Зарубежная образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная образовательная литература

Design for Health. Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture

Terri Peters

Design for Health: Sustainable Approaches to Therapeutic Architecture Guest-Edited by Terri Peters This issue of AD seeks out innovative and varied sustainable architectural responses to designing for health, such as: integrating sensory gardens and landscapes into the care environment; specifying local materials and passive technologies; and reinvigorating aging postwar facilities. Contributors include: Anne-Marie Adams, Sean Ahlquist, Giuseppe Boscherini, Robin Guenther, Charles Jencks, Richard Mazuch, Stephen Verderber, Featured architects: 100% Interior, Arup, C.F. Møller, Lyons, MASS Design Group, Mongomery Sisam Architects, Penoyre & Prasad

Aerospace Actuators. Signal-by-Wire and Power-by-Wire

Jean-Charles Maré

This book is the second in a series of volumes which cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach. This second volume brings an original, functional and architectural vision to more electric aerospace actuators. The aspects of signal (Signal-by-Wire) and power (Power-by-Wire) are treated from the point of view of needs, their evolution throughout history, and operational solutions that are in service or in development. This volume is based on an extensive bibliography, numerous supporting examples and orders of magnitude which refer to flight controls and landing gear for various aircraft (fixed or rotorwing, launchers) in commercial, private and military applications. The topics covered in this set of books constitute a significant source of information for individuals and engineers from a variety of disciplines, seeking to learn more about aerospace actuation systems and components.

Hyperbolic Structures. Shukhov's Lattice Towers - Forerunners of Modern Lightweight Construction

Matthias Beckh

Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with the help of parametric studies and load capacity analyses. This evaluation of Shukhov’s historical calculations and the reconstruction of the design and development process of his water towers shows why the Russian engineer is considered not only a pathfinder for lightweight structures but also a pioneer of parametrised design processes.

analog und digital. schriften zur philosophie des machens

Otl Aicher

Otl Aicher (1922 –1991) war einer der herausragenden Vertreter des modernen Designs, er war Mitbegründer der legendären Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG). Der heute geläu_ ge Begriff der visuellen Kommunikation ist auf ihn zurückzuführen. Was er seit den 1950er Jahren geschaffen hat, erinnert sei z. B. an die Piktogramme für die Olympischen Sommerspiele München 1972, gehört zu den ganz großen Leistungen der visuellen Kultur unserer Zeit. Ein wesentlicher Aspekt der Arbeiten von Aicher ist deren Verankerung in einer von Denkern wie Ockham, Kant oder Wittgenstein inspirierten „Philosophie des Machens“, die die Voraussetzungen und Ziele sowie die Gegenstände und Ansprüche von Gestaltung zum Thema hat. Aichers Schriften zu Fragen des Designs von der visuellen Gestaltung bis hin zur Architektur liegen in diesem Band in geschlossener Form vor. Wenn Aicher das Analoge und Konkrete dem Digitalen und Abstrakten vorzieht, tut er dies mit philosophischer Absicht. Er relativiert die Rolle der reinen Vernunft. Er kritisiert den Rationalismus der Moderne als Ergebnis der Vorherrschaft des bloß abstrakten Denkens. Wer das Abstrakte dem Konkreten vorzieht, missversteht nicht nur die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit von Begriff und Anschauung. Er schafft nach Aichers Urteil auch eine falsche Hierarchie, eine Rangordnung, die kulturell verhängnisvoll ist. Das digitale, Abstrakte ist nicht höher, größer und wichtiger als das Analoge, Konkrete. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl

die welt als entwurf. schriften zum design

Otl Aicher

Otl Aicher (1922–1991) war einer der herausragenden Vertreter des modernen Designs, er war Mitbegründer der legendären Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG). Der heute geläufige Begriff der visuellen Kommunikation ist auf ihn zurückzuführen. Was er seit den 1950er Jahren geschaffen hat, erinnert sei z. B. an die Piktogramme für die Olympischen Sommerspiele München 1972, gehört zu den ganz großen Leistungen der visuellen Kultur unserer Zeit. Die hier versammelten Texte sind Erkundungen einer „Welt als Entwurf“. Sie gehören substantiell zu seiner Arbeit. In der Bewegung durch die Geschichte von Denken und Gestalten, Bauen und Konstruieren versichert er sich der Möglichkeiten, die Existenz menschlich einzurichten. Nach wie vor geht es um die Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Zivilisationskultur herstellbar ist. Diese Voraussetzungen müssen erstritten werden gegen scheinbare Sachzwänge und geistige Ersatzangebote. Otl Aicher streitet gern. So enthält dieser Band neben Berichten aus der Praxis und historischen Exkursen zu Design und Architektur auch polemische Einlassungen zu kultur– politischen Themen. Mit produktivem Eigen-Sinn streitet Aicher vor allem für die Erneuerung der Moderne, die sich weitgehend in ästhetischen Visionen erschöpft habe. Noch immer sei der „Kultursonntag“ wichtiger als der Arbeitsalltag. Wolfgang Jean Stock

Global Media Ethics. Problems and Perspectives

Stephen J. A. Ward

Global Media Ethics is the first comprehensive cross-cultural exploration of the conceptual and practical issues facing media ethics in a global world. A team of leading journalism experts investigate the impact of major global trends on responsible journalism. The first full-length, truly global textbook on media ethics Explores how current global changes in media promote and inhibit responsible journalism Includes relevant and timely ethical discussions based on major trends in journalism and global media Questions existing frameworks in Media Ethics in light of the impact of global media Contributors are leading experts in global journalism and communication

Bioinformatics in Aquaculture. Principles and Methods

Zhanjiang Liu (John)

Bioinformatics derives knowledge from computer analysis of biological data. In particular, genomic and transcriptomic datasets are processed, analysed and, whenever possible, associated with experimental results from various sources, to draw structural, organizational, and functional information relevant to biology. Research in bioinformatics includes method development for storage, retrieval, and analysis of the data. Bioinformatics in Aquaculture provides the most up to date reviews of next generation sequencing technologies, their applications in aquaculture, and principles and methodologies for the analysis of genomic and transcriptomic large datasets using bioinformatic methods, algorithm, and databases. The book is unique in providing guidance for the best software packages suitable for various analysis, providing detailed examples of using bioinformatic software and command lines in the context of real world experiments. This book is a vital tool for all those working in genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics related to aquaculture, and computational and biological sciences.


John Saeed I.

Revised and updated to reflect recent theoretical developments in the field, Semantics, 4th Edition, presents an engaging and accessible introduction to the study of meaning in language for students new to the field of semantics. Covers all of the basic concepts and methods of the field of semantics, as well as some of the most important contemporary lines of research Features a series of new exercises, along with their solutions, that are arranged by level of difficulty Addresses componential theory, formal semantics, and cognitive semantics, the three main current theoretical approaches to semantics Includes revisions and updates that reflect the most recent theoretical developments

Field Hydrogeology

Rick Brassington

The fourth edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully revised in order to present the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to completing a hydrogeological study. Beautifully presented with full colour photos and diagrams throughout, Field Hydrogeology retains its practical pocket size for easy use in the field. This new edition includes all the recent developments in the environmental regulations, with particular focus on the use of innovative technology. New topics include geothermal energy, soakaways, marrying manual water level readings with logger records, prediction of long-term drawdown and lateral extent of impacts, and flow measurement in locations with small head gradients. With case studies and text boxes to aid comprehension, and a particular emphasis on practical application, this is an essential tool for students taking Hydrogeology and/or field course modules in Geology, Earth Sciences, Hydrogeology and Engineering courses.

Applied Linguistics

Li Wei

In this complete survey of the theories, methods, and key findings within applied linguistics, students are introduced to core research questions and the various approaches to tackling these. Provides a comprehensive introduction to this interdisciplinary field of research and practice, dealing with practical issues of language and communication Takes a problem-solving approach, introducing students to key research questions and guiding them through the various ways of tackling these Features additional study aids throughout, including chapter outlines, learning objectives, key terms, research questions and answers, study questions, and recommended further readings Enables students to identify every-day language and communication issues, and to draw on their own personal experiences Edited by a leading figure in the field, heading up an experienced and interdisciplinary team of contributors from the renowned department of applied linguistics at Birkbeck College, University of London – resulting in unique combination of knowledge, skills, and strength from scholars who teach and research together