Die Autoren machen Sie Schritt für Schritt und leicht verständlich mit der Buchhaltung vertraut. Von der Klärung der Begriffe, den Aufgaben und den gesetzlich Grundlagen über die Buchungsvorbereitung und den ersten Buchungssatz bis zu Buchungen in der Praxis. Buchen Sie den Ein- und Verkauf von Waren und Leistungen, buchen Sie Löhne, Gehälter und Sozialversicherung, Anzahlungen, Kredite und Forderungen sowie Maschinen, Anlagen und nicht zu vergessen Steuern. So bleibt die Buchhaltung kein Buch mit sieben Siegeln.
Your game plan for strategic success in today’s remote audit department Beyond Audit is your guide to taking advantage of this unique moment to review and enhance your audit methodology to improve execution, operations, and audit product. Change has been thrust upon the audit industry, and every company must adapt to business interruptions and remote work environments. Now is the perfect time for audit departments to step back and turn a critical eye on their own operations. We have an opportunity to identify new ways of increasing product offerings and building more effective and efficient operations, ultimately creating better results for our partners and clients. This book will take you from a foundational understanding of the business environment through to a reflective review of your own operational effectiveness and efficiency. You’ll gain access to the Audit Risk Barometer (ARB), an innovative self-assessment tool that scores audit department strengths and opportunities for improvement. This book also includes a detailed methodology for working with your business partner to ensure clear identification of business objectives. You’ll also learn how to identify “true process risks” to ensure that testing remains focused and adds value. Finally, you'll learn critical skills and team development ideas for every level. Gain a fundamental understanding of today's business environment and how traditional and remote auditing fits into the new business puzzle Use the exclusive Audit Risk Barometer to conduct a valuable self-assessment and uncover your team’s strengths and weaknesses Learn how to effectively and efficiently work with your business partner to identify objectives and value-add opportunities Access online resources, including video summaries and interactive tools to revamp your audit department Beyond Audit incorporates links to online video summaries, templates mentioned throughout the book, interviews with experienced professionals, and an audit tracking software tool. This book is an enormously valuable resource for audit teams of any size and shape.
Журнал «БУХ.1С» выходит с 2002 года и адресован практикующим бухгалтерам, пользователям программных продуктов «1С», а также всем, кто интересуется вопросами бухгалтерского учета, налогообложения и автоматизации хозяйственной деятельности предприятий. В этом номере: – Организация дистанционной торговли, поддержка в 1С; – НДФЛ-2021: ФНС о расчете налога, вычетах и отчетности, прогрессивная шкала в 1С; – Указание наименования товаров в чеке обязательно для всех, ответы на вопросы об онлайн-кассах; – Поддержка в 1С ставок НДС и сохранение истории значений. И многое другое. Дополнительно после приобретения журнал будет доступен в формате epub.
Журнал «БУХ.1С» выходит с 2002 года и адресован практикующим бухгалтерам, пользователям программных продуктов «1С», а также всем, кто интересуется вопросами бухгалтерского учета, налогообложения и автоматизации хозяйственной деятельности предприятий. В этом номере: – Прямые выплаты пособий из ФСС в «1С:Зарплате и управлении персоналом» (ред. 3); – Маркировка одежды и белья, работа с маркировкой в 1С на примере молока и воды; – Минфин о страховых взносах в 2021 году; – Представление документов по требованию ИФНС из «1С:Бухгалтерии 8» (ред. 3.0). И многое другое. Дополнительно после приобретения журнал будет доступен в формате epub.
In 2014, the U. S. government adopted a new quarterly statistic called gross output (GO), the most significance advance in national income accounting since gross domestic product (GDP) was developed in the 1940s. The announcement came as a triumph for Mark Skousen, who advocated GO nearly 25 years ago as an essential macroeconomic tool and a better way to measure the economy and the business cycle. Now it has become an official statistic issued quarterly by the Bureau of Economic Analysis at the U. S. Department of Commerce. In this new revised edition of Structure of Production, Skousen shows why GO is a more accurate and comprehensive measure of the economy because it includes business-to-business transactions that move the supply chain along to final use. (GDP measures the value of finished goods and services only, and omits B-to-B activity.) GO is an attempt to measure spending at all stages of production. Using GO, Skousen demonstrates that the supply-side of the business spending is far more important than consumer spending, is more consistent with economic growth theory, and a better measure of the business cycle.