Зарубежная фантастика

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная фантастика

Kłopotliwe pytania

Emma Popik

Futuro Pericoloso

Mª Del Mar Agulló

I progressi della medicina sono riusciti a guarire tutta la popolazione mondiale, trasformando le malattie in semplici ricordi. A causa di queste pratiche mediche, il sistema immunitario della gente è stato indebolito ed è vulnerabile a nuovi virus mortali. Benvenuti nell'era dei virus e degli ologrammi. In futuro, parecchi secoli dopo l'epoca contemporanea, i progressi della medicina permetteranno alla popolazione di non ammalarsi. Tali progressi indeboliranno il nostro sistema immunitario, lasciandolo esposto a una moltitudine di nuovi virus mortali. Carolina e Keysi, due giovani virologhe senza troppe cose in comune, saranno incaricate di lottare contro i nuovi virus, trovando antigeni che li facciano sparire. Allo stesso tempo dovranno scoprire se stesse, mentre lottano contro le difficoltà della loro vita privata. Le due compagne stringeranno un'amicizia che le farà crescere come persone. Tutto si complicherà quando la cura di parecchi di questi virus diventerà un compito impossibile e il pianeta si ritroverà in una situazione critica. Dall'altra parte, Monica, una giovane donna, vedova, con due figli e senza lavoro, dovrà lottare per sopravvivere in una società ultramoderna, dove la tecnologia ha invaso tutto e dove il lavoro scarseggia. La sua vita cambierà drasticamente quando si innamorerà dell'uomo sbagliato. Abbi il coraggio di addentrarti nell'era olografica, un mondo futurista, pieno di tecnologia e dove l'umanità dovrà affrontare varie sfide, inclusa una sua possibile estinzione. Riusciranno le due giovani virologhe a trovare un antigene che salvi il mondo? Ce la farà Monica a mantenere la sua famiglia?

Опасное Будущее

Mª Del Mar Agulló

Открытия в области медицины позволили вылечить население мира, и болезни ушли в прошлое. Но это излечение повлияло на иммунную систему человека, теперь человеческий организм остался беззащитным перед новыми смертельно опасными вирусами. Добро пожаловать в мир вирусов и голограмм. В будущем, через много веков, медицинские открытия избавят человечество от болезней. Но эти достижения медиков ослабят нашу иммунную систему, и человек останется без защиты перед множеством новых смертельных вирусов. Каролина и Кайси, которых объединяла только работа вирусолога, должны найти способ борьбы с новыми вирусами, и вместе с тем лучше узнать себя, сталкиваясь с трудностями личной жизни. Дружба девушек крепнет, и они помогают друг другу расти над собой. Но все осложнится, когда найти лечение некоторых вирусов окажется непосильной задачей, и население планеты окажется в критически опасном положении. С другой стороны, Моника, молодая вдова с двумя детьми на руках, остается без работы и вынуждена выживать в обществе ультра-модерна, где технологии повсюду, и для человека работы почти не осталось. Ее жизнь полностью поменяется после того, как она влюбится в не того мужчину. Готовы погрузиться в эру голограмм, мир будущего, полного технологий, в котором человечество вынуждено бороться с множеством вызовов, и даже за собственное выживание. Смогут две молодые ученые-вирусологи найти антиген, который спасет мир? Сможет ли Моника наладить жизнь своей семьи?

The Last Mission Of The Seventh Cavalry

Charley Brindley

A unit of the Seventh Cavalry is on a mission over Afghanistan when their plane is hit by something. The soldiers bail out of the crippled plane, but when the thirteen men and women reach the ground, they are not in Afghanistan. A unit of the Seventh Cavalry is on a mission over Afghanistan when their plane is hit by something. The soldiers bail out of the crippled plane, but when the thirteen men and women reach the ground, they are not in Afghanistan. Not only are they four thousand miles from their original destination but it appears they have descended two thousand years into the past where primitive forces fight each other with swords and arrows. The platoon is thrown into a battle where they must choose sides quickly or die. They are swept along in a tide of events so powerful that their courage, ingenuity and weapons are tested to the limits of their durability and strength.

Howls of Chaos

Gabrielle Boyd

Alexsys, a beautiful, intelligent, and outgoing werewolf, moves back to her hometown of Chaosville, along with her friendly pack, centuries after they left the area. There, she and her handsome and somewhat controlling boyfriend open up a local business and try to live a normal life. Everything seems to be going smoothly for Alexsys—a brand new house, a new environment, new friends, and a new school—until a rogue pack of werewolves moves into her territory and tries to take over the town, picking off the locals one by one. After a few killings, Alexsys investigates the murders and soon discovers secrets from the past. When they realize that they are outnumbered by the rogue werewolves, Alexsys and her pack team up with the county’s clever sheriff and a few of the locals in order to destroy their lycanthropic adversaries.

Shadow Pact

Tally Adams

On a quest to find her missing sister Amber, Emily finds herself in the middle of an age-old conflict between vampires and werewolves. When she runs into trouble, Emily is rescued by an anomaly of the supernatural realm: the handsome vampire-werewolf hybrid, William. Now caught between two worlds, they must navigate the vampire and werewolf courts to try and save Amber, themselves, and whatever peace that remains between the feuding species. With countless dangers at every turn – a twisted vampire queen, a bloodthirsty Coven, and a power-hungry werewolf king who will stop at nothing to dominate the magical world – Emily’s courage will be tested. She must become a part of a world she never knew existed to thwart plans of uprooting the reality she holds dear.