Existen diferentes tipos de sucesiones: la del entorno político es la más habitual; en el proceso testamentario, recurrentemente se escucha o en casos, debe hacerse para heredar. En las empresas familiares longevas, realizarlo en el momento oportuno debe estar en los planes, esto provocará un equilibrio emocional, estabilidad financiera y continuidad empresarial. En la presente obra se dilucida la metodología para implementarlo. Ocuparse en vida es preferible.
El momento actual requiere un nuevo modelo de liderazgo.Nos empeñamos en buscar lo que deberíamos ser, cuando realmente lo que más efectivo para liderar es potenciar lo que ya somos. Conócete, defínete, potencia aquello que mejor se te da y conviértelo en la virtud esencial de tu propio modelo de liderazgo. El mascarón de proa de nuestra fórmula del éxito está dentro de nosotros. Bucear al interior no es sencillo; exige técnicas, habilidades y un gimnasio permanente de desarrollo emocional que se explican en este libro con una poderosa herramienta: El cubo.
Why are measures of stress and anxiety on the rise, when economists and politicians tell us we have never had it so good? While statistics tell us that the vast majority of people are getting steadily richer the world most of us experience day-in and day-out feels increasingly uncertain, unfair, and ever more expensive. In Angrynomics, Eric Lonergan and Mark Blyth explore the rising tide of anger, sometimes righteous and useful, sometimes destructive and ill-targeted, and propose radical new solutions for an increasingly polarized and confusing world. Angrynomics is for anyone wondering, where the hell do we go from here?
Ein Buch für alle, die agil arbeiten wollen und konkrete Unterstützung suchen Eine weitreichende Digitalisierung verleiht unserer Gesellschaft einen grundlegenden Wandel und eine zunehmende Beschleunigung. Organisationen und Menschen wollen flexibler arbeiten und früher Ergebnisse erzielen. Hierfür braucht es andere Denk- und Arbeitsweisen. Agiles Vorgehen ist auf dem besten Weg, zu der am weitesten verbreiteten Arbeitsweise zu werden, und ist schon heute Ausgangspunkt für eine Vielzahl von Zusammenarbeitsformen. Agilität ist mit Fitness vergleichbar: Dies bedeutet, als Team, Abteilung oder Organisation fit und in der Lage zu sein, schnell, flexibel und agil mit allen Situationen umgehen zu können. Es ist eine elementare Fähigkeit, um in Zeiten von Digitalisierung, Disruption und des schnellen Wandels erfolgreich zu agieren. In «Agile» teilt Rini van Solingen sein Expertenwissen und seine Erfahrung und beleuchtet eine Reihe häufiger Fehler und Missverständnisse rund um agiles Arbeiten.
Let us introduce you to some of the people who are helping to make a difference and improve lives across sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and the Overseas Countries and Territories. We speak to a greengrocer in Burkina Faso, look at new climate-resilient social housing in the Dominican Republic and find out how a bank changes things for women who own businesses in Uganda. In 2019, the EIB invested almost €1.4 billion in projects in these regions. In this report, we give a breakdown of where our funding is going and take a close look at the impact of our investments.
This book addresses topics identified by the BI community and the CILA. The authors do not propose prescriptive new wording, nor do they want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The authors believe that most of the existing BI wording works, most of the time. But they do want to highlight those areas where they think some clarification would help.
Clarity and contract certainty, where consistency in the claims response can be seen, is the main aim of the book.
"Indispensable.... for anyone who cares about journalism." – Professor Karin Wahl-Jorgensen How can we understand the complex relationship between journalism and emotion? In a world of live-streamed terror, polarised political debates and fake news, emotion has become central to our understanding of contemporary journalism. Including interviews with leading journalists throughout, Journalism and Emotion critically explores the impact of this new affective media environment, not just on the practice of journalism, but also the lived experience of journalists themselves. Bringing together theory and practice, Stephen Jukes explores: The history of objectivity and emotion in journalism, from pre-internet to digital. The ‘emotionalisation’ of culture in today’s populist media landscape. The blurring of boundaries between journalism and social media content. The professional practices of journalists working with emotive material. The mental health risks to journalists covering traumatic stories. The impact on journalists handling graphic user-generated content.In today’s interactive, interconnected and participatory media environment, there is more emotive content being produced and shared than ever before. Journalism and Emotion helps you make sense of this, explaining how emotion is mobilised to influence public opinion, and how journalists themselves work with and through emotional material.