Chernobyl. Ilinda Markova


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Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781925993134

Автор произведения Ilinda Markova

Жанр Развлечения


Издательство Ingram

Arising from the ashes of Chernobyl like a phoenix is a beautiful, tragic and very strange love. <br />A Romeo and Juliet story in the wake of the monstrous nuclear disaster. <br />By a beautiful lake is situated the Home for children affected by the devastating radioactive explosion. Rob, one of its inhabitants, is a boy deeply scarred by his hatred for people. All this has to change when he meets the charming dwarf-like extraterrestrial Kissy. <br />Kissy is a messenger of the planet Skipo assigned to cleanse the Earth and thus eradicate mankind. Designed as a killing machine Kissy starts malfunctioning as she develops feelings like friendship and love for Rob. <br />Weird characters, unusual friendships, love, horror.