The Thesmophoriazusae (Or The Women's Festival). Aristophanes

Зарубежная драматургия.

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The Thesmophoriazusae (Or The Women's Festival)

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781420900392

Автор произведения Aristophanes

Жанр Зарубежная драматургия


Издательство Ingram

Like the 'Lysistrata,' the 'Thesmophoriazusae, or Women's Festival,' and the next following play, the 'Ecclesiazusae, or Women in Council' are comedies in which the fair sex play a great part. In ‘The Thesmophoriazusae’ Euripides is summoned as a notorious woman-hater and detractor of the female sex to appear for trial and judgment before the women of Athens assembled to celebrate the Thesmophoria, a festival held in honour of the goddesses Demeter and Persephone, from which men were rigidly excluded.