Principles of Virology , the leading virology textbook in use, is an extremely valuable and highly informative presentation of virology at the interface of modern cell biology and immunology. This text utilizes a uniquely rational approach by highlighting common principles and processes across all viruses. Using a set of representative viruses to illustrate the breadth of viral complexity, students are able to under-stand viral reproduction and pathogenesis and are equipped with the necessary tools for future encounters with new or understudied viruses.This fifth edition was updated to keep pace with the ever-changing field of virology. In addition to the beloved full-color illustrations, video interviews with leading scientists, movies, and links to exciting blogposts on relevant topics, this edition includes study questions and active learning puzzles in each chapter, as well as short descriptions regarding the key messages of references of special interest. Volume I: Molecular Biology focuses on the molecular processes of viral reproduction, from entry through release. Volume II: Pathogenesis and Control addresses the interplay between viruses and their host organisms, on both the micro- and macroscale, including chapters on public health, the immune response, vaccines and other antiviral strategies, viral evolution, and a brand new chapter on the therapeutic uses of viruses. These two volumes can be used for separate courses or together in a single course. Each includes a unique appendix, glossary, and links to internet resources. Principles of Virology, Fifth Edition , is ideal for teaching the strategies by which all viruses reproduce, spread within a host, and are maintained within populations. This edition carefully reflects the results of extensive vetting and feedback received from course instructors and students, making this renowned textbook even more appropriate for undergraduate and graduate courses in virology, microbiology, and infectious diseases.
Water is synonymous with life. This has been the case since pre-historic time to the modern era. For the first time, humanity faces a crisis that eclipses the energy crisis, which has often incapacitated the global economy. The Climate-Water-Food nexus epitomizes our current civilization that depends on energy as the driver. Many recognize this crisis as a product of fossil fuel production, which allegedly triggered climate change and the “climate change debate.” Others predict the onslaught of “water wars” in the coming decades. As the world gears up to another lineup of empty promises and ensuing chaos, this book turns this crisis on its head and shows the source of the water crisis. The science behind the water cycle is described in clear language, without resorting to dogmatic assertions and spurious assumptions. The role of the sun, natural carbon dioxide (CO2) and water and the need to maintain natural processes free from artificial chemicals are discussed in detail. The book makes it clear how most of the currently used purification techniques violates the natural cycle involving sunlight, CO2 and water, and thus become unsustainable. A series of water purification techniques, as usable for drinking, agricultural and industrial applications are presented. The advantages of these techniques and their long-term sustainability are highlighted, with discussion on improvements in the future. Whether for the engineer or scientist working in the field or laboratory or the student, this is a must-have for any engineer, scientist, student, or policymaker.
The single best and most comprehensive guide for prospective, new and experienced hobbyist beekeepers Beekeeping For Dummies, 5th Edition , is one of the most popular titles in the For Dummies series available today. Including the latest information regarding every aspect of backyard beekeeping and honey production, this book describes how to get started, how to care for and safely handle bees, and how to maintain healthy and productive colonies. This book is loaded with up-to-date, practical examples and helpful illustrations of proven techniques and strategies for both new and seasoned hobbyist beekeepers. Some of the updates for this brand-new edition include: New information regarding the critical role that nutrition plays in the health and productivity of your bees News about the latest beekeeping products, medications, and all-natural remedies Information regarding dozens of helpful beekeeping resources Redeemable coupons from beekeeping suppliers that save the reader money Beekeeping For Dummies embodies the straightforward and simple approach made famous by the For Dummies series. Each and every reader will benefit from its accessible and approachable take on beekeeping.
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology is an integrated introduction to the analysis of drugs, poisons, and other foreign compounds in biological and related specimens. Assuming only basic knowledge of analytical chemistry, this invaluable guide helps trainee analytical toxicologists understand the principles and practical skills involved in detecting, identifying, and measuring a broad range of compounds in various biological samples. Clear, easy-to-read chapters provide detailed information on topics including sample collection and preparation, spectrophotometric and luminescence techniques, liquid and gas-liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry including hyphenated techniques. This new edition contains thoroughly revised content that reflects contemporary practices and advances in analytical methods. Expanding the scope of the 1995 World Health Organization (WHO) basic analytical toxicology manual, the text includes coverage of separation science, essential pharmacokinetics, xenobiotic absorption, distribution and metabolism, clinical toxicological and substance misuse testing, therapeutic drug monitoring, trace elements and toxic metals analysis, and importantly the clinical interpretation of analytical results. Written by a prominent team of experienced practitioners, this volume: Focuses on analytical, statistical, and pharmacokinetic principles Describes basic methodology, including colour tests and immunoassay and enzyme-based assays Outlines laboratory operations, such as method validation, quality assessment, staff training, and laboratory accreditation Follows IUPAC nomenclature for chemical names and recommended International Non-proprietary Name (rINN) for drugs and pesticides Includes discussion of 'designer drugs' (novel pharmaceutical substances NPS) Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology: Clinical and Forensic, 2nd Edition is an indispensable resource for advanced students and trainee analytical toxicologists across disciplines, such as clinical science, analytical chemistry, forensic science, pathology, applied biology, food safety, and pharmaceutical and pesticide development.
Offers a comprehensive, accessible introduction to experimental design, field monitoring skills for plants and animals, data analysis, interpretation and reporting This user-friendly book presents field monitoring skills for both plants and animals, within the context of a research project. This text provides a single resource to take the reader all the way through from the planning stage, into the field, guiding through sampling, organism identification, computer-based data analysis and interpretation, and finally how to present the results to maximise the impact of the work. Logically structured throughout, and revised extensively in the second edition, the book concentrates on the techniques required to design a field-based ecological survey and shows how to execute an appropriate sampling regime. It evaluates appropriate sampling and analytical methods, identifying potential problems associated with various techniques and how to mitigate these. The second edition of this popular text has updated reference material and weblinks, increased the number of case studies by 50% to illustrate the use of specific techniques in the field, added over 20% more figures (including 8 colour plates), and made more extensive use of footnotes to provide extra details. Extensions to topics covered in the first edition include additional discussion of: ethical issues; statistical methods (sample size estimation, use of the statistical package R, mixed models); bioindicators, especially for freshwater pollution; seeds, fecundity and population dynamics including static and dynamic life tables; forestry techniques including tree coring and tree mortality calculations; the use of data repositories; writing for a journal and producing poster and oral presentations. In addition, the use of new and emerging technologies has been a particular focus, including mobile apps for environmental monitoring and identification; land cover and GIS; the use of drones including legal frameworks and codes of practice; molecular field techniques including DNA analysis in the field (including eDNA); photo-matching for identifying individuals; camera trapping; modern techniques for detecting and analysing bat echolocation calls; and data storage using the cloud. Divided into six distinct chapters, Practical Field Ecology, 2nd Edition begins at project inception with a chapter on planning—covering health and safety, along with guidance on how to ensure that the sampling and experimental design is suitable for subsequent statistical analysis. Following a chapter dealing with site characterisation and general aspects of species identification, subsequent chapters describe the techniques used to survey and census particular groups of organisms. The final chapters cover analysing, interpreting and presenting data, and writing up the research. Offers a readable and approachable integrated guide devoted to field-based research projects Takes students from the planning stage, into the field, and clearly guides them through organism identification in the laboratory and computer-based data analysis, interpretation and data presentation Includes a chapter on how to write project reports and present findings in a variety of formats to differing audiences Aimed at undergraduates taking courses in Ecology, Biology, Geography, and Environmental Science, Practical Field Ecology, 2nd Edition will also benefit postgraduates seeking to support their projects.
Gastrointestinal Surgical Techniques in Small Animals offers a highly detailed reference to surgical procedures in the gastrointestinal tract in dogs and cats. Each chapter describes the surgical techniques in depth, featuring high-quality illustrations depicting each step, and discusses tips and tricks for a successful surgery and potential complications. A companion website offers video clips demonstrating the procedures. Logically divided into sections by anatomy, each chapter covers indications, contraindications, and decision making for a specific surgery. Tips and tricks and potential complications are also covered. Describes techniques for canine and feline gastrointestinal surgery in detail Presents the state of the art for GI surgery in dogs and cats Includes access to a companion website with video clips demonstrating techniques Gastrointestinal Surgical Techniques in Small Animals is an essential resource for small animal surgeons and veterinary residents.
A concise, easy-to-read source of essential tips and skills for writing research papers and career management In order to be truly successful in the biomedical professions, one must have excellent communication skills and networking abilities. Of equal importance is the possession of sufficient clinical knowledge, as well as a proficiency in conducting research and writing scientific papers. This unique and important book provides medical students and residents with the most commonly encountered topics in the academic and professional lifestyle, teaching them all of the practical nuances that are often only learned through experience. Written by a team of experienced professionals to help guide younger researchers, A Guide to the Scientific Career: Virtues, Communication, Research and Academic Writing features ten sections composed of seventy-four chapters that cover: qualities of research scientists; career satisfaction and its determinants; publishing in academic medicine; assessing a researcher’s scientific productivity and scholarly impact; manners in academics; communication skills; essence of collaborative research; dealing with manipulative people; writing and scientific misconduct: ethical and legal aspects; plagiarism; research regulations, proposals, grants, and practice; publication and resources; tips on writing every type of paper and report; and much more. An easy-to-read source of essential tips and skills for scientific research Emphasizes good communication skills, sound clinical judgment, knowledge of research methodology, and good writing skills Offers comprehensive guidelines that address every aspect of the medical student/resident academic and professional lifestyle Combines elements of a career-management guide and publication guide in one comprehensive reference source Includes selected personal stories by great researchers, fascinating writers, inspiring mentors, and extraordinary clinicians/scientists A Guide to the Scientific Career: Virtues, Communication, Research and Academic Writing is an excellent interdisciplinary text that will appeal to all medical students and scientists who seek to improve their writing and communication skills in order to make the most of their chosen career.
An updated guide to plant pathogens and their management The impact of plant disease is far-reaching. Its effects are felt not only in the spheres of agriculture and horticulture, but also in human health and wellbeing. The challenges of population growth, climate change and global food security all increase the need to protect crops from disease and reduce the losses caused by plant pathogens. This requires ongoing research and novel solutions, making the detailed analysis offered by Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens more relevant than ever. Striking a balance between laboratory- and field-based aspects of its subject, this revised fourth edition of the text places plant disease in a wide biological context. Its contents cover causal agents and diagnosis, host–pathogen interactions, and disease management, including breeding for resistance, chemical, biological and integrated control. New to this edition are updated sections on molecular epidemiology, biosecurity, pathogenomics, and the biotechnological advances that are helping scientists make great strides in the fight against plant disease. Authored by a leading authority on plant pathology Offers new coverage of recent advances in molecular genetics and genomics, biotechnology, and plant breeding Places emphasis on interaction biology and biological concepts, such as immunity and comparisons with animal systems Includes access to a supplementary website featuring slides of all figures in the book Plant Pathology and Plant Pathogens is an ideal textbook for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students in biology, botany, agricultural sciences, applied microbiology, plant-microbe interactions, and related subjects. It will also be a practical and enlightening resource for professionals in agricultural institutions, along with crop consultants seeking additional training or information.
Why is it so difficult to control, or fix, pollution? How can we justify harvesting the world’s natural resources at unsustainable rates, even though these activities cause known harm to both people and ecosystems? Scientific knowledge and technological advances alone cannot tackle these environmental challenges; they also involve difficult political choices and trade-offs both locally and globally. <br /><br /><i>What is Environmental Politics?</i> introduces students to the different ways society attempts to deal with the political decisions needed to prevent or recover from environmental damage. Across its six chapters leading environmental scholar Elizabeth DeSombre explains what makes environmental problems, such as climate change, overfishing or deforestation, particularly challenging to address via political processes, what types of political structures are more or less likely to prioritize protecting the environment, and how effective political intervention can improve environmental conditions and the lives of people who depend on them.<br /><br />It will be a vital resource for students new to the field of environmental politics as well as readers interested in protecting the future of our planet.
The updated and expanded guide for handling industrial wastes and designing a wastewater treatment plant The revised and updated second edition of Practical Wastewater Treatment provides a hands-on guide to industrial wastewater treatment theory, practices, and issues. It offers information for the effective design of water and wastewater treatment facilities and contains material on how to handle the wide-variety of industrial wastes. The book is based on a course developed and taught by the author for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The author reviews the most current industrial practices and goals, describes how the water industry works, and covers the most important aspects of the industry. In addition, the book explores a wide-range of approaches for managing industrial wastes such as oil, blood, protein and more. A comprehensive resource, the text covers such basic issues as water pollution, wastewater treatment techniques, sampling and measurement, and explores the key topic of biological modeling for designing wastewater treatment plants. This important book: Offers an updated and expanded text for dealing with real-world wastewater problems Contains new chapters on: Reverse Osmosis and desalination; Skin and Membrane Filtration; and Cooling tower water treatment Presents a guide filled with helpful examples and diagrams that is ideal for both professionals and students Includes information for handling industrial wastes and designing water and wastewater treatment plants Written for civil or chemical engineers and students, Practical Wastewater Treatment offers the information and techniques needed to solve problems of wastewater treatment.