With its assessment and linking of study reports into a coherent narrative, this book accurately describes the technological and economic opportunities of nanotechnology in all important sectors of industry affected. As such, it provides an in depth-analysis within the context of product groups and lead markets on the international level, with the focus on Germany. Much cited internationally, Gerd Bachmann applies a so-called method mix to avoid the weaknesses of other studies conducted purely using quantitative research methods, which leave too many white spots to enable an accurate analysis. Also includes proofs for market potential based on patent data.
Die Mikrosystemtechnik (MST) stellt bereits heute einen wichtigen wirtschaftlichen Faktor fur zahlreiche Industrieunternehmen dar. Mit der MST verbinden sich sehr gro?e Erwartungen, da? auch die nahe Zukunft ma?gebliche Innovationen, neue Technologien und vor allem darauf basierende, neue kommerzielle Produkte hervorbringen wird. Ausgehend von kombinierten elektronischen, mechanischen oder chemischen Mikrokomponenten wie Elektronik, Sensoren, Aktoren, autarken Energieversorgungen sind Anwendungen denkbar in Produktion, Kommunikation, Datenverarbeitung, Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Medizin und Weltraumforschung bis hin zu kompletten miniaturisierten chemischen Produktionsanlagen, autarken, mobilen und selbsttatigen Analysesystemen, Miniatursatelliten, Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen oder eine umweltfreundliche Einweg-Mikrosystemtechnik auf der Basis von Polymeren. Wohin genau aber soll die Forschung und Entwicklung gehen? Mit welcher Art Produkt konnen die aufgewandten Geldmittel gerechtfertigt werden? Wo genau liegen die zu erschlie?enden Wachstumsmarkte? Wie konnen Forschungsinstitutionen, Unternehmen und Projekttrager erfolgreich sein und in der globalen Wirtschaft konkurrieren? Nur zielstrebige, uberlegte F & E Strategien garantieren das Uberleben von Unternehmen und die Technologiefuhrerschaft unter den Nationen. Von ganz wesentlicher Bedeutung ist daher die moglichst zuverlassige Beantwortung der Frage, in welche Richtungen sich die MST entwickeln wird, und mit welchen Technologien und Produkten kommerzielle Erfolge erzielt werden konnen. Dieses Buch widmet sich ausfuhrlich diesem Thema, und liefert mit der Auswertung der bisher gro?ten und detailliertesten Studie zur MST unverzichtbare Informationen fur Forschung, Industrie, Investoren und Berater zugleich, die alle fur die Zukunft der MST eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dabei werden zehn wichtige Zukunftsfelder mit modernsten mathematischen und statistischen Auswertungsverfahren identifiziert, herausgearbeitet und fur die Leser klar dargestellt.
Two exciting worlds of science and technology – the nano and micro dimensions. The former is a booming new field of research, the latter the established size range for electronics, and for mutual technological benefit and future commercialization, suitable junctions need to be found. Functional nanostructures such as DNA computers, sensors, neural interfaces, nanooptics or molecular electronics need to be wired to their 'bigger' surroundings. Coming from the opposite direction, microelectronics have experienced an unprecedented miniaturization drive in the last decade, pushing ever further down through the micro size scale towards submicron circuitry. Bringing these two worlds together is a new interdisciplinary challenge for scientists and engineers alike – recognized and substantially funded by the European Commission and other major project initiators worldwide. This book offers a wide range of information from technologies to materials and devices as well as from research to administrative know-how collected by the editors from renowned key members of the nano/micro community.
Controlling the properties of materials by modifying their composition and by manipulating the arrangement of atoms and molecules is a dream that can be achieved by nanotechnology. As one of the fastest developing and innovative – as well as well-funded – fields in science, nanotechnology has already significantly changed the research landscape in chemistry, materials science, and physics, with numerous applications in consumer products, such as sunscreens and water-repellent clothes. It is also thanks to this multidisciplinary field that flat panel displays, highly efficient solar cells, and new biological imaging techniques have become reality. This second, enlarged edition has been fully updated to address the rapid progress made within this field in recent years. Internationally recognized experts provide comprehensive, first-hand information, resulting in an overview of the entire nano-micro world. In so doing, they cover aspects of funding and commercialization, the manufacture and future applications of nanomaterials, the fundamentals of nanostructures leading to macroscale objects as well as the ongoing miniaturization toward the nanoscale domain. Along the way, the authors explain the effects occurring at the nanoscale and the nanotechnological characterization techniques. An additional topic on the role of nanotechnology in energy and mobility covers the challenge of developing materials and devices, such as electrodes and membrane materials for fuel cells and catalysts for sustainable transportation. Also new to this edition are the latest figures for funding, investments, and commercialization prospects, as well as recent research programs and organizations.