The Man Who Was Not. John Russell Fearn

Зарубежные детективы.

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The Man Who Was Not

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781434437297

Автор произведения John Russell Fearn

Жанр Зарубежные детективы


Издательство Ingram

Gerald Dawson was the first to die—in an apparent road accident. But when other members of his family receive mysterious telephone calls informing them of their own imminent demise, and the predictions come true, Scotland Yard soon realizes that a serial killer is at work. Baffled, the police call in Dr. Sawley Garson, a specialist in scientific puzzles. But can even he save the few remaining Dawsons from the cunning killer—a man who appears not to exist? Another classic «impossible crime» novel from a master storyteller.