Renegade Revolutionary. Phillip Papas

Историческая литература.

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Renegade Revolutionary

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781479811793

Автор произведения Phillip Papas

Жанр Историческая литература


Издательство Ingram

Honorable Mention for the 2015 Book Award from the American Revolution Round Table of Richmond Honorable Mention for the 2015 Fraunces Tavern Museum Book Award InNovember 1774, a pamphlet to the “People of America” was published inPhiladelphia and London. It forcefully articulated American rights andliberties and argued that the Americans needed to declare their independencefrom Britain. The author of this pamphlet was Charles Lee, a former Britisharmy officer turned revolutionary, who was one of the earliest advocates forAmerican independence. Lee fought on and off the battlefield for expandeddemocracy, freedom of conscience, individual liberties, human rights, and forthe formal education of women. Renegade Revolutionary: The Life ofGeneral Charles Lee is a vivid new portrait of one of the most complex and controversial of theAmerican revolutionaries. Lee’s erratic behavior and comportment, his captureand more than one year imprisonment by the British, and his court martial afterthe battle of Monmouth in 1778 have dominated his place in the historiographyof the American Revolution. This book retells the story of a man who had beendismissed by contemporaries and by history. Few American revolutionaries sharedhis radical political outlook, his cross-cultural experiences, hiscosmopolitanism, and his confidence that the American Revolution could be wonprimarily by the militia (or irregulars) rather than a centralized regulararmy. By studying Lee’s life, his political and military ideas, and his styleof leadership, we gain new insights into the way the American revolutionariesfought and won their independence from Britain.