By the time the 1969 model year rolled around, it was well established that muscle cars were fast and plentiful. Every manufacturer had at least one corner of the showroom where the «go fast» guys could congregate and discuss the merits and time slips of the latest performance offerings. Competition being what it was, the manufacturers were looking for ways to entice potential buyers to choose their product over ever-increasing offerings from the competition. Some manufacturers tried to accomplish this with affordable prices, some tried fancy marketing schemes, and some created a look and a style that screamed «performance» even when standing still.</p><p>The 1969 Mach I was Ford's attempt to create a package and a style to match the performance of its recently released and very potent 428-ci Cobra Jet engine package. Displacing the still-available but more conservative GT trim, the Mach I included unique and innovative graphics and mechanical innovations including shaker hood scoops, dual racing mirrors, deluxe interiors, competition suspension, dual chrome exhaust tips, and blacked-out hoods. The result was a wildly popular model that sold more than 70,000 units, compared to slightly more than 5,000 GT models for the year.</p><p>Each volume in the In Detail Series provides an introduction and historical overview, an explanation of the design and concepts involved in creating the car, a look at marketing and promotion, an in-depth study of all hardware and available options, and an examination of where the car is on the market today. Also included are paint and option codes, VIN and build tag decoders, as well as production numbers.
When the Pontiac GTO debuted in the fall of 1963, few people could have predicted that the landscape of the performance car would be changed forever. With the new GTO, a genre of automobiles was born that combined image, character, and «muscle.» 515,797 GTOs rolled off assembly lines from 1963 through 1974; it’s undeniable just how influential these cars were.</p><p>What Pontiac couldn't have predicted was just how collectible the GTOs would be decades later. Author Peter Sessler dissects the GTO and presents critical data including engine and transmission codes, rear axle identification, exterior and interior colors, options, production numbers, and VIN decoding. If you're at a car show and someone asks you what the distributor number is on your GTO, open this book and find the answer.</p><p>Correctly restoring a GTO is no easy matter. With this book you take a giant step toward understanding just what components are needed to bring your old Goat back to life. Possessing this much data is a surefire way to become a GTO expert. It even fits in your back pocket!
Brain Haulage was formed by Charles Edward Brain in 1950 and played a major role in the container revolution in the UK, completely changing the way goods were transported over the world. Peter Sumpter was a driver with Brain Haulage until it closed in 1992 and is an unofficial archivist of the brand, having taken hundreds of photographs and chronicling his adventures in a diary for over 20 years. Brain Haulage Ltd tells the history of Brain and the container revolution as well as the story of Charles Brain; from his early years working for the L.M.S. Railway at Camden Town, to his time in the R.A.F. during the second world war, to eventually starting his own haulage company. The rest of the story is from Peter's own diary and the many ex-drivers and Brains staff he worked with over the years. Including over 300 previously unpublished photographs Brain Haulage Ltd is a unique book, ideal for anyone interested in containers and their revolution, as well as road transport and haulage trade enthusiasts.
Discover new and unheard-of facts about Hollywood’s coolest car guy: Steve McQueen!<p>Steve McQueen touched the world through his larger-than-life onscreen persona portraying characters that were flawed and realistic. He played his roles to perfection due to his own imperfections and the bitter realism of his early life. As he once said, he had seemingly lived an entire lifetime before his 18th birthday, all of which shines through in his signature blue-eyed icy stares.<p>His legacy on film was cemented with <i>Bullitt</i> and <i>Le Mans</i>–the first made him an international superstar, while the latter nearly bankrupted and killed him. Today, they’re among his most popular films. He held nothing back on screen or in life, and today he is remembered and revered not only for his acting but for his racing prowess and the world-class automobile and motorcycle collection he amassed in a relatively short amount of time.<p>Vehicles once owned, driven, or raced by «The King of Cool» habitually sell for double or triple what their provenance-lacking counterparts do. Ask any 25-year-old car or motorcycle nut born more than a decade after his death who Steve McQueen is, and they’ll immediately recognize the collector and racer but make no mention of the actor. Author Tyler Greenblatt has waded through the plethora of information available to compile 1,001 of the most interesting Steve McQueen facts in this cumulative volume that is sure to keep fans of the actor, racer, and collector enthralled for hours.
Erdgas, Flüssiggas, Biodiesel, Pflanzenöl, Ethanol, Wasserstoff, Strom – bei jedem dieser so genannten Alternativkraftstoffe gibt es ein Für und Wider. Die Auswahl, welche Antriebstechnik im jeweiligen Fall die richtige ist, fällt vielen Autofahrern schwer. Deswegen gibt es jetzt diesen Ratgeber. Mit Hilfe dieses Buches kann jeder Fahrzeughalter selbst entscheiden, womit er – oder sie – am besten fährt. In diesem Buch werden alle heute ernsthaft in Frage kommenden Alternativkraftstoffe detailliert erläutert. Dipl.-Ing. Sven Geitmann erklärt auf leicht verständlich Art die innovativen Antriebstechniken und informiert über die Vor- und Nachteile alternativer Technologien, sei es bei Gasfahrzeugen oder Elektroautos. Angesichts gravierender Umweltverschmutzungen durch die Ölförderung zeigt dieser Ratgeber ganz aktuell, wie Geld gespart und gleichzeitig die Natur geschont werden kann. Das Buch eignet sich somit nicht nur für Technik-Freaks oder umweltbewusste Autofahrer, sondern für alle, die bei Themen wie Ölpreiserhöhungen, Fahrzeugumrüstung und Elektromobilität mitreden wollen.
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