
Различные книги в жанре Биология

Reactive Oxygen Species. Signaling Between Hierarchical Levels in Plants

Franz-Josef Schmitt

Photosynthesis and the complex network within plants is becoming more important than ever, because of the earth’s changing climate. In addition, the concepts can be used in other areas, and the science itself is useful in practical applications in many branches of science, including medicine, biology, biophysics, and chemistry. This original, groundbreaking work by two highly experienced and well-known scientists introduces a new and different approach to thinking about living organisms, what we can learn from them, and how we can use the concepts within their scientific makeup in practice. This book describes the principles of complex signaling networks enabling spatiotemporally-directed macroscopic processes by the coupling of systems leading to a bottom-up information transfer in photosynthetic organisms. Top-down messengers triggered by macroscopic actuators like sunlight, gravity, environment or stress lead to an activation of the gene regulation on the molecular level. Mainly the generation and monitoring, as well the role of reactive oxygen species in photosynthetic organisms as typical messengers in complex networks, are described. A theoretical approach according to the principle of synergetics is presented to model light absorption, electron transfer and membrane dynamics in plants. A special focus will be attended to nonlinear processes that form the basic principle for the accumulation of energy reservoirs and large forces enabling the dynamics of macroscopic devices. This volume is a must-have for any scientist, student, or engineer working with photosynthesis. The concepts herein are not available anywhere else, in any other format, and it is truly a groundbreaking work with sure to be long-lasting effects on the scientific community.

Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids

Eric Wajnberg

Insect parasitoids are a fascinating group of animals in many respects. Perhaps the most fascinating point is that these insects, in the course of the evolutionary time, have developed an impressive way to use chemical compounds to dialogue with the different protagonists of their environment (i.e., conspecifics, their hosts and the plants on which their hosts are living). Unravelling the evolutionary meaning of such chemical communication networks can give new insights into the ecology of these insects and especially on how to improve their use for the control of noxious pests in biological control programmes. Chemical Ecology of Insect Parasitoids is a timely publication, with organised chapters to present the most important knowledge and discoveries that have taken place over the last decade, and their potential use in pest control strategy. Specific relevant case studies are presented to enhance the reader's experience. Suited to graduate students and professional researchers and practitioners in pest management, entomology, evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, and chemical ecology, this book is essential for anyone needing information on this important group of insects.

Handbook of Major Palm Pests. Biology and Management

Stefano Colazza

Handbook of Major Palm Pests: Biology and Management contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on the red palm weevil and the palm borer moth, two newly emergent invasive palm pests which are adversely affecting palm trees around the world. It provides state-of-the-art scientific information on the ecology, biology, and management of palm pests from a global group of experts in the field. An essential compendium for anyone working with or studying palms, it is dedicated to the detection, eradication, and containment of these invasive species, which threaten the health and very existence of global palm crops.

Starting out in Statistics. An Introduction for Students of Human Health, Disease, and Psychology

Patricia Winter de

To form a strong grounding in human-related sciences it is essential for students to grasp the fundamental concepts of statistical analysis, rather than simply learning to use statistical software. Although the software is useful, it does not arm a student with the skills necessary to formulate the experimental design and analysis of a research project in later years of study or indeed, if working in research. This textbook deftly covers a topic that many students find difficult. With an engaging and accessible style it provides the necessary background and tools for students to use statistics confidently and creatively in their studies and future career. Key features: Up-to-date methodology, techniques and current examples relevant to the analysis of large data sets, putting statistics in context Strong emphasis on experimental design Clear illustrations throughout that support and clarify the text A companion website with explanations on how to apply learning to related software packages This is an introductory book written for undergraduate biomedical and social science students with a focus on human health, interactions, and disease. It is also useful for graduate students in these areas, and for practitioners requiring a modern refresher.

Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Erlend Moksness

Growing pressure from increasingly diverse human activities coupled with climate change impacts threaten the functional integrity of coastal ecosystems around the globe. A multi-disciplinary approach towards understanding drivers, pressures and impacts in the coastal zone requires effective integration of data and information in policy and management, combining expertise from nature and social science, to reach a balanced and sustainable development of the coastal zone. This important book comprises the proceedings of The International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management, which took place in Arendal, Norway between 3-7 July 2011. The main objective of the Symposium was to present current knowledge and to address issues on advice and management related to the coastal zone. The major themes of papers included in this book are: Coastal habitats and ecosystem services Adaptation/mitigation to change in coastal systems Coastal governance Linking science and management Comprising a huge wealth of information, this timely and well-edited volume is essential reading for all those involved in coastal zone management around the globe. All libraries in research establishments and universities where marine, aquatic and environmental sciences, and fisheries and aquatic sciences are studied and taught will need copies of this important volume on their shelves.

Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents. An Integrative Approach

Loren Hayes D.

Fully integrative approach to the socibiology of caviomorph rodents Brings together research on social systems with that on epigenetic, neurendocrine and developmental mechanisms of social behavior Describes the social systems of many previously understudied caviomorph species, identifying the fitness costs and benefits of social living in current day populations as well as quantified evolutionary patterns or trends Highlights potential parallels and differences with other animal models

Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement. Der Mythos von der unberührten Natur

Werner Kunz

Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte uber die Zukunft des Natur- und Artenschutzes, der zeigt, wie durch aktive Gestaltung von Lebensraumen die historische Artenvielfalt in Mitteleuropa erhalten werden kann.

Handbook of Bird Biology

Irby Lovette J.

Selected by Forbes.com as one of the 12 best books about birds and birding in 2016 This much-anticipated third edition of the Handbook of Bird Biology is an essential and comprehensive resource for everyone interested in learning more about birds, from casual bird watchers to formal students of ornithology. Wherever you study birds your enjoyment will be enhanced by a better understanding of the incredible diversity of avian lifestyles. Arising from the renowned Cornell Lab of Ornithology and authored by a team of experts from around the world, the Handbook covers all aspects of avian diversity, behaviour, ecology, evolution, physiology, and conservation. Using examples drawn from birds found in every corner of the globe, it explores and distills the many scientific discoveries that have made birds one of our best known – and best loved – parts of the natural world. This edition has been completely revised and is presented with more than 800 full color images. It provides readers with a tool for life-long learning about birds and is suitable for bird watchers and ornithology students, as well as for ecologists, conservationists, and resource managers who work with birds. The Handbook of Bird Biology is the companion volume to the Cornell Lab’s renowned distance learning course, Ornithology: Comprehensive Bird Biology.

Microsporidia. Pathogens of Opportunity

James Becnel J.

Microsporidia: Pathogens of Opportunity provides a systematic overview of the biology of microsporidia. Written by leading experts in the field, the book combines background and basic information on microsporidia with descriptive methods and resources for working with the pathogen. Newly revised and updated for its second edition, Microsporidia will continue to be the standard text reference for these pathogenic protists, and is an indispensable research resource for biologists, physicians and parasitologists. This new edition of this publication provides systematic reviews of the biology of this pathogen by leading experts in the field, and will be combined with descriptions of the methods and resources for working with this pathogen. • Provides a comprehensive summary of literature on microsporidia and microsporidiosis • The long-awaited update to the standard microsporidia reference text The Microsporidia and Microsporidiosis • Written by an international team of authors representing each of the main research groups working on microsporidia • Chapters provide comprehensive overviews of general methodology as well as special techniques related to these organisms

Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology

Georges Stoops

Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology goes beyond a mere review of current literature and features the most up to date contributions from numerous scientists working in the field. The book represents a groundbreaking and comprehensive resource covering the plethora of applications of micromorphology in archaeology. Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology offers researchers, students and professionals a systematic tool for the interpretation of thin sections of archaeological contexts. This important resource is also designed to help stimulate the use of micromorphology in archaeology outside Europe, where the technique is less frequently employed. Moreover, the authors hope to strengthen the proper application of soil micromorphology in archaeology, by illustrating its possibilities and referring in several cases to more specialized publications (for instance in the field of plant remains, pottery and phytoliths). Written for anyone interested in the topic, this important text offers: Contributions from most of the world's leading authorities on soil micromorphology A series of chapters on the major topics selected among the most recurrent in literature about archaeological soil micromorphology Systematic descriptions of all important micromorphological features Special analytical tools employed on thin sections, such as SEM/EDS, image analysis, fluorescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, among others Numerous cross-references 400 illustrated full-colour plates The resource provides the most current and essential information for archaeologists, geoarchaeologists, soil scientists and sedimentologists. Comprehensive in scope, Archaeological Soil and Sediment Micromorphology offers professionals and students a much-needed tool for the interpretation of thin sections of archaeological contexts.