In a vicious blizzard in Northern British Columbia, Rose, a haunted, young. Native woman is pursued by a ravenous demonic spirit from out of time. Twelve years later, on the other side of the world, elite Canadian special forces operative, Captain Jon Rainmaker is called in to deal with a series of gruesome, unnatural murders. What he finds will set him on a course to unravel an arcane mystery of a conspiracy that reaches back to the dawn of mankind.
Want to go backwards or forwards in time for a new life. The catch? Don't make changes because otherwise the bureaucrats come after you. Consisting of the depressed Redmond; the tone deaf Lizzie; NC-1000: a man who thinks he is a robot; and the shape changing Annette who loves a good cup of tea.
The Second World War had ended. Humanity was at its lowest, recovering from the death and destruction of millions of people and their homelands. We were weak and vulnerable. It was at this time that the Aliens decided to invade. They were advanced and all-conquering Aliens, in search of raw materials, resources for their own planet. Earth was that planet and it needed to be harvested and then destroyed before it became a powerful enemy. And it was now ripe for invasion. Only the Humanity Department of Resources stood in their menacing way, and in the way of the total annihilation of our beloved planet Earth.
Collecting the first six months of the critically acclaimed webcomic, Particle Fiction Volume 1 includes a touch of science fiction, fantasy, crime thriller and much more! «Particle Fiction by David Wynne is the latest monthly web series to have us impatiently drumming our fingers on the desk as we wait for the first of the month to roll around» – SFX Magazine Rather than being one single, ongoing storyline, Particle Fiction features a rotating main feature; one month may be a gritty crime story in a modern realistic setting, while the next might be a science fiction story set in the far reaches of space, the one after that a whimsical all-ages fantasy.
Perhaps your museum's archives have run out of space, or its public programs have outgrown their facility. Perhaps a generous donor or an energetic campaign has provided the funding for a renovation, a new wing, or a new building. Whatever the circumstances, small and midsized museums can find themselves taking on a construction project. But those responsible for seeing that it's done right—board members, museum professionals, and skilled museum volunteers—are seldom experienced in the high-stakes world of construction management.<br /><br />This handbook outlines the processes and explains the complexities of renovating and building facilities. It highlights what issues to consider and what questions to ask; it outlines steps from needs assessment and project planning to design development, budgeting, construction, and, finally, settling into the new space; it provides the vocabulary and framework for the specific challenges of museum construction.<br /><br />?Written by staff members at the Minnesota Historical Society who have consulted on scores of building projects, this volume helps museum professionals and volunteers understand the construction process to achieve their goals in a time of tight budgets.
For almost five hundred years, the Mona Lisa smile has mystified viewers and intrigued historians. Completed in 1515, the Mona Lisa has hidden the lady’s secret well. Now, after years devoted to research and analysis of the works of Leonardo da Vinci, W. N. Varvel has decoded the Mona Lisa and reveals the message within her smile, a secret too dangerous for the artist to acknowledge during his life but one which he hoped future generations would understand and embrace. The coming of the “New Jerusalem” depends on the world’s recognizing what lies behind the Mona Lisa smile. Detailing how the artist wove a calculated fabric of clues, symbols, and images, Varvel establishes not only da Vinci’s, but also Michelangelo’s, belief in Theological Gender Equality. Like a detective on the trail of a major case, Varvel tracks clues, links previously unnoticed connections, recreates scenarios, identifies villains and heroes, and weaves a tapestry of comprehensive evidence to “prove” what the lady says. For five hundred years, the lady has smiled—now she speaks.
For over thirty years, besides making music, David Byrne has focused his unique genius upon forms as diverse as the archaeology of music as we know it, architectural photography and the uses of PowerPoint. Now he presents his most personal work to date, a collection of drawings exploring the form of the tree diagram.
Arboretum is an eclectic blend of science, automatic writing, self-analysis and satire. A journey through irrational logic – the application of scientific rigour and form to irrational premises, proceeding from careful nonsense to unexpected sense.
The tree diagram is a form that might reveal more about yourself than you dreamed possible.
"This book is for all of those who love to draw the human form. It is for those who have never drawn a line, for those who are students who can draw to a certain degree, and for those professional artists who are proficient in drawing. It is also, of course, for those who teach drawing." Thus begins the Introduction to this comprehensive handbook for drawing the human figure.  Author Jack Faragasso — an internationally renowned art instructor, fine artist, and illustrator — taught at the Art Students League of New York for five decades. He is also the foremost instructor in the highly regarded Reilly system of drawing and painting, developed by Frank J. Reilly. Both a guide and a reference, Mastering Drawing the Human Figure features hundreds of illustrations with commentary that cover the basic structure of the head and body, light and shade, the proper use of line, conveying action, depicting drapery, and much more.
Discover where design practice is today – and where it will take us in the future. Design Transitions presents 42 unique and insightful stories of how design is changing around the world. Twelve countries are represented from the perspectives of three different communities: design agencies, organizations embedding design; and design academics. Our journey has taken us across the globe in search of the most innovative design practitioners, and their answers to the question How are design practices changing? From small practices to vast corporations, the renowned to the lesser known: these are the stories of people working at the fringes of the traditional disciplines of design. They have opened up their design worlds to reveal the methods, tools and thinking behind their inspirational work. Some of the organizations and individuals featured includes: Droog, BERG, Fjord, thinkpublic, FutureGov, Hakuhodo Innovation Lab, DesignThinkers Group, INSITUM, Optimal Usability, frog Asia, Ziba, Banny Banerjee, Ezio Manzini, Carlos Teixeira and Adam Greenfield. Design Transitions is divided into three sections: Section I: Changing Practices features 25 stories from design practices in a range of disciplines. Section II: New Territories features five organizations introducing and embedding design approaches into their core practice and operations. Section III: Viewpoints features 12 interviews with leading design academics, offering additional insights and a critical perspective on the key themes that have emerged from our case studies and interviews.
Mapping Eclecticism Through Practice brings together a range of graphic design practices and approaches that include the use of socially responsible design and persuasion, as well as collaboration with other disciplines, to improve safety; framing theory and ideograms within architectural pedagogy to convey complex ideas and relationships; literary analysis to explore graphic design authorship, narrative and viewer experience; discursive dialogue and a non-linear presentation to interrogate and shed light on personal practice; and cartographic metaphors as a means of visualising and investigating the topography of graphic design.