Зарубежная психология

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная психология

Keha peab arvet

Bessel van der Kolk

„Keha peab arvet“ räägib sellest, kuidas traumad mõjutavad vaimu ja keha, tervet inimese elu. Bessel van der Kolk, üks maailma juhtivaid traumauurijaid, on kirjutanud raamatu traumaatilise kogemuse toimemehhanismidest, võimalustest erinevat liiki traumadega toime tulla ning millised on viimaste aastakümnete avastused ning läbimurded traumade uurimisel ja ravis. „Keha peab arvet“ sisaldab suure hulga juhtumikirjeldusi, mis aitavad mõista erinevate traumade olemust ja võimalikke lahendusi, mis teeb sellest väärtusliku lugemise nii asjatundjatele kui sarnaste kaebustega inimestele.
Bessel van der Kolk (snd 1943) on USA psühhiaater, kes on töötanud mh Harvardi Meditsiinikoolis ja andnud loenguid ülikoolides üle maailma. Van der Kolki peamine uurimisvaldkond on traumad ning posttraumaatiline stressihäire, ta on uurinud traumadest taastumist nii laste kui täiskasvanute puhul ning oli üks esimese teadlasi, kes uuris trauma mõju kehale ajukuvamisseadmete abi. „Keha peab arvet“ on üks viimaste aastate tähelepanuväärsemaid ja tõlgitumaid populaarteaduslikke psühhiaatriaraamatuid.

Anxiety For Dummies

Laura L. Smith

Explore effective ways to manage anxiety Understand and challenge your anxious thinking Make meaningful life changes Manage anxiety—and start living your life! If you feel like your life is spinning out of control, you're definitely not alone! While anxiety is a natural reaction to stress, for some of us, it can become all-consuming—and ultimately debilitating. Thankfully, there is plenty you can do to combat anxiety with the help of this approachable guide. Inside, find out how adopting proven techniques like pinpointing triggers, improving health and eating habits, and learning to let go can help you effectively and deliberately manage your worries—and take back control of your life. Inside… Recognize symptoms Know useful vs. toxic anxiety Examine the causes of your anxiety Develop the practice of mindful acceptance Help your kids with their anxiety Block the blues Face your fears Adopt anxiety-reducing habits

Effective Writing in Psychology

Bernard C. Beins

Master the art of APA-style writing with this newly updated and accessible resource The newly and thoroughly revised Third Edition of Effective Writing in Psychology: Papers, Posters, and Presentations offers compelling and comprehensive guidance to readers who want to create powerful and persuasive prose in a rigorous, scientific, and APA-compliant framework. Distinguished academics and authors Bernard and Agatha Beins walk readers through the foundational and advanced topics they must grasp to generate convincing and credible APA-stye writing. The book combines an accessible and approachable guide to effective writing with the most current best practices from the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association's publication manual. New writers and experienced authors alike will benefit from Effective Writing in Psychology's descriptions of the most frequently used and important aspects of APA-style writing. The authors minimize their use of technical jargon and include explanations of how to create effective posters, deliver high-quality oral presentations, and publish electronically. The book also includes: An up-to-date presentation of ethical, inclusive writing and proper use of modern pronouns Step-by-step guidance on the use of APA formatting in scholarly papers Explanations of how to create effective posters for poster sessions Descriptions of how to organize convincing and credible oral presentations that leave listeners and conference attendees impressed and edified The basics of creating and formatting electronic documents for publication on the web Effective Writing in Psychology: Papers, Posters, and Presentations is an invaluable resource for psychology and social, and behavioral science students at any level. It also belongs on the bookshelves of practicing psychology professionals, researchers, and academics who would like to brush up on their technical writing abilities.


Gottfried Wenzelmann

Wer träumt, der lebt. Und wer lebendig ist, der träumt. Auch wenn wir uns häufig nicht mehr an den Film im nächtlichen Kopfkino erinnern, haben unsere Träume das Potenzial, wichtige Botschaften zu übermitteln. Davon können wir profitieren. Der Autor nimmt uns in diesem Buch mit auf eine Reise in die Welt der Träume: Auf der Basis zeitgenössischer Forschung macht er den Leser mit den wichtigsten psychologischen Erkenntnissen vertraut und zeigt auf, wie der theologisch verantwortete seelsorgliche Umgang mit Träumen in der Praxis aussieht. In der seltenen prophetischen Dimension bedeutet es noch viel mehr, aber das übliche, allnächtliche Träumen ist ein Werkzeug zum Verarbeiten der eigenen Geschichte. Richtig gedeutet, hilft es zur Heiligung und zur Vertiefung des christlichen Glaubens.