Банковское дело

Различные книги в жанре Банковское дело

The Power of Mobile Banking. How to Profit from the Revolution in Retail Financial Services

Sankar Krishnan

Today's tech-savvy consumers are demanding a more personal customer experience from their banks, and banks are discovering that mobile services deliver individualized, tailored experiences better than any other technology. The Power of Mobile Banking: How to Profit from the Revolution in Retail Financial Services gives banking and financial professionals a well-researched guide for becoming transformational leaders. These leaders can convert their traditional retail «branch» banks into streamlined systems that deliver personalized services to their customers' laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Written by Sankar Krishnan—a career banker and noted financial services industry thought leader—The Power of Mobile Banking includes strategies for adapting mobile banking practices that suit the needs of both developed and emerging markets. Krishnan also shows how bankers can make their products and services relevant to a new generation of digital natives. Krishnan explores the expanding mobile payment systems that offer a wealth of financial opportunities for banking institutions and includes information on the growth of e-commerce, which holds the potential for new and profitable ways for banks to engage with consumers. The Power of Mobile Banking outlines the practical aspects of adapting to a mobile banking strategy and shows how to put the right players in place to ensure the technology works seamlessly. Once in place, a great mobile system delivers excellent service and benefits to users, as well as real value and unique features that cement customer loyalty. The book also offers advice for bankers who want to increase their bottom line by delving into the world-wide prepaid card market. Krishnan includes a discussion on the risks and hazards of mobile banking and reveals the critical investments that banks must be willing to make in order to avoid losing customers to telecoms, retailers, and technology providers. The time for retail banking to prepare for the new paradigm is now and The Power of Mobile Banking is the guide for professionals who want to adapt, evolve, and succeed in this new mobile-driven world.

Bank 3.0. Why Banking Is No Longer Somewhere You Go But Something You Do

Brett King

The first edition of BANK 2.0—#1 on Amazon's bestseller list for banking and finance in the US, UK, Germany, France, and Japan for over 18 months—took the financial world by storm and became synonymous with disruptive customer behaviour, technology shift, and new banking models. In BANK 3.0, Brett King brings the story up to date with the latest trends redefining financial services and payments—from the global scramble for dominance of the mobile wallet and the expectations created by tablet computing to the operationalising of the cloud, the explosion of social media, and the rise of the de-banked consumer, who doesn't need a bank at all. BANK 3.0 shows that the gap between customers and financial services players is rapidly widening, leaving massive opportunities for new, non-bank competitors to totally disrupt the industry. «On the Web and on Mobile, the customer isn't king—he's dictator. Highly impatient, skeptical, cynical. Brett King understands deeply what drives this new hard-nosed customer. Banking professionals would do well to heed his advice.» —Gerry McGovern, author of Killer Web Content

Breaking Banks. The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking

Brett King

In the next 10 years, we'll see more disruption and changes to the banking and financial industry than we've seen in the preceding 100 years—Brett King Breaking Banks: The Innovators, Rogues, and Strategists Rebooting Banking is a unique collection of interviews take from across the global Financial Services Technology (or FinTech) domain detailing the stories, case studies, start-ups, and emerging trends that will define this disruption. Features the author's catalogued interviews with experts across the globe, focusing on the disruptive technologies, platforms and behaviors that are threating the traditional industry approach to banking and financial services Topics of interest covered include Bitcoin's disruptive attack on currencies, P2P Lending, Social Media, the Neo-Banks reinventing the basic day-to-day checking account, global solutions for the unbanked and underbanked, through to changing consumer behavior Breaking Banks is the only record of its kind detailing the massive and dramatic shift occurring in the financial services space today.

Community Banking Strategies. Steady Growth, Safe Portfolio Management, and Lasting Client Relationships

Vince Boberski

A guide for community banks to rebuild and strengthen their business With Community Banking Strategies, author Vincent Boberski, a financial professional who has spent years working with senior management and the boards of directors at local banks, skillfully reveals how community banks can compete against bigger institutions in the wake of the most significant financial crisis since the 1930s. Chapter by chapter, he offers practical advice on many of the most important issues in this area, including portfolio management, balance sheet management, and dealing with interest rate and credit cycles. Along the way, Boberski also offers in-depth insights on establishing and encouraging the lasting client relationships that produce the most essential piece of the banking business: focusing on increasing core deposits, which is at the heart of any good local bank. Details the strategies, products, and tactics that will enable community banks to create opportunities out of market dislocations and effectively manage risk Reveals how to capture consistently profitable growth at the expense of regional and national competitors Discusses what it takes to transform newfound market dynamics into customer relationships that touch both sides of the balance sheet If you want to gain a better understanding of the strategies that could consistently lead to success in this field, this book is the best place to start.

Central Banking. Theory and Practice in Sustaining Monetary and Financial Stability

Thammarak Moenjak

Understand the theories and interpret the actions of modern central banks Central Banking takes a comprehensive look at the topic of central banking, and provides readers with an understanding and insights into the roles and functions of modern central banks in advanced as well as emerging economies, theories behind their thinking, and actual operations practices. The book takes a systematic approach to the topic, while providing an accessible format and style that is appropriate for general audiences and students with only a minimal macroeconomic background. Theoretical reviews and examples of how the theories are applied in practice are presented in an easy-to-understand manner and serve as a guide for readers to further investigate specific ancillary central banking topics and as a means to make informed judgments about central bank actions. Important topics covered in the book include: Evolution of central banking functions and the international monetary system Theoretical backgrounds that are the foundation to the modern practice of monetary policy Monetary policy regimes, including exchange rate targeting, money supply growth targeting, the risk management approach, inflation targeting, and unconventional monetary policy. Actual practice in market operations and transmission mechanisms of monetary policy The exchange rate and central banking Theoretical backgrounds related to various dimensions of financial stability Current developments with regards to sustaining financial stability The future of central banking in the wake of the 2007-2010 global financial crisis Case studies on relevant practical issues and key concepts in central banking Designed as essential reading for students, market analysts, investors, and central banks' new recruits, Central Banking better positions readers to interpret the actions of central banks and to understand the complexities of their position in the global financial arena.

Финансы и Кредит № 48 2017


В журнале раскрываются современные проблемы теории и практики финансов, денежного обращения и кредита, банковского и страхового дела, рынка ценных бумаг, налоговой политики и финансового права; публикуются рейтинги банков, обзоры динамики и стратегии развития коммерческих банков, исторические обзоры о развитии банковского дела. Рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки России для публикации научных работ, отражающих основное научное содержание кандидатских и докторских диссертаций по следующим отраслям: экономические науки (08.00.00); юридические науки (12.00.00); политология (23.00.00). Реферируется в ВИНИТИ РАН Включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) В этом выпуске: – Взаимосвязь структуры капитала и эффективности компаний в России – Методика оценки эффективности депозитной политики коммерческого банка – Теория и практика оценки эффективности использования средств дорожных фондов Российской Федерации – От экономических циклов к новой энергетике

Финансы и Кредит № 47 2017


В журнале раскрываются современные проблемы теории и практики финансов, денежного обращения и кредита, банковского и страхового дела, рынка ценных бумаг, налоговой политики и финансового права; публикуются рейтинги банков, обзоры динамики и стратегии развития коммерческих банков, исторические обзоры о развитии банковского дела. Рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки России для публикации научных работ, отражающих основное научное содержание кандидатских и докторских диссертаций по следующим отраслям: экономические науки (08.00.00); юридические науки (12.00.00); политология (23.00.00). Реферируется в ВИНИТИ РАН Включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) В этом выпуске: – Криптовалюта P2P: безопасность или развитие – Оценка риска и доходности налоговых систем на основе отраслевого, регионального и смешанного портфелей – Автоподписка в пенсионной системе: опыт Новой Зеландии, Великобритании и Италии – Методы снижения стоимости рефинансирования ипотечного портфеля в рамках ипотечной секьюритизации (на примере российских оригинаторов)

Investment Banking For Dummies

Matt Krantz

Enrich your career with a review of investment banking basics One of the most lucrative fields in business, investment banking frequently perplexes even banking professionals working within its complex laws. Investment Banking For Dummies remedies common misconceptions with a straightforward assessment of banking fundamentals. Written by experts in stock market proceedings, this book runs parallel to an introductory course in investment banking. It clearly outlines strategies for risk management, key investment banking operations, the latest information on competition and government regulations, and relationships between leveraged buyout funds, hedge funds, and corporate and institutional clients. With this reference, you can ace investment banking courses and grasp the radical changes that have revamped the stock market since the financial crisis. Thoroughly addresses the dramatic financial changes that have occurred in recent years Outlines expectations to prepare you for the future Teaches the practical aspects of finance and investment banking, how to value a company, and how to construct a financial model No serious business student or banking professional should be without the basic knowledge of issuing bonds, stocks, and other financial products outlined in this excellent resource.

Финансы и Кредит № 46 2017


В журнале раскрываются современные проблемы теории и практики финансов, денежного обращения и кредита, банковского и страхового дела, рынка ценных бумаг, налоговой политики и финансового права; публикуются рейтинги банков, обзоры динамики и стратегии развития коммерческих банков, исторические обзоры о развитии банковского дела. Рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки России для публикации научных работ, отражающих основное научное содержание кандидатских и докторских диссертаций по следующим отраслям: экономические науки (08.00.00); юридические науки (12.00.00); политология (23.00.00). Реферируется в ВИНИТИ РАН Включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) В этом выпуске: – Применение метода комитетов к прогнозированию движения валютных курсов и цен на нефть – Функция стоимости теории перспектив в российской практике – Формирование нового дизайна казначейской системы России в контексте повышения эффективности управления бюджетной ликвидностью – Оценка эффекта месяца на фондовых рынках стран БРИКС

Финансы и Кредит № 45 2017


В журнале раскрываются современные проблемы теории и практики финансов, денежного обращения и кредита, банковского и страхового дела, рынка ценных бумаг, налоговой политики и финансового права; публикуются рейтинги банков, обзоры динамики и стратегии развития коммерческих банков, исторические обзоры о развитии банковского дела. Рекомендован ВАК Минобрнауки России для публикации научных работ, отражающих основное научное содержание кандидатских и докторских диссертаций по следующим отраслям: экономические науки (08.00.00); юридические науки (12.00.00); политология (23.00.00). Реферируется в ВИНИТИ РАН Включен в Российский индекс научного цитирования (РИНЦ) В этом выпуске: – Содержание процесса стратегического партнерства коммерческого банка и страховой компании – К вопросу о внедрении современных инструментов в процессы бюджетирования промышленного предприятия в условиях рыночной экономики – Мониторинг регионального рынка труда сквозь призму индикаторов экономической безопасности (на примере Республики Мордовия) – Краудинвестинг как новая форма привлечения инвестиций в сельское хозяйство