Ted and Kathy Carns live in the picturesque Laurel Highlands region of western Pennsylvania. They have most of the usual modern conveniences: fridge, freezer, washer, computer, cell phone, hot tub, vacuum, hair dryer, flat screen TV with surround sound…and they do it all without plugging into the power grid. Their house is wood-heated, their fuel is non-petrol; they grow their own food, put up their harvest, make their own wine, and drop fresh canned peaches into the solar-powered blender for the morning smoothies. Off On Our Own is Ted’s manual for living off-grid, told with Mark Twainesque humor and irreverence: how he created the various systems that power the Stone Camp (includes a how-to chapter)…and what he thinks about oil, self-reliance, waste, nature and reducing one’s carbon footprint to walk more gently on the earth. The book is illustrated throughout with more than 60 black and white photos.
With millions in the Boomer generation aging, single and still active, many are exploring non-traditional living arrangements. My House Our House is the story of three trailblazing women who came together to create a 21st century cooperative household. Alternative living arrangements account for a large and growing percentage of American households, and offer practical, economical solutions for people looking to live together for less and still maintain a high quality of life. CNN and CBS Boston report that Boomer couples are divorcing at double the rate of other age groups, and have less attachment to traditional concepts of family. Told with humor, affection and honesty, this book invites the reader to explore the challenges, practicalities and joys of moving from «my house» to «our house.»
Are you considering a home renovation? Not sure where to start? This guide for first-timers by respected builder Jonathan Hayes of Tailored Construction Group will take the stress out of renovating and reveals why choosing the right builder is key to a smooth and successful home renovation project.
Вы тратите на уборку слишком много времени, но порядок держится не дольше нескольких дней? Ваши шкафы забиты ненужными вещами, которые жалко выбросить? Вы устали жить в постоянном хаосе? Тогда эта книга точно для вас. Кристина Матвеева – профессиональный организатор пространства и автор блога о наведении порядка, поделиться с вами методом организации вещей в доме, с помощью которого вы: – избавитесь от всего ненужного, – найдете удобное место для хранения всех вещей в доме, – перестанете тратить время на поиск нужных вещей, – станете экономить до 60% времени на уборке. Вы сможете привести в порядок свою жизнь, начав с собственных вещей. Ваш дом освободится от хлама, станет тем местом, о котором вы всегда мечтали, и будет дарить хорошее настроение каждый день!
Have you ever thought about hosting a concert at your house? If it's something you plan on making a habit of, How to Run a Successful House Show Venue is the book for you. Filled with the do's and dont's, hints, tips, and tricks, this book will set you on the right path to having killer concerts at your place, and most importantly, to keep them going for years and years. The author, Roy Silverstein, cultivated many years of experience from running such a venue at a house (dubbed The Habitat) he rented in San Diego, CA. He also knows a thing or two about music, holding a degree in Audio Engineering from the University of Miami and having played in many a band over the years. Now focused on home recording, Roy has passed The Habitat on to new folks who are keeping up the house show venue legacy he started.
Exquisite Environments bridges the gap between technology and aesthetics, showcasing beautiful estate homes, hip apartments and corporate boardrooms’ use of technology, woven into the environment, some so stealth the transformation itself is magic.
Содержанием данной книги автор постарался ответить на ключевой вопрос: зачем и как следует педагогам и родителям научить личность каждого школьника ставить реальные цели и достигать их на основе формирования социальных навыков, ответив на многие ключевые вопросы, сформулированные в книге.