UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an electronic tagging technology that allows an object, place or person to be automatically identified at a distance without a direct line-of-sight using a radio wave exchange. Applications include inventory tracking, prescription medication tracking and authentication, secure automobile keys, and access control for secure facilities. This book begins with an overview of UHF RFID challenges describing the applications, markets, trades and basic technologies. It follows this by highlighting the main features distinguishing UHF (860MHz-960MHz) and HF (125 kHz and 13.56 MHz) identifications, in terms of reading range, environmental sensitivity, throughput and safety. The architecture of the integrated circuits and the organization of the memory are then described. One chapter is devoted to the air interface protocol aspects, including coding, modulation, multi readers operation and anti-collision algorithms to manage the tag responses. Focus will be put upon the EPC Gen2 protocol adopted in the ISO 18000 Part 6. The core of the book will cover the design and manufacturing issues of RFID tags. The influence of the propagation medium (warehouse, libraries, etc.), the tag close environment (bottles, linens, containers, carton boxes,etc.) and the coupling between tags will also be carefully addressed. The final chapter is dedicated to an industrial use case in the supply chain management, either in the retail inventory or blood traceability.
The Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceeding has been published by The American Ceramic Society since 1980. This series contains a collection of papers dealing with issues in both traditional ceramics (i.e., glass, whitewares, refractories, and porcelain enamel) and advanced ceramics. Topics covered in the area of advanced ceramic include bioceramics, nanomaterials, composites, solid oxide fuel cells, mechanical properties and structural design, advanced ceramic coatings, ceramic armor, porous ceramics, and more.
Over 170 contributions (invited talks, oral presentations, and posters) were presented by participants from universities, research institutions, and industry, which offered interdisciplinary discussions indicating strong scientific and technological interest in the field of nanostructured systems. This issue contains 23 peer-reviewed papers that cover various aspects and the latest developments related to nanoscaled materials and functional ceramics.
Discover how high-performing systems shape teaching quality around the world Producing highly skilled and committed teachers is not the work of a single innovative school or the aggregation of heroic individuals who succeed against the odds. In high-performing countries, the opportunities for teachers to learn sophisticated practices and continue to improve are embedded systemically in education policies and practices. Empowered Educators describes how this seemingly magical work is done—how a number of forward-thinking educational systems create a coherent set of policies designed to ensure quality teaching in all communities. . . and how the results are manifested in practice. Spanning three continents and five countries, Empowered Educators examines seven jurisdictions that have worked to develop comprehensive teaching policy systems: Singapore and Finland, the states of New South Wales and Victoria in Australia, the provinces of Alberta and Ontario in Canada, and the province of Shanghai in China. Renowned education expert Linda Darling-Hammond and a team of esteemed scholars offer lessons learned in a number of areas that shape the teaching force and the work of teachers, shedding unprecedented light on areas such as teacher recruitment, preparation, induction and mentoring, professional learning, career and leadership development, and more. Find out how quality teaching is developed and conducted across the globe Discover a common set of strategies for developing, supporting, and sustaining the ongoing learning and development of teachers and school leaders See how high-performing countries successfully recruit and train educators Understand why the sharing of expertise among teachers and administrators within and across schools is beneficial A fascinating read for researchers, policymakers, administrators, teacher educators, pre-service teachers and leaders, and anyone with an interest in education, this book offers a rare glimpse into the systems that are shaping quality teaching around the world.
This issue contains 9 papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 40th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 24-29, 2016. This issue includes papers presented in the 10th International Symposium on Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials and Systems (Symposium 8), Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Technologies (Focused Session 4), and Field Assisted Sintering (Focused Session 5).
Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 34, Issue 8 – Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials VII A collection of 20 papers from The American Ceramic Society’s 37th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 27-February 1, 2013. This issue includes papers presented in the 7th International Symposium on Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials and Systems (Symposium 8).
LTE network capabilities are enhanced with small cell deployment, with optimization and with new 3GPP features. LTE networks are getting high loaded which calls for more advanced optimization. Small cells have been discussed in the communications industry for many years, but their true deployment is happening now. New 3GPP features in Release 12 and 13 further push LTE network performance. This timely book addresses R&D and standardization activities on LTE small cells and network optimization, focusing on 3GPP evolution to Release 13. It covers LTE small cells from specification to products and field results; Latest 3GPP evolution to Release 13; and LTE optimization and learnings from the field.
This book covers channel coding and modulation technologies in DTTB systems from the general concepts to the detailed analysis and implementation. Covers the Chinese DTTB standard which was announced recently and hasn’t been covered in detail Introduces the SFN network using the successful implementation of DTMB in Hong Kong as an example Introduces the latest announced systems including the ATSC M/H and DVB-NGH
Beton unterliegt einem Wandel der Anforderungen und entwickelt selbst Innovationskraft mit Auswirkungen auf Gestaltung bis hin zur Baustellenlogistik. Die Entwicklung von hochfesten, ultrahochfesten und selbstverdichtenden Betonen, die gestiegenen Qualitatsanforderungen und die zu erwartende Knappheit naturlicher Gesteinskornungen setzen neue Anforderungsma?stabe an Entwurfskonzepte. Die Anforderungen an die Dauerhaftigkeit von Beton zielen insbesondere auf eine gute Homogenitat und auf eine relativ hohe Dichte. Dieses Ziel kann nur im Zusammenwirken von Konstruktion, Statik, Herstellung, Transport, Forderung, Verarbeitung und Nachbehandlung erreicht werden. Die Anforderungen an die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Betontragwerken konnen durch Optimierung von Prozessen und Automatisierung in der Baulogistik erfullt werden – der Bauablauf im Jahr 2017 unterscheidet sich erheblich von Baustellen vor 50 oder gar 100 Jahren. Immer hohere erzielbare Festigkeiten ermoglichen schlankere Bauteile. Auch die Gestaltbarkeit von Tragwerken wird vielseitiger, diese erfordert aber gleichzeitig eine leichte Verarbeitbarkeit. Vor diesem Hintergrund enthalt der Beton-Kalender 2017 eine Reihe von Beitragen uber Betonherstellung, aktuelle Produkterweiterungen sowie verschiedene Anwendungen von Spezialbetonen und deren Qualitatssicherung sowie erstmalig uber die bautechnische Anwendung von tragenden Kunststoffbauteilen. Au?erdem wurde der aktuelle Wissensstand uber Spannbeton aufgearbeitet. In bewahrter Weise werden aktuelle europaische und nationale Normen in konsolidierten Kurzfassungen fortgefuhrt. Der Beton-Kalender 2017 ist eine besondere Fundgrube fur Ingenieure in Planungsburos und in der Bauindustrie.
Articles about the classic core areas of structural engineering, for example precast elements, composite floors, multi-functional slabs, economic reinforcement in building and industrial and agricultural silo construction. Also: energy storage, fire protection.