Halloween, der Schleier zwischen den Welten fällt. Die perfekte Nacht für eine Mutprobe. Doch als die beiden alkoholisierten jungen Männer in die scheinbar leerstehende Villa einbrechen ahnen sie nicht, was passiert. Ihrem Einbruch folgt eine unheimliche Mordserie. Was wurde aus dem Keller des Herrenhauses befreit?
Plötzlich erinnern sich viele Einwohner des Ortes an die alte Geschichte der Krankenschwester, die im Ersten Weltkrieg mit den Truppen an die Südostfront zog. Sie galt als vermisst und fand erst Jahre später wieder den Weg nach Hause. Doch sie war nicht mehr dieselbe wie zuvor …
Ramon Ribero, Minister of Justice, is (voluntarily) kidnapped by the Society of the Parrot, a revolutionary organization that he has helped fund against his own government. The government ransoms for his release, but refuses to set free their own political prisoners when threatened with Ramon's death.
A classic tale of a great impersonation, originally published in The All-Story Magazine, April 1911.
A Tale of the Continental Op The man who had disturbed my Sunday morning sleep—I found when I reached the Glenton—was a slim, white-faced person of about twenty-five, with big brown eyes that were red-rimmed just now from either sleeplessness or crying, or both. His long brown hair was rumpled when he opened the door to admit me; and he wore a mauve dressing-robe spotted with big jade parrots over wine-colored silk pajamas. The room into which he led me resembled an auctioneer’s establishment just before the sale—or maybe one of these alley tea-rooms. Fat blue vases, crooked red vases, lanky yellow vases, vases of various shapes and colors; marble statuettes, ebony statuettes, statuettes of any material; lanterns, lamps and candlesticks; draperies, hangings and rugs of all sorts; odds and ends of furniture that were all somehow queerly designed; peculiar pictures hung here and there in unexpected places. A hard room to feel comfortable in. “My fiancée,” he began immediately in a high-pitched voice that was within a notch of hysteria, “has disappeared! Something has happened to her! Foul play of some horrible sort! I want you to find her—to save her from this terrible thing that…”
“Someone has been tampering with my collection,” Milsted announced in a hard, metallic voice. “Some infernal thief has stolen a priceless relic—the statue of Hanuman. Now, I don’t make any accusations; but I want that curio back. I think I know the thief, and while I’d be justified in turning him over to the police, I’ll give him a chance to return my property without a scandal—if he will…”
He was lying low in a small town after a bank job. There, on a gold green, he began to plant the seeds for another job. Because the local bank manager had a wife he didn't want, who wouldn't give him a divorce....
A middle-aged American couple is in the midst of a year-long tour of Europe when they come across a man in Zurich who knows somebody in Naples who might be able to help them get something they've always wanted but couldn't obtain…not legally, anyway.