Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World is the winner of the BAAL Book Prize 2005. Multilingualism in the English-Speaking World: Pedigree of Nations explores the consequences of English as a global language and multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written accessibly, it explores the extent of diversity in ‘inner circle’ English speaking countries (the UK, the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) and examines language in the home, school, and the wider community. Considers the perspectives of English as a global language as well as multilingualism as a social phenomenon. Written in an accessible style that draws on contemporary real life examples. Examines the everyday realities of people living in 'inner circle' English-speaking countries, such as the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Discusses the theoretical issues that underpin current debates, drawing on research literature on societal multilingualism, language maintenance and shift, language policy, language and power, and language and identity.
Communicating by speech is seemingly one of the most natural activities for humans. However, despite its apparent obviousness and ease, speech production is a very complex activity with multiple levels of organization involved with transforming cognitive intent into a meaningful sequence of sounds. This book establishes a connection between the physiology of speech and linguistics, and provides a detailed account of speech production processes, indicating how various languages of the world make use of human anthropophonic capacities. The book also offers new insights into the possible ways in which articulatory-based phonetics and phonology might be unified, making it essential reading matter for anyone involved in this field. Numerous illustrations are included which enhance the reader’s understanding.
Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program presents accessible, cutting edge research on an enduring and fundamental question confronting all linguistic inquiry – the respective roles of derivation and representation. Presents accessible, cutting edge research on the respective roles of derivation and representation in syntactic inquiry. Discusses a wide range of phenomena and also includes alternative, representational perspectives. Features papers by M. Brody, C. Collins, S. Epstein, J. Frampton, S. Gutmann, N. Hornstein, R. Kayne, H. Kitahara, J. McCloskey, N. Richards, D. Seely, E. Torrego, J. Uriagereka, C.J.W. Zwart.
Compositionality in Formal Semantics is a collection of Barbara Partee’s papers that have been influential in the field but are not readily available and includes a new introductory essay in which Partee reflects on how her thinking and the field of semantics have developed over the past 35 years. Brings together, in one volume, influential but difficult to find papers by one of the most important researchers in formal semantics. Includes a new introductory essay in which Partee reflects on how her research and the field of semantics have developed over the past 35 years. Discusses critical themes in semantic theory.
This revised second edition provides an introduction to the phonetics and phonology of English. It incorporates all central aspects of research in the phonology of English and involves the reader at every step, with over 80 exercises leading students to discover facts, to formulate general statements, and to apply concepts. Discusses the nature of speech and phonetic description, the principles of phonological analysis, the consonants and vowels of English and their possible sequences. Provides extensive treatment of rhythm, stress, and intonation and the role of these prosodic elements in discourse. Includes more than 80 exercises with feedback and glossary of technical terms. Incorporates developments in phonology since the first edition appeared.
Significantly expanded and updated, the second edition of The Handbook of Language, Gender and Sexuality brings together a team of the leading specialists in the field to create a comprehensive overview of key historical themes and issues, along with methodologies and cutting-edge research topics. Examines the dynamic ways that women and men develop and manage gendered identities through their talk, presenting data and case studies from interactions in a range of social contexts and different communities Substantially updated for the second edition, including a new introduction, 24 newly-commissioned chapters, ten updated chapters, and a comprehensive index Includes new chapters on research in non-English speaking countries – from Asia to South America – and cutting-edge topics such as language, gender, and popular culture; language and sexual identities; and language, gender, and socio-phonetics New sections focus on key themes and issues in the field, such as methodological approaches to language and gender, incorporating new chapters on conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, and variation theory Provides unrivalled geographic coverage and an essential resource for a wide range of disciplines, from linguistics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology to communication and gender studies
This volume provides a comprehensive view of the current issues in contemporary syntactic theory. Written by an international assembly of leading specialists in the field, these 2 original articles serve as a useful reference for various areas of grammar. Contains 23 articles written by an international assembly of specialists in the field. The lucidly written articles grant accessibility to crucial areas of syntactic theory. Contrasting theories are represented. Contains an informative introduction and extensive bibliography which serves as a reference tool for both students and professional linguists.
«Невидимка» – увлекательная история безумного и гениального ученого, совершившего удивительное открытие. Текст произведения адаптирован и снабжен параллельным переводом на русский язык. Для проверки понимания прочитанного в книге даны упражнения с ответами и англо-русский словарь. Английский текст полностью озвучен носителями языка и бесплатно доступен для прослушивания на официальном сайте издательства АСТ в разделе «Читальня». Пособие адресовано всем, кто изучает английский язык и хочет читать литературу на языке оригинала.
Когда система школьного образования в Финляндии была признана самой лучшей по результатам теста PISA, педагоги со всего мира принялись изучать опыт финских коллег, пытаясь понять, в чем же заключается их секрет. Американский преподаватель Тимоти Уокер, который два года проработал учителем в хельсинкской школе, утверждает, что в основе всех достижений финских школьников лежит простой принцип: учебный процесс должен приносить радость. Короткий учебный день, минимум домашних заданий и тестирования – это только внешние составляющие успешного обучения. В своей книге Уокер рассказывает, как устроена финская система обучения, почему важно обсуждать с учениками их оценки, как предоставление школьникам выбора и совместное планирование помогут им стать более независимыми, почему обилие наглядных материалов на стенах приводит к снижению успеваемости и зачем учителю нужно играть с детьми на переменах. Он предлагает 33 стратегии, которые возможно применить и в наших, российских, школах.
Кадзуо Исигуро – урожденный японец, выпускник литературного курса Малькольма Брэдбери, написавший самый английский роман конца XX века! Лауреат Нобелевской премии 2017 года. «Остаток дня» – дневник дворецкого, жизнь с точки зрения Бэрримора. В основе его стилистики лежит сдержанность, выявляющая себя в самой механике речи. Герой не считает возможным проявлять свои чувства, и на лингвистическом уровне эта своеобразная аскеза приводит к замечательным результатам – перед нами этакая оборотная сторона Достоевского с его неуправляемым потоком эмоций. В 1989 году за «Остаток дня» Исигуро единогласно получил Букера (и это было, пожалуй, единственное решение Букеровского комитета за всю историю премии, ни у кого не вызвавшее протеста). Одноименная экранизация Джеймса Айвори с Энтони Хопкинсом в главной роли пользовалась большим успехом. А Борис Акунин написал своего рода римейк «Остатка дня» – роман «Коронация». В формате a4-pdf сохранен издательский макет книги.