC? This book should help you in finding a wealth of answers, tools and tactics to better surf the ICT wave in the professional environment, and develop proper protection strategies to mitigate your exposure to spam in any form.

WHOIS Running the Internet. Protocol, Policy, and Privacy

Garth Bruen O.

Discusses the evolution of WHOIS and how policy changes will affect WHOIS’ place in IT today and in the future This book provides a comprehensive overview of WHOIS. The text begins with an introduction to WHOIS and an in-depth coverage of its forty-year history. Afterwards it examines how to use WHOIS and how WHOIS fits in the overall structure of the Domain Name System (DNS). Other technical topics covered include WHOIS query code and WHOIS server details. The book also discusses current policy developments and implementations, reviews critical policy documents, and explains how they will affect the future of the Internet and WHOIS. Additional resources and content updates will be provided through a supplementary website. Includes an appendix with information on current and authoritative WHOIS services around the world Provides illustrations of actual WHOIS records and screenshots of web-based WHOIS query interfaces with instructions for navigating them Explains network dependencies and processes related to WHOIS utilizing flowcharts Contains advanced coding for programmers Visit the book's companion website http://whois.knujon.com for technical and policy documents concerning WHOIS, WHOIS code examples, internet locations for WHOIS databases and more. WHOIS Running the Internet: Protocol, Policy, and Privacy is written primarily for internet developers, policy developers, industry professionals in law enforcement, digital forensic investigators, and intellectual property attorneys. Garth O. Bruen is an Internet policy and security researcher whose work has been published in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. Since 2012 Garth Bruen has served as the North American At-Large Chair to the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). In 2003 Bruen created KnujOn.com with his late father, Dr. Robert Bruen, to process and investigate Internet abuse complaints (SPAM) from consumers. Bruen has trained and advised law enforcement at the federal and local levels on malicious use of the Domain Name System in the way it relates to the WHOIS record system. He has presented multiple times to the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA) as well as other cybercrime venues including the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) and the National Center for Justice and the Rule of Law at The University of Mississippi School of Law. Bruen also teaches the Fisher College Criminal Justice School in Boston where he develops new approaches to digital crime.

Competitive Intelligence and Decision Problems

Amos David

The development of a research, teaching, or application of competitive (economic) intelligence requires a strategic and transverse vision in regards to related issues. It is essential to integrate the role of culture when interpreting results, either from the training of a specialist or in respect to a country or region. The authors of this book, members of an expert group supported by the CNRS in France, bring all of their talents together to create a comprehensive book that does just this and more.

Knowledge Needs and Information Extraction. Towards an Artificial Consciousness

Nicolas Turenne

This book presents a theory of consciousness which is unique and sustainable in nature, based on physiological and cognitive-linguistic principles controlled by a number of socio-psycho-economic factors. In order to anchor this theory, which draws upon various disciplines, the author presents a number of different theories, all of which have been abundantly studied by scientists from both a theoretical and experimental standpoint, including models of social organization, ego theories, theories of the motivational system in psychology, theories of the motivational system in neurosciences, language modeling and computational modeling of motivation. The theory presented in this book is based on the hypothesis that an individual’s main activities are developed by self-motivation, managed as an informational need. This is described in chapters covering self-motivation on a day-to-day basis, the notion of need, the hypothesis and control of cognitive self-motivation and a model of self-motivation which associates language and physiology. The subject of knowledge extraction is also covered, including the impact of self-motivation on written information, non-transversal and transversal text-mining techniques and the fields of interest of text mining. Contents: 1. Consciousness: an Ancient and Current Topic of Study. 2. Self-motivation on a Daily Basis. 3. The Notion of Need. 4. The Models of Social Organization. 5. Self Theories. 6. Theories of Motivation in Psychology. 7. Theories of Motivation in Neurosciences. 8. Language Modeling. 9. Computational Modeling of Motivation. 10. Hypothesis and Control of Cognitive Self-Motivation. 11. A Model of Self-Motivation which Associates Language and Physiology. 12. Impact of Self-Motivation on Written Information. 13. Non-Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 14. Transversal Text Mining Techniques. 15. Fields of Interest for Text Mining. About the Authors Nicolas Turenne is a researcher at INRA in the Science and Society team at the University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée in France. He specializes in knowledge extraction from texts with theoretical research into relational and stochastic models. His research topics also concern the sociology of uses, food and environmental sciences, and bioinformatics.

Collaborative Annotation for Reliable Natural Language Processing. Technical and Sociological Aspects

Karën Fort

This book presents a unique opportunity for constructing a consistent image of collaborative manual annotation for Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP has witnessed two major evolutions in the past 25 years: firstly, the extraordinary success of machine learning, which is now, for better or for worse, overwhelmingly dominant in the field, and secondly, the multiplication of evaluation campaigns or shared tasks. Both involve manually annotated corpora, for the training and evaluation of the systems. These corpora have progressively become the hidden pillars of our domain, providing food for our hungry machine learning algorithms and reference for evaluation. Annotation is now the place where linguistics hides in NLP. However, manual annotation has largely been ignored for some time, and it has taken a while even for annotation guidelines to be recognized as essential. Although some efforts have been made lately to address some of the issues presented by manual annotation, there has still been little research done on the subject. This book aims to provide some useful insights into the subject. Manual corpus annotation is now at the heart of NLP, and is still largely unexplored. There is a need for manual annotation engineering (in the sense of a precisely formalized process), and this book aims to provide a first step towards a holistic methodology, with a global view on annotation.

Transformation of Collective Intelligences. Perspective of Transhumanism

Jean-Max Noyer

There is a great transformation of the production of knowledge and intelligibility. The «digital fold of the world» (with the convergence of NBIC) affects the collective assemblages of “thought”, of research. The aims of these assemblages are also controversial issues. From a general standpoint, these debates concern “performative science and performative society”. But one emerges and strengthens that has several names: transhumanism, post-humanism, speculative post-humanism. It appears as a great narration, a large story about the future of our existence, facing our entry into the Anthropocene. It is also presented as a concrete utopia with an anthropological and technical change. In this book, we proposed to show how collective intelligences stand in the middle of the coupling of ontological horizons and of the “process of bio-technical maturation”.

ERP and Information Systems. Integration or Disintegration

Tarek Samara

This research attempts to explore and identify eventual relationships between the evolution of ERP systems and information systems integration or disintegration. The aim of this research is to know if the relationships between the ERP systems and the information systems are guided by certain factors and, as a result, to understand, more in-depth, the factors affecting these relationships. More precisely, this analysis aims to study whether assigned values given to these factors could guide the evolution of ERP systems in a manner that promotes IS integration; and if the opposite assigned values to these same factors could guide the evolution of ERP systems in a manner that provokes IS disintegration instead.

The Image-Interface. Graphical Supports for Visual Information

Everardo Reyes-Garcia

Digital practices are shaped by graphical representations that appear on the computer screen, which is the principal surface for designing, visualizing, and interacting with digital information. Before any digital image or graphical interface is rendered on the screen there is a series of layers that affect its visual properties. To discover such processes it is necessary to investigate software applications, graphical user interfaces, programming languages and code, algorithms, data structures, and data types in their relationship with graphical outcomes and design possibilities. This book studies interfaces as images and images as interfaces. It offers a comprehensible framework to study graphical representations of visual information. It explores the relationship between visual information and its graphical supports, taking into account contributions from fields of visual computing. Graphical supports are considered as material but also as formal aspects underlying the representation of digital images on the digital screen.