An easy, fun reference for learning Spanish at home or in school Verbs in Spanish can be conjugated in six different ways, depending on the speaker and audience. In addition, there are fifteen different tenses in which verbs are used, making a total of 80 different conjugations for each verb. This knowledge can make anyone's head spin – but fear not! Dummies has it covered. 500 Spanish Verbs For Dummies is the ultimate guide to learning and conjugating verbs in the Spanish language. Beginners to the language will find quick reference for verbs in the basic present tenses, and advanced speakers will learn the more complex tenses of verbs as well as memorize advanced verbs with irregular endings. 500 of the most commonly used Spanish verbs are presented alphabetically and numbered for easy reference An additional index of 1,500+ Spanish verbs with the English translation of the infinitive Includes a summary of basic Spanish grammar, including verb tenses and moods Accompanying CD features memorization drills and exercises Complete with English translations, pronunciation guides, and examples of common verb use in everyday conversation, 500 Spanish Verbs For Dummies is an essential reference tool for any level of Spanish speaker.
Предлагаемая книга содержит уникальные разработки известного петербургского филолога Александра Драгункина – автора «Нового русского метода» изучения английского языка. «Формулы» представляют собой тщательно отобранные постоянные микрофразы, усвоение которых значительно облегчает изучение английского языка. Текст в авторской редакции.
Книга известного петербургского филолога Александра Драгункина продолжает серию «Почини свой английский!». В ней рассматривается один из самых «трудных» аспектов английской грамматики – «неправильные» глаголы. Предложенное А. Драгункиным новое эффективное решение этой и других насущных проблем как изучения, так и преподавания английского языка может действительно помочь всем изучающим и преподающим английский.
В данной книге известного петербургского филолога Александра Драгункина рассматриваются основные отличия английского языка от русского. Книга поможет всем изучающим и преподающим английский.
Издатель утверждает, что это «первая в мире и единственная грамматика иностранного (в данном случае английского) языка в стихах и в „запоминалках“. Например: „В усиленьи, в отрицаньи, И в вопросе тоже Ты глагол не изменяй! Частица все поможет!“ Цель книги – помочь учащемуся таким способом быстрее и эффективнее освоить (запомнить!) практически все аспекты английской грамматики.
The ultimate quick and easy guide to learning Polish Polish can be a difficult language to master. It is pronounced phonetically and has several unique characters in its alphabet, but with Polish For Dummies in hand, you'll find yourself speaking like a local in no time. Packed with practical lessons, handy cultural facts, and essential references (including a Polish-English mini-dictionary and lists of common verbs), this guide is specially designed to get you speaking Polish with confidence. With advice on speaking Polish within the construction, teaching, and public sector industries, this book is a truly practical tool for anyone wanting to speak the language either professionally or socially. Includes sections dedicated to Polish in action, Polish on the go, and Polish in the workplace A companion audio CD contains Polish conversations spoken by native Polish speakers in a variety of everyday contexts, perfect for learning Polish on the go A Polish-English dictionary is included to provide quick access to the most common words With easy-to-follow instruction and exercises that give you the language to communicate during day-to-day experiences, readers of Polish For Dummies will learn the words and verbal constructions they need to communicate with friends and colleagues at home, find directions on holiday, and more. Note – CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.
The easy way to master French grammar French Grammar For Dummies is a logical extension and complement to the successful language learning book, French For Dummies. In plain English, it teaches you the grammatical rules of the French language, including parts of speech, sentence construction, pronouns, adjectives, punctuation, stress and verb tenses, and moods. Throughout the book, you get plenty of practice opportunities to help you on your goal of mastering basic French grammar and usage. Grasp the grammatical rules of French including parts of speech, sentence construction, and verb tenses Enhance your descriptive speech with adverbs, adjectives, and prepositions Benefit from plenty of practice opportunities throughout the book Use the French language confidently and correctly Whether you're a student studying French or a professional looking to get ahead of the pack by learning a second language, French Grammar For Dummies is your hands-on guide to quickly and painlessly master the written aspect of this popular language.
Learn Latin American Spanish quickly and painlessly The job market for those who are bilingual is expanding rapidly. Businesses and government agencies are hiring translators; retailers and advertisers are concentrating more energy in targeting the Spanish-speaking ; and hospitals and agencies are seeking to overcome language barriers. Whether you’re a student studying Spanish, a traveler gearing up for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country and need to learn the basics, or a upwardly mobile looking to get ahead of the pack in your career by learning a second language, Spanish For Dummies, 2nd edition is your hands-on guide to quickly and painlessly learn Latin American Spanish that includes: Expanded coverage of grammar, verb conjugations, and pronunciations A refreshed and expanded mini-dictionary complete with even more essential vocabulary, exercises, and more A revamped and expanded bonus CD-ROM that includes real-life dialogue to aid in your learning Whether you’re looking to learn Spanish for use in the home, class, at the office, or on the go, Spanish For Dummies, 2nd edition has you covered!
В пособии представлен обучающий материал базового уровня (А2) по русскому языку как иностранному. Учебные тексты адаптированы и скомпонованы в соответствии с этапами языковой подготовки. Теоретическую часть пособия составляют лексика и грамматика, глагольные таблицы; практическую – микротексты, диалоги, упражнения, задания и тесты. Предназначено для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в учреждениях высшего образования Республики Беларусь.
В пособии представлен обучающий материал базового уровня (А1) по русскому языку как иностранному. Учебные тексты адаптированы и скомпонованы в соответствии с этапами языковой подготовки. Теоретическую часть пособия составляют лексика и грамматика, глагольные таблицы; практическую – микротексты, диалоги, упражнения, задания и тесты. Предназначено для иностранных студентов, обучающихся в учреждениях высшего образования Республики Беларусь.