The author's bookshelf includes The Monkey Wrench Gang signed by Edward Abbey, and The Book of Mormon , signed by Cliven Bundy; both drive the narrative of American Zion , a deep exploration of the ways religion shapes peoples' perspective on landscape.Taps interest in the Mormon Church, the public land debate, Native sovereignty, and Western history.Author has personal connections at Buzzfeed, High Country News, and Sierra Club Magazine.
A killer. A manhunt. The triumph of justice and of the wolf.The greatest event in Yellowstone history.Greater Yellowstone was the last great truly intact ecosystem in the temperate zones of the earth—until, in the 1920s, U.S. government agents exterminated its top predator, the gray wolf. With traps and rifles, even torching pups in their dens, the killing campaign was entirely successful. The howl of the “evil” wolf was heard no more. The “good” animals—elk, deer, bison—proliferated, until they too had to be “managed.”Two decades later, recognizing that ecosystems lacking their keystone predators tend to unravel, the visionary naturalist Aldo Leopold called for the return of the wolf to Yellowstone. It would take another fifty years for his vision to come true.In the early 1990s, as the movement for Yellowstone wolf restoration gained momentum, rage against it grew apace. When at last, in February 1995, fifteen wolves were trapped in Alberta and brought to acclimation pens in Yellowstone, even then legal and political challenges continued. There was also a lot of talk in the bars about “shoot, shovel, and shut up.”While the wolves’ enemies worked to return them to Canada, the biologists in charge of the project feared that the wolves might well return on their own. Once they were released, two packs remained in the national park, but one bore only one pup and the other none. The other, comprising Wolves Nine and Ten and Nine’s yearling daughter, disappeared.They were in fact heading home. As they emerged from protected federal land, an unemployed ne’er-do-well from Red Lodge, Montana, trained a high-powered rifle on Wolf Number Ten and shot him through the chest.Number Nine dug a den next to the body of her mate, and gave birth to eight pups. The story of their rescue and the manhunt for the killer is the heart of The Killing of Wolf Number Ten.+Read this book, and if you are ever fortunate enough to hear the howling of Yellowstone wolves, you will always think of Wolves Nine and Ten. If you ever see a Yellowstone wolf, chance are it will be carrying their DNA.The restoration of the wolf to Yellowstone is now recognized as one of conservation’s greatest achievements, and Wolves Nine and Ten will always be known as its emblematic heroes.
THE FORM WITHIN is the fascinating story of two hundred years of pioneering brain research, told from the unique perspective of the only brain scientist who has been, and still remains, an active participant in that story throughout the past seventy years: Karl H. Pribram.In THE FORM WITHIN, Dr. Pribram takes us on a compelling journey from the dawn of our collective “recorded perceptions” in cave paintings to our greatest achievements as a species. He explains the important task of mapping the brain; the discovery of our holographic processing of memory and perception; and the detailed research that has created our understanding of self-organizing biological systems.Along the way, Pribram shares the intimate interactions he has had with luminaries of twentieth-century science, including David Bohm, Francis Crick, John Eccles, Dennis Gabor, Hubel and Wiesel, Wolfgang Kohler, Karl Lashley, Aleksandr Romanovitch Luria, Ilya Prigogine, B. F. Skinner, Eugene Sokolov, and many others.But this riveting glimpse into our past is only a part of the story. Pribram also provides us with insightful breakthroughs into a science of the future, and points the way to where our understanding of the brain is headed.
A unique guide, reference work and graphic education tool suitable for any woman interested in understanding how her body functions during exercise and in formulating a personal exercise program. Over 90 exercises that will help you sculpt your entire body, ranging from free-weights and fixed weights to routines employing machines and aerobics. All exercises accompanied by detailed anatomical illustrations that show exactly which muscles are being used and how. Comprehensive separate sections covering the abdominals, chest, legs and hips, back and shoulders and arms. Unique fitness assessment tests to help you construct your own personal exercise program, whatever your fitness level, body shape and life stage.
What does it take to succeed in sports? The formula for being a champion can be distilled into several skill sets that are essential for playing at a competitive level, with some of the most important being strength, speed and stamina. This full colour illustrated training guide takes an in-depth look at your muscles at work during various sporting activities, making it crystal clear how to tailor your training to your specific needs. Whether you play football, baseball, tennis, basketball, rugby, lacrosse – the anatomical illustrations used in this book show exactly how your muscles are engaged and how to improve your performance. Not only will athletes get the ultimate look at what happens to their bodies during bursts of speed, they will also find running and sprinting activities, elastic band overspeed activities, stretching activities, exercises to develop the muscles around the knees to limit potential injury, and general lower body development. The book is divided into eight sections that focus on strength training and developing a conditioning programme. Sure to be a valuable reference for professionals and novices alike, Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training for Speed and Sport features everything readers need to know to utilize and sustain speed and strength the smart way.
This fully illustrated, practical and modern handbook is the perfect guide for today's dog owner. Written by top veterinarians and animal behaviorists Graham Meadows and Elsa Flint. This book is comprehensive, easy to use and packed with fascinating facts and essential information. It explores the enduring relationship that has existed between dogs and humans, from the earliest days when dogs were reliable allies for hunters and herdsmen to today where selective breeding has produced dogs to suit virtually any temperament, need and personal circumstance. This book offers guidance in choosing the right kind of dog, introducing it into your home, and taking the best possible care of it.
This text is designed to enable cat owners to understand their feline friend better as well as to protect it from hazards and illness, monitor its health, deal with emergencies, and cope with ageing. The book includes complementary medicine for cats and advice on feeding.
One of the essential characteristics of living beings is the explosion of variety in their forms that is intrinsically linked to the diversity of the environments they have adapted to. <p>This book, the result of collaboration between international specialists, analyzes the multiplicity of these morphologies. It explores the origin of forms, their role in defining living things, and the relationship between form and function. It exposes the role of genes and epigenetics and examines the forms of bacteria, protists and plants. The Explosion of Life Forms also studies the memory of animals and their sensory processes, the forms of robots (built in the image of living things), and medical technologies aimed at restoring damaged living forms. Finally, this work questions a common principle of construction in the diversity of forms, as well as the idea of an abandonment of the form, a possible hidden defect of some modern philosophies.