This is a general interest trade book that describes the development of automotive technology and engineering from the start of the industry before 1900 to the present day. It explains how various systems and elements in the automobile work in layman's terms, without resorting to mathematics, and highlights the keymilestones in the historical development of automotive technology. All photos and illustrations are in full color. The intended audience is older teens to adults of any age who are interested in the subject and may be involved in it as a hobby.  Sometimes referred to as "gearheads" or "motorheads", they form a huge market. Over the years many of the author's engineering students were in this category, and he often would meet with on-campus car clubs to explain the way things automotive worked, being careful to damp down or eliminate any complicated mathematics, as he does in this book. An Internet search found only titles that are either "hard-engineering oriented" – such as publications from the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) – or mere compendiums of dates. Books in the latter category note the milestones but without hardly any explanation at all of how these developments actually work in a technical sense – which is the aim of this book.
The Language of Localization defines 52 terms that every business professional should know, even professionals who do not specialize in localization. In a global market, every business person needs to understand the importance of localization and be able to speak intelligently with localization professionals. Each term was authored by an expert practitioner who provided a short definition, a statement of why that term is important, and an essay that explains why a business professional or localization practitioner should understand the term. The Language of Localization covers everything from basic terms, such as translation, to the latest concepts, such as augmented translation and machine translation. In addition there are short definitions of 70 additional business, linguistics, and standards terms. For those who want to dig deeper, there are more than 150 references for further exploration. Expertly compiled and edited by Katherine Brown-Hoekstra, this book is a useful reference for localization experts, managers, students, and any business person who works in a global market.
The Language of Cybersecurity defines 52 terms that every business professional should know about cybersecurity, even professionals who are not specialists. Anyone who uses any kind of computing device needs to understand the importance of cybersecurity, and every business professional also needs to be able to speak intelligently with cybersecurity professionals. The Language of Cybersecurity introduces the world of cybersecurity through the terminology that defines the field. Each of the 52 main terms contains a definition, a statement of why the term is important, and an essay that explains why a business professional should know about the term. Each term was authored by an expert practitioner in that area. The Language of Cybersecurity looks at vulnerabilities, exploits, defenses, planning, and compliance. In addition there is a glossary that defines more than 80 additional. For those who want to dig deeper, there are more than 150 references for further exploration. Expertly compiled and edited by Tonie Flores, this book is a useful reference for cybersecurity experts, managers, students, and anyone who uses a computer, tablet, smart phone, or other computing device.
How does mass market differ from marketing or loan agreement to letter of agreement? The second volume of business terminologies define even more terms that you frequently encounter as a business student or entrepreneur. The alphabetical arrangement allows for easy browsing and information retrieval. Work well with complicated terminologies by making sure you always have a copy handy.
For students studying business, the many terminologies can be overwhelming. This quick study guides lists all commonly used terms in business and finance so review becomes easier. Use this study guide to better understand the business section of your Sunday paper and/or the revolutionary ideas you pick up from books and other sources. Invest in learning. Get a copy now.
Your business statistics pretty much tells you about trends and to use that information make logical solutions to problems. This guide gives a refresher on the types of data and their sources, the importance and limitations of statistics and other basic ideas on the subject. Students and entrepreneurs will find this guide extremely handy in their day-to-day conquests. Invest in a copy today.
A business terminology study guide can assist one by ensuring he or she has the basics of the subject memorized. It's not enough to simply have a solid grasp of the methodology used in a business course. One needs to use a study guide in order to fully master the technical language used within it.
A business statistics study guide will help students by laying out the specifics points within the subject. It provides the solid information to memorize and test oneself against, without the general filler found within a classroom discussion. This allows one to pick up any remaining information that he or she might have missed from the statistics lectures.
A Californian may vacation in Yosemite, Big Sur, or Death Valley, but many of us come home to an oak woodland. Yet, while common, oak woodlands are anything but ordinary. In a book rich in illustration and suffused with wonder, author Kate Marianchild combines extensive research and years of personal experience to explore some of the marvelous plants and animals that the oak woodlands nurture. Acorn woodpeckers unite in marriages of up to ten mates and raise their young cooperatively. Ground squirrels roll in rattlesnake skins to hide their scent from hungry snakes. Manzanita's rust-colored, paper-thin bark peels away in time for the summer solstice, exposing sinuous contours that are cool to the touch even on the hottest day. Conveying up-to-the-minute scientific findings with a storyteller's skill, Marianchild introduces us to a host of remarkable creatures in a world close by, a world that “rustles, hums, and sings with the sounds of wild things.”
From his galvanizing exposés in <i>Ramparts</i> magazine to his hand in inventing gonzo, Warren Hinckle upended twentieth-century investigative reporting and gave it new provocation and zest. In the first career-spanning collection of writings by this key figure of American journalism, <i>Ransoming Pagan Babies</i> ranges an astonishing thematic sweep: Joseph Mitchell-esque portraits of old San Francisco and its characters; insightful reporting on conflicts in Selma, Northern Ireland, and Vietnam; forays into local politics; and piercing depictions of a Bay Area riven by inequality and assassination. Reading Hinckle drops the reader into the heart of history—and, just as importantly, it's fun. Hinckle wrote about his subjects with bluster, tenacity, heart, and a desire for adventure and justice. This book is the first to capture his swashbuckling energy and expansive talent in a single volume.