MUSEUM TRANSFORMATIONS DECOLONIZATION AND DEMOCRATIZATION Edited By ANNIE E. COOMBES AND RUTH B. PHILLIPS Museum Transformations: Decolonization and Democratization addresses contemporary approaches to decolonization, greater democratization, and revisionist narratives in museum exhibition and program development around the world. The text explores how museums of art, history, and ethnography responded to deconstructive critiques from activists and poststructuralist and postcolonial theorists, and provided models for change to other types of museums and heritage sites. The volume's first set of essays discuss the role of the museum in the narration of difficult histories, and how altering the social attitudes and political structures that enable oppression requires the recognition of past histories of political and racial oppression and colonization in museums. Subsequent essays consider the museum's new roles in social action and discuss experimental projects that work to change power dynamics within institutions and leverage digital technology and new media.
MUSEUM THEORY EDITED BY ANDREA WITCOMB AND KYLIE MESSAGE Museum Theory offers critical perspectives drawn from a broad range of disciplinary and intellectual traditions. This volume describes and challenges previous ways of understanding museums and their relationship to society. Essays written by scholars from museology and other disciplines address theoretical reflexivity in the museum, exploring the contextual, theoretical, and pragmatic ways museums work, are understood, and are experienced. Organized around three themes—Thinking about Museums, Disciplines and Politics, and Theory from Practice/Practicing Theory—the text includes discussion and analysis of different kinds of museums from various, primarily contemporary, national and local contexts. Essays consider subjects including the nature of museums as institutions and their role in the public sphere, cutting-edge museum practice and their connections with current global concerns, and the links between museum studies and disciplines such as cultural studies, anthropology, and history.
MUSEUM MEDIA Edited by Michelle Henning Museum Media explores the contemporary uses of diverse media in museum contexts and discusses how technology is reinventing the museum. It considers how technological changes—from photography and television through to digital mobile media—have given rise to new habits, forms of attention and behaviors. It explores how research methods can be used to understand people's relationships with media technologies and display techniques in museum contexts, as well as the new opportunities media offer for museums to engage with their visitors. Entries written by leading experts examine the transformation of history and memory by new media, the ways in which exhibitions mediate visitor experience, how designers and curators can establish new kinds of relationships with visitors, the expansion of the museum beyond its walls and its insertion into a wider commercial and corporate landscape. Focusing on formal, theoretical and technical aspects of exhibition practice, this in-depth volume explores questions of temporality, attachment to objects, atmospheric and immersive exhibition design, the reinvention of the exhibition medium, and much more.
MUSEUM PR ACTICE Edited by CONAL MCCARTHY Museum Practice covers the professional work carried out in museums and art galleries of all types, including the core functions of management, collections, exhibitions, and programs. Some forms of museum practice are familiar to visitors, yet within these diverse and complex institutions many practices are hidden from view, such as creating marketing campaigns, curating and designing exhibitions, developing fundraising and sponsorship plans, crafting mission statements, handling repatriation claims, dealing with digital media, and more. Focused on what actually occurs in everyday museum work, this volume offers contributions from experienced professionals and academics that cover a wide range of subjects including policy frameworks, ethical guidelines, approaches to conservation, collection care and management, exhibition development and public programs. From internal processes such as leadership, governance and strategic planning, to public facing roles in interpretation, visitor research and community engagement and learning, each essential component of contemporary museum practice is thoroughly discussed.
We have long accepted the face as the most natural and self-evident thing, believing that in it we could read, as if on a screen, our emotions and our doubts, our anger and joy. We have decorated them, made them up, designed them, as if the face were the true calling card of our personality, the public manifestation of our inner being. <br /> <br /> Nothing could be further from the truth. Rather than a window opening onto our inner nature, the face has always been a technical artefact—a construction that owes as much to artificiality as to our genetic inheritance. From the origins of humanity to the triumph of the selfie, Marion Zilio charts the history of the technical, economic, political, legal, and artistic fabrication of the face. Her account of this history culminates in a radical new interrogation of what is too often denounced as our contemporary narcissism. In fact, argues Zilio, the “narcissism” of the selfie may well reconnect us to the deepest sources of the human manufacture of faces—a reconnection that would also be a chance for us to come to terms with the non-human part of ourselves.<br /> <br /> This highly original reflection on the fabrication of the face will be of great value to students and scholars of media and culture and to anyone interested in the pervasiveness of the face in our contemporary age of the selfie.
Photographers! Your guide is here! The demand for high-quality photographs is higher than ever. Whether you’re building your influencer rating online, capturing the moments of a child’s life, or are looking for ways to improve your skills, photography know-how is a must-have skill. Digital Photography For Dummies helps you do more than pointing, shooting, and hoping for the best or slapping a filter on a camera phone shot. This book introduces you to the camera settings and techniques that separate okay pictures from frame-worthy portraits. It then explains how to apply those skills to capturing your own portraits, landscape shots, and high-action photos. Develop a better eye for image composition Discover how to light photos better, including using natural light Learn to get quick results in auto settings or take full control in manual mode Discover the elements of exposure and how they influence the final product Find instructions on taking a formal or casual portrait Apply basic editing techniques to finalize your image Go beyond photo apps and apply the techniques pros use for their images.
В настоящее время наблюдается повышенный интерес общества к старинной (антикварной) мебели по разным причинам. Цель данной работы – отработка и апробация новых подходов реставрации, основанных на всестороннем изучении предмета реставрации, истории, стилеобразования, материалов, художественных особенностей резного декора, конструкции и красочного слоя. Новизна данного материала книги заключается в комплексном подходе к реставрации мебели. Включающие в себя исследования, а также изучение конструктивных особенностей мебели, позволяют правильно выбирать цель и методики реставрации, что положительным образом сказывается на качестве реставрации.
Если Вам интересно как отличить римскую мозаику от византийской, откуда в Риме византийские мозаики, какой формы бывают нимбы, что за странные гербы можно видеть у входов в храм и на могильных плитах, эта книжка – для Вас
К сожалению, далеко не во всех учебниках по истории архитектуры и не во всех путеводителях можно найти сведения о маленьких шедеврах, которые иногда находятся всего в нескольких десятках метров от основных туристических троп. Я довольно много читала о памятниках Рима и однажды мне попалась книга английского журналиста Генри Мортона «РИМ». То, что он написал, стало отправной точкой для собственного небольшого расследования.