Von Liberalismus und Zentralplanung: ein innovativer Blick auf Wirtschaftstheorien, die unsere Marktwirtschaft prägen War Adam Smith wirklich bloß ein kaltherziger Ökonom, der stets das Eigeninteresse pries? Und lässt sich Friedrich Hegels Markttheorie auf den Ruf nach einem starken Staat reduzieren? Lisa Herzog, Professorin für Politische Philosophie, überprüft die Theorien der beiden Denker, indem sie sie in Bezug zu vier zentralen Themen setzt: Identität, Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit und Geschichte. Der erste systematische Vergleich von Smiths und Hegels Theorien der Marktgesellschaft Smith entgegen der Klischees gelesen: eine Einführung in sein Verständnis des Marktes Hegel damals und heute: seine Wirtschaftstheorie und die Auswirkungen seiner Philosophie Wie Wirtschaftssysteme von den Theorien geprägt werden, mit denen sie beschrieben werden Lisa Herzog wurde 2019 mit dem Deutschen Preis für Philosophie und Sozialethik sowie dem Tractatus-Preis für philosophische Essayistik ausgezeichnet. Mit den Mitteln der Philosophie zu einem neuen Verständnis von Wirtschaft Schon seit Jahren erforscht Lisa Herzog die Ideengeschichte des politischen und wirtschaftlichen Denkens, die normative Bewertung von Märkten (insbesondere von Finanzmärkten) sowie Fragen der Wirtschaftsethik. Auch in ihrem neuen Buch analysiert sie die Schnittstelle von Politischer Philosophie und Ökonomie. Sie zeigt auf, welche Erkenntnisse wir aus dem Denken von Smith und Hegel gewinnen können, und wie sie sich auf die heutige Welt anwenden lassen. Denn wenn wir Smiths und Hegels Darstellungen in ihrem historischen Kontext betrachten, erkennen wir, dass Märkte keine ahistorischen Gegebenheiten sind. Das eröffnet uns Möglichkeiten zu alternativen Entwicklungen! »Die philosophische Herangehensweise der Autorin, die im Kontrast dazu steht, wie ökonomische Theorie heutzutage üblicherweise betrieben wird, macht das Buch so interessant … Die Erfindung des Marktes ist eindeutig eine großartige wissenschaftliche Leistung.« The LSE Review of Books
When we act in cooperation with “the Force”—using our whole being to integrate and cooperate with “what is trying to happen” already—then every aspect of our lives is transformed. In the act of cooperating with the Universe, we can aid our own self-actualization as well as the continuing evolution of life and culture on this planet. We become whole as we make others and the culture more whole. We can then embrace our life’s mission and the part we play in the universe.
So you go to a psychiatrist. You may think psychiatry is science, medicine art, indeed all three. You may believe, as they do, that the psychiatrist has some privileged knowledge about the mind, who you are and what ails you. You may think that their invocations to genetics and neurochemistry are based upon facts, and their diagnoses are according to the truth of the world, the truth «out there» as much as in you. You may be tempted to believe that the psychiatrist is as indispensable to the broken mind as an orthopedist is to a broken bone, the two categories built on the same ontological ground. What if all this was a faith built on social practice and accidents of history, a castle built on sand? What if the world does not need psychiatry, and it offers more harm than good? This is a journey of one doctors journey into, and out of, psychiatry.
This book is a informative opinionated novel, written by someone who grew up in the 21st century. He expresses how people in the world are hypocrites and himself as well. He also shares personal stories as well as stories that he has witnessed in life. This has the author's thoughts, ideas and philosophies about many subjects, but in a young person's view.
Why Modern Anxiety? Anxiety has always been with us, but what is anxiety in a technological society? If our tolerance for sensory stimulus is finite, when do we reach breaking point in our frenetic world with its 24 hour media, its visual onslaught, its relentless material aspiration? If happiness is found in moderation, what becomes of us in a world of extremes? These are the threads that run through this collection – with an occasional glance back at more innocent times. Emily Brontë forged, arguably, the most passionate novel in literature from an ascetic daily life inconceivable to most of us, accustomed as we are to distraction. Both over and under stimulated, seduced and sedated by easy-won pleasures – are we losing the facility to reach below the surface? Why Modern Woman? There is a focus in these pieces on the outer reaches, or extremes, of the romantic experience – impossible love, tragic love, disappointments that scar us for life. Are these 'female' themes, or simply attempts to describe the most human of experiences? Undoubtedly we see more writing by and about women, but after millennia of silence, of being almost entirely undocumented and without context – do we even know what a woman is? Ecclesiastes says there is no new thing under the sun, but perhaps a new perspective is possible – and what a weary world needs most.
It is now over 2,600 years since one of the greatest historical figures the world has known passed away. Although he lived in ancient times, what the Buddha found out and taught to others is a significant influence in our world today. Modern emanations of the Buddha’s Teachings have found their way into psychology, business, the arts, medicine, education, sport and many other fields, changing the way many live their lives – undoubtedly for the better. <br />If it hadn’t actually happened, it hardly seems possible that the teachings of a single person, born in Northern India in antiquity, could have transformed the lives of millions and millions of people for over two and a half millennia. Yet the Buddha changed the culture and traditions of over a dozen countries, engendered the support and patronage of kings and rulers, the rich and poor, young and old alike, without the use of any force or persecution. It is an incredible legacy. <br />Through all these years since the Buddha’s time, how many thousands of battles, invasions and conflicts have there been to conquer and rule, only for all of these many empires of the long past to die out. Yet the Buddha’s message carries on with strength and clarity and testifies that love, truth and peace have their own power and endurance as they resonate deeply with every individual’s fundamental need for happiness and wellbeing. <br />Bringing Wisdom to Life is written from the perspective of practicing Buddhists who have studied and learnt from many of the Buddhist Traditions found in our world today. This book offers a rich diversity of wisdom and compassion teachings for use as a practical handbook for everyday living and is a remarkable guide for inner development and peace.
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare.
This book has had an influence on not only military strategists and tacticians but also on businessmen as well. The principles used here can help you become successful in just about any endeavor as long as they are followed with the utmost care.
This foundation design book was written over the course of 10 years while teaching at Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. My incentive for writing this book was not the lack of good design books available. On the contrary, a stimulus was the availability of so many good sources. My intent in the following pages is to bring together the thoughts of many people with my own. It is my hope that I have arranged the basics of design with some clarity and made them accessible to the beginning design student. It has also been my purpose throughout the text to relate the design fundamentals not only to the process of producing art but also to many areas of knowledge outside the visual arts, which are the source of inspiration for the artist and designer. I have written this text in a more personal, first person, manner than is traditional for a textbook approach. This reflects my belief that art and design is a subjective field of human endeavor, even in its basics. I have attempted to write more as an artist than an academic.
To say that we are embodied subjects is to affirm that we are both extended and conscious: both a part of the material world and a place where that world comes to presence. The ambiguity inherent in our being both can be put in terms of a double “being in.” Thus, while it is true that the world is in consciousness taken as a place of appearing, it is equally true that, taken as embodied, consciousness is in the world. How can our selfhood support both descriptions? Starting with Husserl’s late manuscripts on birth and death, James Mensch traces out the effects of this paradox on phenomenology. What does it mean to consider the self as determined by its embodiment? How does this affect our social and political relations, including those marked by violence? How does our embodiment affect our sense of transcendence, including that of the divine? In the course of these inquiries, such questions are shown to transform the very sense of phenomenology.