Othello. William Shakespeare

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Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781596251014

Автор произведения William Shakespeare

Жанр Античная литература


Издательство Ingram

"Othello" is one of Shakespeare's finest dramas and one of the greatest tragedies ever written. It is the story of its title character, Othello, a Moor general who draws the ire of Iago, his ensign, when he passes him over for a promotion. Othello also makes an enemy of Roderigo, a wealthy gentleman, when he marries his love interest, Desdemona. Iago conspires against Othello by making him believe that his wife has been unfaithful. This deception results in tragedy for all of those involved. «Othello», a tragedy of epic proportions, is one of Shakespeare's best.