DISCOVER THE WORK THAT LAUNCHED REVOLUTIONS AROUND THE WORLD Although it was published in 1848, The Communist Manifesto is as controversial and provocative as ever. Its stirring and poetic language helped spread Marx and Engels' socialist message far and wide, unleashing a century of political revolution. In an age of great inequality, the Manifesto's message of an exploited and suffering working class that must rise up and claim the means of production and wealth continues to resonate. This deluxe edition features an insightful introduction from Tom Butler-Bowdon which explains how the text came to be written, and why it remains popular.
Online-Konferenzen sind eine große Herausforderung an die Konzentration aller Beteiligten. Auf einen Bildschirm zu starren, lässt alle schnell ermüden. Also muss etwas zur Auflockerung her: «Machen Sie doch einfach ein Paar Spiele!» Mit diesem Ratschlag ist keinem geholfen. Was, Wie, Womit, Wie sage ich es?
Bodos 44 Hacks haben ausformulierte Anmoderationen, die sie sofort einsetzen können. Einfach ablesen – fertig!
Die Rubriken in Tabellenform mit Ansage, Material, Tipps und eigene Notizen lassen diese Nachschlagewerk zu einem unverzichtbaren Nothilfe-Ratgeber für einen abwechslungseichen Online-Alltag werden.
Mittels der Kapitel Anfangsrunden, Kreativ ins Thema, Miteinander agieren, Energizer, Pausen gestalten, Entspannung und Finale sind alle Moderierenden für den kompletten Ablauf einer Online-Veranstaltung sofort startklar.
Zielgruppe dieses einzigartigen Buches sind Seminarleiter*innen, Moderator*innen, Lehrer*innen, Trainer*innen- alle, die eine Online-Versammlung von Menschen durchführen.
<P>Study of the grand ideas in economics has a perpetual intellectual fascination in it's own right. It can also have practical relevance, as the global economic downturn that began in 2007 reminds us. For several decades, the economics establishment had been dismissive of Keynesianism, arguing that the world had moved beyond the «depression economics» with which it dealt. Keynesian economics, however, has now staged a comeback as governments attempt to formulate policy responses to the Great Recession of the first decade of the twenty-first century.</P><P>Many of the issues that faced economists in the past are still with us. The theories and methods of such men as Adam Smith, T. R. Malthus, David Ricardo, J.S. Mill, Karl Marx, Alfred Marshall, and J. M. Keynes are often relevant to us today—and we can always learn from their mistakes.</P><P>In his stimulating analysis Professor Barber assesses the thought of a number of important economists both in terms of the issues of their day and in relation to modern economic thought. By concentrating on the greatest exponents he highlights the central properties of the four main schools of economic thought –; classical, Marxian, neo-classical, and Keynesian –; and shows that although each of these traditions is rooted in a different stage of economic development, they can all provide insights into the recurring problems of modern economics.</P>