Hier geht es nicht um Investitionen, sondern um die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie und ihre mögliche zukünftige Nutzung Anstatt über Investitionen zu sprechen, wird sich dieses Buch auf die Funktionsweise der Blockchain-Technologie und ihren möglichen zukünftigen Nutzen konzentrieren. Folgende Themen werden in diesem Buch behandelt: Welches Problem löst die Blockchain? Wie kann Technologie unsere Institutionen schneller und kostengünstiger machen? Könnte die Technologie unsere Institutionen (wie Regierungen, Banken usw.) vollständig ersetzen? Wie kann die Blockchain Vertrauen zwischen Fremden aufbauen? Wie erhöht Blockchain die Sicherheit für Transaktionen und Verträge? Kann die Blockchain auch außerhalb der Finanzwelt eingesetzt werden? Was ist ein Block? Was ist die Kette und warum brauchen wir sie? Was lautet die technische Erklärung dafür, was in der Blockchain geschieht? Was ist Mining und warum wird es benötigt? Gibt es im Hinblick auf die Erstellung einer Blockchain Alternativen zum Mining? Was ist die Geschichte von Bitcoin? Verursacht Bitcoin Probleme? Was ist Ethereum und was ein Smart Contract? Gibt es noch andere Blockchain-Technologien, über die ich Bescheid wissen sollte? Wie setzen Unternehmen Blockchain ein? Welche regulatorischen Hürden könnten der Einführung von Blockchain im Wege stehen? Das ist ein ganzes Bündel an Fragen. Wenn Sie bereit sind, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen, können wir beginnen.
Stay ahead of the web evolution with elegant combination front-end development Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap is the professional's guide to fast, responsive web development. Utilizing the most popular combination of web technologies for Microsoft developers, this guide provides the latest best practices and ASP.NET MVP guidance to get you up to speed quickly. The newest ASP.NET – now called ASP.NET Core – is leaner, easier to use, and less bound to the operating system and IDE.colle, giving you the perfect opportunity to leverage third-party frameworks and libraries that provide functionalities not native to ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio. This book shows you how to integrate ASP.NET Core with Angular, Bootstrap, and similar frameworks, with a bit of jQuery Mobile, Nuget, continuous deployment, Bower dependencies, and Gulp/Grunt build systems, including development beyond Windows on Mac and Linux. With clear, concise instruction and expert insight, this guide is an invaluable resource for meeting the demands of modern web development. Combine ASP.NET Core with different tools, frameworks, and libraries Utilize third-party libraries with non-native functionalities Adopt the most up-to-date best practices for front-end development Develop flexible, responsive design sites The world of web development is evolving faster than ever before, and the trend is toward small, focused frameworks with modular capabilities. Microsoft has noticed, and upgraded ASP.NET Core to align with the latest industry expectations. Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap helps you elegantly integrate these technologies to develop the sites that the industry demands.
The central thesis of The Web's Awake is that the phenomenal growth and complexity of the web is beginning to outstrip our capability to control it directly. Many have worked on the concept of emergent properties within highly complex systems, concentrating heavily on the underlying mechanics concerned. Few, however, have studied the fundamentals involved from a sociotechnical perspective. In short, the virtual anatomy of the Web remains relatively uninvestigated. The Web's Awake attempts to seriously explore this gap, citing a number of provocative, yet objective, similarities from studies relating to both real world and digital systems. It presents a collage of interlinked facts, assertions, and coincidences, which boldly point to a Web with powerful potential for life.
This collaborative research project allows for fundamental advances not only in the understanding of the phenomena but also in the development of practical calculation methods that can be used by engineers. This collaborative research project allows for fundamental advances not only in the understanding of the phenomena but also in the development of practical calculation methods that can be used by engineers.
Become a Google guru with these effective tips, tricks, and techniques Sure, you use Google. But do you really use Google—and everything it has to offer—in the most effective way possible? Wish you could just sit down with a Google expert who would show you how to take your Google savviness to the next level? With Google Secrets, you can! Tech expert Jerri Ledford reveals the ins, outs, and little-known facts about Google to show you how to sharpen your skills so you can get more done, more efficiently. You may already be familiar with Google's most popular applications, but this indispensable guide puts your knowledge to the test with insider tips, valuable insights, and unbeatable advice on Gmail, Google Voice, Google Sketchup, Google Analytics, and dozens more. Explores the dozens of Google applications that help you stay in touch, collaborate more effectively, and locate all the information you need to accomplish almost any task Builds on your already-savvy set of Google skills and takes your smarts to the next level with little-known secrets, unique tips and tricks, and helpful hints Reveals the powerful capabilities of the entire spectrum of Google applications, such as Gmail, Google Docs, Picasa, Google Buzz, Google Maps, and much more If you demand more than just the basics, then Google Secrets is the book you’ve been waiting for!
Take control of your Facebook profile When you join Facebook, you're joining a community with over two billion people spread around the globe. It helps to have the insight on not only how to set up your profile and add content, but also how to make sure you control who sees—and doesn't see—your posts. Facebook For Dummies provides the trusted guidance you need to set up a profile, add content, and apply the many tools Facebook provides to give you control of your content. Primarily known as a way for individuals to share information, photos and videos, and calendar invitations, Facebook has gained prominence as a means to spread news, market products, and serve as a business platform. Whatever you’re looking to use it for, this book shows you how to use all the features available to make it a more satisfying experience. Build your profile and start adding friends Use Facebook to send private messages and instant notes Discover ways to set privacy and avoid online nuisances Launch a promotion page Get ready to have a whole lot of fun on the largest social network in the world.
Learn to set up, manage, and administer a Drupal web site Drupal offers unparalleled flexibility for content-managed web sites, and Drupal 7 is the easiest version to use yet. This new edition teaches you the fast, fun, and easy way to get started with Drupal. Even if you have no Drupal experience, you'll quickly learn how to download and install Drupal, set up your first content-managed site, apply templates, use modules, and more. Drupal gurus Lynn Beighley and Seamus Bellamy show you how to take advantage of what Drupal has to offer, make the most of the new features in Drupal 7, and demystify perplexing Drupal issues. Drupal is a free, open source modular framework and content management system designed for content-managed web sites Shows you how to download Drupal; no programming experience required Looks at Drupal 7 and explains new features that make it is easier to use than previous iterations of Drupal for a creating a blog, content site, or eBusiness site Explains how to organize and create your site's content, apply templates, and get your first site up and running Details the ways to use modules and third-party templates Whether you're looking to implement a flexible content management system, turbocharge a blog with photo galleries, or administer a third-party Drupal site, this book gets you off to a running start!
Start, use, and customize a TypePad blog today! TypePad is known for its intuitive user interface, built-in SEO features, optional advertising, free professionally designed templates, fully hosted blogs, and outstanding customer support. This book guides you through the technical tasks necessary for starting, using, and customizing a TypePad blog. Step-by-step tutorials walk you through the process of signing up for a new TypePad blog, while screen shots from real-world blogs bring the book's concepts to life. Guides you through choosing the right TypePad membership plan, signing up, configuring, using, and customizing a blog using the TypePad system Explains the process of signing up for a new TypePad blog and publishing your content on the Web Shares real-world examples that bring the book's ideas to life Get blogging today with TypePad!
Produce a podcast like the pros More people than ever are turning to podcasts for on-demand, mobile entertainment and information. Podcasting For Dummies offers a fast and easy way to get the know-how you need to produce and distribute one of your very own. Written by a pair of podcasting pioneers, this book shares insight on the technology behind recording, editing, and sharing podcasts, along with tips and tricks on how to produce a pro-level podcast. Podcasting has enjoyed a recent boom thanks to a new crop of hit podcasts catching the ears of the public and media along with the continued growth of mobile and streaming devices as a source for entertainment. If you want to jump on the podcasting bandwagon, you've come to the right place! In this fully updated edition, would-be and experienced podcasters alike will get all the tech information, production insight, and promotional tips they need to either get a podcast off the ground or improve on an existing one. Get the gear you need Find your podcasting voice Find and build an audience Plan your podcast New tools have made it easier than ever to create a podcast—and this book shows you how.
Invaluable advice on analyzing and measuring the effects of social media Do you wish you could sit down with an expert to figure out whether or not your social media initiatives are working? With Social Media Metrics Secrets, you can! Expert John Lovett taps into his years of training and experience to reveal tips, tricks, and advice on how to analyze and measure the effects of social media and gauge the success of your initiatives. He uses mini case studies to demonstrate how to manage social operations with process and technology by applying key performance indicators, and assessing the business value of social media. Highlights how social media can impact all aspects of your business and transform the way you quantify successful interactions with customers Shares innovative techniques for managing the massive volume of social analytics data by putting data to work in ways that contribute to your organizational goals Details techniques for adopting a Social Analytics Framework for understanding evolving consumer behavior necessary to compete in a socially networked future Written in a conversational tone, Social Media Metrics Secrets goes behind the scenes to present you with unbeatable advice and unparalleled insight into social media metrics.