Grasp the beliefs and practices about one of the world's oldest religions Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies is your all-inclusive guide to the Catholic Church and its billions of followers. You'll learn how Catholicism came to be, how it's practiced, and where it stands socially and politically as you explore the rich history and diverse culture surrounding this major religion. Clear, friendly writing takes you inside a mass to understand what happens there, and walks you through a tour of the saints, holidays, the Bible, and the Vatican. Special coverage includes the role of women in the Church and in the Bible, and the tremendous popularity of Pope Francis, who has quickly become one of the Vatican's most-loved leaders. You'll dive into the beliefs and practices of Catholicism and get answers to the most common, confusing, controversial, and worrisome questions. Catholicism is quickly expanding beyond its 1.2 billion followers, with growing numbers of priests and new baptisms every year. Attendance at papal events has tripled to 6.6 million since Pope Francis' election in 2013, and Catholicism has become the largest religious denomination on the planet by a wide margin. This book explains what makes Catholicism so alluring, giving you insight into the religion and everything it entails. Discover the complicated history of the Catholic church Understand what goes on at mass, and why Learn where the Church stands on important issues Explore Pope Francis's unprecedented popularity across cultures The Catholic Church has been reinvigorated and revitalized with the enthusiasm surrounding Pope Francis, and his openness to the world and everyone in it. If your curiosity has been piqued, Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies is the ideal guide to learning what it's all about.
The Bible For Dummies (9781119293507) was previously published as The Bible For Dummies (9780764552960). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Discover the world’s all-time bestseller in an entirely new light Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it's the most widely read book, it's also the least understood. Regardless of your religion, understanding the Bible brings much of Western art, literature, and public discourse into greater focus—from Leonardo da Vinci's «Last Supper» painting to the Wachowski brothers' The Matrix movies. People have historically turned to religion to deal with tragedy and change, and with the right insight, the Bible can be an accessible, helpful guide to life's big questions. The Bible For Dummies appeals to people of all faiths, as well as those who don't practice any particular religion, by providing interfaith coverage of the entire Bible and the often fascinating background information that makes the Bible come alive. You'll find answers to such questions as: Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote the Bible? How is the Bible put together? Follow the history of the Bible from its beginning thousands of years ago as tattered scrolls to its status as the bestseller of all time. The Bible For Dummies covers these topics and more: Ten people in the Bible you should know The Hebrew Bible The Apocrypha's hidden treasures What's new about the New Testament Israel's wisdom, literature, and love poetry The Bible's enduring influence The prophets: more than fortunetellers Whether you're interested in broadening your spiritual horizons, uncovering the symbolism of Western culture, or gaining a deeper understanding of the book you grew up reading, The Bible For Dummies has all the information you need to navigate this ancient and fascinating book.
20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection & Renewal is a helpful companion to Parker J. Palmer's classic work on restoring identity and integrity to professional life. A superb resource for those who wish to extend their exploration of the ideas in The Courage to Teach, as individuals or part of a study group, the Guide provides practical ways to create «safe space» for honest reflection and probing conversations and offers chapter-by-chapter questions and exercises to further explore the many insights in The Courage to Teach. The bonus online content includes a 70-minute interview with Parker Palmer, in which Palmer reflects on a wide range of subjects including the heart of the teacher, the crisis in education, diverse ways of knowing, relationships in teaching and learning, approaches to institutional transformation, and teachers as «culture heroes.» Discussion questions related to the topics explored in the interview have been integrated into the Guide, giving individuals and study groups a chance to have «a conversation with the author» as well as an engagement with the text.
Kes on inimene ja mis on tema tegevuse eesmärk siin Maa peal? Miks on inimene astunud kõrvale oma tegelikust arenguteest ja asunud hävitama koduplaneeti Emakest Maad, olles sellisena kõige kahjulikum olend nii sellel planeedil kui ka kogu Universumis? Sellisel kriitilisel ajaperioodil, mil inimkond on teel kuristikku, pakub Vene vaimne õpetaja, Viimse Testamendi Kiriku nime kandva uue vaimse liikumise juht Vissarion õpetust, mis aitab ületada nii ilmalikust kui ka dogmaatilisest religioossest maailmavaatest tulenevat killustatust. See on õpetus inimese taevasest ja maisest päritolust, vaimu ja mateeria kooseksisteerimisest. Sellele õpetusele tugineb Lääne-Siberis, Sajaanide eelmäestikus 1990. aastatel Vissarioni loodud ökokogukond, mis on rajamas uut ühiskonda ja seab igapäevaelus esikohale hinge arendamise armastavate ja harmooniliste suhete kaudu üksteise ja loodusega. Sellest raamatust leiab lugeja Vissarioni antud esmased õpetuslikud alused, mida tema järgnevad raamatud avavad konkreetsetes elulistes olukordades, vastates inimeste esitatud küsimustele.
Работа представляет собой пособие для изучающих систему ценностей ислама. Подробно рассматриваются основы религиозных убеждений (или акыда ), исламское мировоззрение и мораль. Основное внимание уделено разъяснению исламской догматики без использования сложной аргументации, для понимания которой требуются специальные навыки в области философии, экзегетики или мусульманского права. Настоящий курс состоит из 60 занятий, каждое из которых посвящено определённой теме. В конце каждого занятия предлагаются вопросы, направленные на освоение и закрепление изложенного материала. Книга рассчитана на студентов «среднего» звена мусульманского образования, а также на тех читателей, кто интересуется основой и культурологическими аспектами мусульманской религии.
Представляемая вниманию читателей книга состоит из ряда связанных между собой бесед духовного содержания, обращенных иранским шиитским религиозным деятелем аятоллой ‘Абдаллахом Джавади Амоли к своим ученикам и последователям. В тексте книги приводятся высказывания пророка Мухаммада (С), его сподвижников, имамов из числа двенадцати и видных шиитских богословов, писавших в разное время. Многие понятия рассматриваются в калейдоскопе их разнообразных значений – проповедник как бы движется от сугубо практического, материального воплощения к отвлеченным и символическим смыслам. Выводы не носят категорического характера – скорее, они побуждают потенциальных слушателей и читателей к самостоятельному углубленному размышлению и вдумчивому сопереживанию с текстом. Цель данной книги, несомненно, благородная: заставить человека задуматься о своем месте в мире и собственном высоком предназначении, о том, кому и чему он поклоняется и на кого или на что надеется в будущем. Адресуется широкому кругу читателей.
В предлагаемом вниманию читателя сборнике статей рассматривается явление, чрезвычайно актуальное для современной общественной жизни, – исламофобия. Авторы предпринимают попытку выявить истоки этого явления, дать ему классификацию и найти пути борьбы с ненавистью к «чужим». Адресуется широкому кругу читателей.
Avasta enda jaoks meediumist juristi Mark Anthony valgustavad ja lohutust pakkuvad lood sellest, kuidas ta on aidanud inimestel suhelda vaimumaailma lahkunud lähedastega. “Igavese elu tõend” pakub võimalust meelt ülendavaks teekonnaks, mis hajutab vaimudega suhtlemist saatva hirmu ja ebausu ning esitab surmajärgse elu kohta põhjapanevaid küsimusi. Raamatus käsitletakse ka selliseid valusaid probleeme, nagu kuritegevus, mõrv, enesetapp ja õnnetustes ellujäänute süütunne. See teedrajav raamat ehitab silla üle spirituaalsuse ja teadusmaailma lahutava kuristiku ning toob vaimudega suhtlemise nüüdisaega, kinnitades taas kord, et Jumal ja taevariik on olemas, et vaim on surematu, et kord ootab meid taaskohtumine siitilmast lahkunud lähedastega. “Igavese elu tõend” tutvustab uusi vaimudega suhtlemist selgitavaid mõisteid ja käsitusi, mis põhinevad teadusel, teoreetilisel füüsikal, füsioloogial, teoloogial ja elulistel tõenditel.
15.–18. sajandini toimus Euroopas tuhandeid nõiaprotsesse. Teistest eristuvaid inimesi kahtlustati läbikäimises kuradiga ja arvati, et nad täidavad saatana käske, et hävitada ristirahvast. Miks algas massiline arveteõiendamine just neil külma kliima aegadel, aga mitte näiteks keskajal, on siiani nüanssides veel selgitamata. Mälestused sellest suurest tragöödiast on muinasjuttude kaudu jõudnud meie aega välja. Nende sajandite jooksul kaotas nõiaprotsesside käigus oma elu hinnanguliselt sada tuhat inimest. Ka Eestis toimus suur hulk nõiaprotsesse. Teateid on 145 juhtumist, ent teist sama palju võis jääda ajalooallikatele saladuseks. Mitte kõik protsessid ei lõppenud hukkamisega, kuid kõik need häirisid talupoegade rahulikku elurütmi ja jätsid oma jälje, mis kandus edasi põlvest põlve. Selles raamatus on kirjeldatud toimunut säilinud allikate, rahvajuttude ja nende teoste põhjal, mis kirjeldavad toonaseid tagakiusamise doktriine. Selgub inimese mälu valikulisus: legendid olid leebemad kui tegelikkus nende taga.