Co-Parenting from the Inside Out. Karen L. Kristjanson

Секс и семейная психология.

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Co-Parenting from the Inside Out

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781459740594

Автор произведения Karen L. Kristjanson

Жанр Секс и семейная психология


Издательство Ingram

Only book to focus on co-parents’ real-life stories Provides new possibilities for positive action and the negatives to avoid Only book to offer the broadest perspective on individual situations, including high conflict and collaborative divorces, same gender break-ups, the impact of mental health challenges in a parent, and more Outlines the similarities and differences in the mothers’ and fathers’ perspectives on co-parenting Practical strategies and exercises for decision-making Increases confidence in the parents’ and children’s futures Value of co-parenting in divorce and separation